Gu Yanyi suddenly calls Ling Ling and says Qin sang wants to see him.

Wen Nanzhi and Min Yue were very nervous.

"What will it be?" Wen Nanzhi began to feel uneasy vaguely.

As a result, Wen Nanzhi's stomach growled because he didn't eat.

In this way, the tension suddenly relaxed.

"Hehe, Nanzhi, you are too anxious for me. Is there any food here? I'll cook some." Min Yue got up and asked.

Ling Ling hurried out and pointed to the kitchen refrigerator.

But when Ling Ling came to the door, he ran back.

"Min Yue, if you don't have anything, don't go out. It's nothing during the day. It's best not at night."

"What's the matter?" Wen Nanzhi doubtfully pointed to the direction of the opposite door, "is there anyone living?"

"Gu, Mr. Gu, live there. Don't ask me why he lives here. I don't know. I feel that he probably lived here just to fix me." Ling Ling shook his head.

Min Yue was so frightened that he couldn't stand still. "Mr. Gu? Will I... Be found?"

"Min Yue, don't worry, isn't there a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest? No one will know you're here." Ling zero confirmed.

Wen Nanzhi also comforted, "indeed, Ling Ling's address is not here. We can't find it here if we want to check the two of us. Moreover, Mr. Gu goes to work on time every day. He is right in front of us. If there is a problem, we can inform you in advance."

"OK, please." Min Yue was relieved at last.

Ling Ling ran away from the house.

Min Yue's hands and feet were quick, and he quickly prepared two dishes and one soup. The room was full of fragrance.

"Min Yue, you're really good. Although I can do it, I don't have all the colors and flavors like you."

"If you are locked up in the house for several years, you can learn anything." Min Yue smiled bitterly.

Wen Nanzhi immediately raised her hand to let Min Yue stop talking. She carefully walked to the door of Ling Xiaoxi's room and knocked several times.

"Brook, are you hungry? Do you need something to eat?"

After shouting for a while, Ling Xiaoxi ignored her.

Wen Nanzhi opened a crack in the door and found Ling Xiaoxi lying in bed and asleep.

She closed the door, went to the kitchen and closed it.

There is a small bar in this kitchen, just enough for two people to sit down and eat.

"Min Yue, Mr. Gong told me something, but I don't think it's comprehensive. I still want to hear your thoughts."

Min Yue ate a meal. "My brother is the one who bumped into Luo Shiqing, but my brother died and didn't even have a whole body. I'll never forget that when the police asked me to identify the body, my brother was left... Half a face can see. When he went out in the morning, he smiled and told me to see you again."

I heard that Wen Nanzhi stared at the delicious food and couldn't eat any more. It seemed that he was also in the cold morgue.

"On Christmas Eve that day, when my brother went out, he said that he would do an important thing today. If it was successful, he would tell me immediately." Min Yue wiped his tears. "I remember that I received a call from my brother just after class. He said that he proposed successfully. On Christmas Eve, he would bring his fiancee home for dinner and introduce it to us. Is it all very beautiful?"

Min Yue looks at Wen Nan Zhi.

Wen Nanzhi must be very sad to know that she mentioned it again. She can only pour her a glass of water to calm her down.

"Is your brother and fiancee dead?" Wen Nanzhi asked hard.

Min Yue shook his head. "There was only my brother at the scene. My brother said he was going to pick up his fiancee. There might be a car accident before he received it. Then he never saw his fiancee again. She doesn't matter."

"Why doesn't it matter? She is your brother's fiancee. Your brother is dead. Didn't you attend the funeral?" Wen Nanzhi was a little angry.

"No, I don't want to mention her." Min Yue's attitude became very indifferent.

Wen Nanzhi thought that as a fiancee, she was so ruthless, so Min Yue was so dissatisfied, so she didn't ask.

"I feel very guilty, so I went to take care of Luo Shiqing. Luo Shiqing asked us for unbearable compensation. I still remember what she said." Min Yue stared at Wen Nanzhi and his eyes became particularly terrible. "If you can't afford to pay, sell your brother's company."

"Eh? How did she..." Wen Nanzhi just wanted to interrupt Min Yue, but Min Yue entered the role, which was difficult to extricate himself.

