Wen Nanzhi always wondered how Gong Shen would react after he knew about Lin Wanxin.

Although there is evidence, she is still afraid of Gong Shen. She thinks she is deliberately framing Lin Wanxin.

Gong Shen knows many things, but he favors Lin Wanxin in many things.

It made her scared and sad.

"Miss Wen, we're here to take you for an examination."

Suddenly, three doctors with masks came into the ward.

"But... Can you wait a minute? I want to go together when Uncle Zhong comes." Wen Nanzhi propped up his body.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wen, you need to queue up for inspection, so you can't let others wait because of you."

The three doctors came forward recklessly and directly dragged Wen Nan Zhi down from the bed.

Wen Nanzhi felt a pain in her arm. When she looked down, she saw a small needle stuck in her skin.

In an instant, Wennan Zhizhi was weak.

Although her eyes were open, her limbs hung down and the three doctors with masks pushed out of the ward.

The guard at the door saw that it was the doctor and let him go.

She moved her frightened eyes and tried to do it, but she felt that her limbs were not her own.

She could only watch herself pushed into the elevator and the people behind her pressed the button on the top floor.


Uncle Zhong took the kettle into the ward, but found that Wennan Zhizhi was missing. He found that there seemed to be signs of struggle on the bed.

Uncle Zhong frowns. Just as he turns to go out and ask questions, Gu Yanyi and the nurse come in with a wheelchair.

"Uncle Zhong, what's the matter? Where's Nanzhi? I'll take her for an examination."

Uncle Zhong had a bad feeling. He went to the guard outside the door.

"What about Miss Nanzhi?"

The foreign man was stunned. When he entered the door, he found no one on the bed. When he saw Gu Yanyi pushing his wheelchair, he immediately realized what had happened.

"My God! Three doctors came to pick her up."

Gu Yanyi immediately put away the gentle doctor's appearance and looked cold.

"I think Mr. Gu will be more angry if he knows you are so incompetent!"

"Sorry." the two men immediately lowered their heads.

"Go find it!" Gu Yanyi pointed out the door.

The two foreign men could only run out in a hurry.

Gu Yanyi directs the nurse behind him to summon the people to find Wen Nanzhi.

Then he rushed out himself, but just met Gong Shen and Jin Wang.

"What's the matter?" Gong Shen glanced at the crowd and directly kicked open the door of the sick room.

Gong Shen saw that Wen Nan Zhi was not in bed and that everyone else was looking at the dishes, so he knew that something had happened to Wen Nan Zhi.

Gong Shen went to the bed and stepped on something on the ground.

When I picked it up, I found it was a thin needle.

Gu Yanyi immediately took over to check, "what else has been added to the tranquilizer? We can only wait for the test."

Gong Shen looked around. The whole person was like a burning flame. No one could get close to him.

Find the foreign man who came back and report alternately.

"There is no trace of the three doctors downstairs. They can't walk so fast with a patient!"

"If it's not downstairs, it's... Upstairs."

Gong Shen's dark eyes lifted slightly, and the condensed killing intention overflowed his eyes and spread to the surrounding.

He took Jin Wang directly to the top floor.

As soon as I stepped on the roof, I saw three men wearing masks arguing about something.

"You push! I'll do this again."

"Big brother told you to deal with it!"

While arguing, the three pushed the wheelchair at hand.

Gong Shen watched Wen Nanzhi hovering back and forth on the edge of the roof in a wheelchair.

Wen Nanzhi is like a string puppet, with her limbs hanging around. She may fall upstairs because of an action of the three men anytime and anywhere.

"Let her go!" Gong Shen roared.

When the three men saw Gong Shen, they exchanged their eyes, and the three immediately took out a dagger from their pocket.

"Mind your own business!"

The three men thought they were more than enough to deal with Gong Shen and Jin Wang.

But I didn't expect a gentle assistant. They all deal with it very hard.

After being hit hard for a few times, they immediately realized that the assistant was a cover. They were good at it and could not deal with it at all.

In addition to a palace sink, they can only delay.

The three of them are ready to deal with Gong Shen together. One of them also attacked and scratched Gong Shen.