"That's my brother's hard work. How can I sell it? Qin sang helped Luo Shiqing oppress my family and killed my family. My father was so angry that he didn't even attend my brother's funeral on his way abroad. I lost all my relatives and had to take care of Luo Shiqing like a maid."

Min Yue clenched his hands into fists and clenched his teeth.

"Min Yue, it's all right. Don't worry." Wen Nanzhi patted Min Yue on the shoulder.

Min Yue covered his face with his hands and sobbed in pain.

"Luo Shiqing has heart disease and needs to change her heart. All tragedies begin here..."

When Min Yue said the heart, what he said behind was similar to Gong Shen.

Desperate Luo Shiqing holds Min Yue and uses Qin Sang's feelings for her to imprison Min Yue.

"At the beginning, I experienced a lot. I really feel that life is better than death. Can you understand Nanzhi?" Min Yue looked at Wen Nanzhi rigidly, "but... I am a person and he is also a person. From the beginning of torture, I can say a few words, and then... Am I wrong?"

Wen Nanzhi was stunned at first, but she could understand this sense of dependence.

"I know how you feel, but it's not a mistake. Mr. Qin sang doesn't intend to force you to commit suicide. He wants to find another heart source, and he doesn't want to hurt you." Wen Nanzhi holds Min Yue's hand. "Maybe Mr. Qin sang has feelings for you, too?"

"Really?" Min Yue looked at Wen Nanzhi in surprise. "I don't expect Qin sang to like me. His feelings for Luo Shiqing are unshakable."

"Well, since there is a glimmer of vitality, let's not say such discouraged words. You can keep your body healthy and eat more. Don't you want to give birth to a child and treat the disease?" Wen Nanzhi enlightened Min Yue.

Min Yue nodded and raised his job. "Sorry to waste your time, you can have some."

Wen Nanzhi ate a few mouthfuls of rice and began to wonder, "I don't know what happened to Ling Ling?"


Ling Ling hurried to the hospital. As soon as he entered Gu Yanyi's office, he saw Qin sang on the sofa.

Qin sang stood up when he saw him. "Hello, I'm Qin sang."

Ling Ling looked at Qin sang suspiciously. He looked at the man who let Min Yue take risks.

Qin sang is very handsome. He is the kind of man who feels noble at a glance. The colder his character looks, the harder it is to get close, but the more people want to get close.

No wonder Min Yue is willing to risk his life and death and also wants to protect Qin Sang's children.

But he didn't understand. What did Qin sang ask him for?

Did... Find Min Yue at his house?

Ling Ling couldn't help getting nervous. "Qin, Mr. Qin, are you looking for me? What's the matter?"

"How much do you want?" Qin sang said coldly.

"What? What money?" Ling Ling took a step back in amazement.

"Your sister's heart, give it to me. You can pay as much as you want." Qin sang said hard.

Ling Ling stopped Qin sang who was close to him. "I don't want money. I just want my sister's life!"

"Bastard!" Ling Ling's parents rushed in and immediately pushed Ling away. "Yes, yes, we want money."

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing?" Ling Ling dragged her mother Guo Ying.

Guo Ying straightened her eyes and stared at Ling Ling. "What are you talking about? Why don't you want the money that fell from the sky? Money! It's all money! Of course you want money!"

"Are you crazy? Xiaoxi is only 19 years old. She can start her life right away. You don't care about her. Don't even want her life now?" Ling Ling stared at her parents angrily.

"If you have money, what can't you do?" Guo Ying slapped Ling Ling.

"Since the parents are here, let's talk about a number." Qin sang asked expressionless.

"I don't want money! I don't want money!" Ling Ling shouted.

Guo Yingqi ran over and slapped Ling Ling.

"Stop it! This is the hospital!" Gu Yanyi couldn't look down and directly pulled over Ling Ling, who was beaten with a swollen face.

Ling Ling pointed to Qin sang and cursed, "you are good or bad! Your wife's life is life, isn't it? Doesn't anyone else matter? I think your wife has no luck! A group of shameless people! You asked my parents to pressure me!"

Qin Sang was unmoved. "How much is it? Say!"

"Get out!" Ling Ling slammed the door and left.

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