Gong CHENFENG's eyes narrowed, showing uncontrollable anger.

He took off his clothes and directly twisted off the arm of his attacker.

"Ah!" the man shouted.

The other two saw that the momentum was wrong, ran directly to Wen Nanzhi's wheelchair, kicked the wheelchair, and the wheelchair slid along the roof to the outside of the roof.

Wen Nanzhi can see everything, but she can't stop it. She can only close her eyes to meet her disappointment.

If you fall from dozens of floors, you can't die.


Wen Nanzhi groaned and felt that his wrist seemed to restore his intuition and hurt a little.

She looked up and saw Gong Shen lying on the ground holding her hand.

But her hand didn't have any strength. Just by holding it, her body kept sliding down.

She was really afraid, afraid of death, afraid of everything.

She looked at Gong Shen with tears in her eyes and saw that his hands were stained with blood, so the greasy feeling of the blood on his palms slowly began to separate their hands.

"You... You... Palace..." Wen Nanzhi said very hard.

Gong Shen glared at her, "hold on! Do I allow you to die? Hold on to me, you know!"

"I, I'm afraid." Wen Nanzhi tried again and again, but she really couldn't use her strength.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not here! You dare die. I'll call your mother and the whole Wen family to be buried!"

"Woo..." Wen Nanzhi was frightened and cried.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Jin Wang got rid of the delay of the three people and grabbed Wen Nanzhi's wrist.

"Mr. Gong, it's really not so comforting." Jin Wang heard clearly when he stood behind.

According to Gong Shen's words, they can scare others to death.

The two men pulled Wennan Zhizhi up together. Wennan Zhizhi lay powerlessly in Gong Shen's arms and felt like he had found a backer and was finally safe.

Gu Yanyi also rushed up to check Gong Shen and Wen Nanzhi.

"I went after them just now. These three people were so good at running that they ran away."

"See how she is first." Gong Shen covers his wound and doesn't care.

Gu Yanyi checked Wen Nanzhi's limbs and eyes to determine her condition.

"A small amount of muscle relaxation medicine is added to the tranquilizer. It will be better after the effect is over."

With that, Gu Yanyi was relieved.

Wen Nanzhi's fingers began to recover some strength. She hung her fingers around Gong Shen's trouser bag, as if she were frozen there.

She was just afraid and instinctively wanted to find someone who made her feel safe.

Gong Shen was helpless. Regardless of his wound, he picked up Wen Nanzhi and went downstairs.

Finally, I treated my wound. At that time, the circle around my waist was covered with blood.


Wen Nanzhi narrowly escaped death. After an examination in the hospital, he was taken back to Gong's house by Gong Shen.

Originally surrounded by people, Wennan Zhizhi can still face everything calmly.

But late at night, as soon as she closed her eyes, she was in the abyss and felt that she was falling.

She immediately opened her eyes and burst into cold sweat. She turned on the light and stared at everything around her. It seemed that she demonized all the places she could see.

In her eyes, there was nothing but horror.

Especially when the door was suddenly pushed open, she was like a frightened bird, pulling the quilt against the wall and shrinking.

Gong Shen stood at the door and glanced at her. He knew it would be like this.

After closing the door, Gong Shen lay on the mattress.

"Don't you sleep?" Gong Shen closed his eyes. His slender eyelashes trembled slightly, but it made Wennan Zhizhi feel more at ease.

Wen Nanzhi carefully lay down beside Gong Shen.

Gong Shen opened the quilt and approached Wennan orange.

Wen Nan Zhi's hand touched the band of his nightgown and she squeezed it tightly.

It looks like Wen Nanzhi is looking for safety, but in fact, Gong Shen can't sleep upstairs. Even closing his eyes can't be stable.

There was only one thought in his mind. He could calm down by staring at Wen Nanzhi.

So he came down and lay here.

Wen Nanzhi also closed her eyes wearily beside him. Her sleeping position has always been curled up, like a defensive position.

It was the first time she fell asleep facing him.

He seemed to be bewitched by her innocence, stretched out his hand and touched her cheek, and she leaned close to his arms.

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