Ling Ling entered the restaurant first, so he chose a place where he could see Lin Wanxin and Chu Sixue.

But it should be impossible to hear the sound.

The more expensive the restaurant is, in order to ensure the quality of service, the number of tables in the restaurant cannot be large.

"What a pity." Ling Ling took out his ears.

Wen Nanzhi also felt pity. If she couldn't hear the voice, she couldn't know what Chu Sixue and Lin Wanxin were discussing.

So she and Ling Ling can only stare at the two women not far away very seriously.

After ordering, Gu Yanyi looked at them and smiled. "You're too suspicious. Relax. In fact, they don't look the same. Try to interpret their expressions."

Wen Nanzhi immediately raised his head and found that the people around him seemed to sweep at her and Ling Ling intentionally or unintentionally.

It's really strange that they look sneaky.

"Doctor Gu, I'm sorry to cost you." Wen Nanzhi thanked.

"You're welcome. You should have been touched by Ling Ling. When Qin sang came to me today, I should have refused, but in the end, Ling Ling was in such a difficult situation." Gu Yanyi spoke gently, and even apologized very modestly.

Ling Ling smiled helplessly, "let doctor Gu see a joke. Just forget about my parents. I won't agree to Mr. Qin Sang's request."

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor, not a businessman, and I won't mess around. The donor's health has suddenly deteriorated. The hospital has told his family that there is no need for treatment. Now the donor just wants to go through the last period of time safely. According to his current condition, it will be the end of the month at the latest. There are others who will be donated. The donor is a very good little girl."

Gu Yanyi seemed to be taking a stand, so he made it clear about the donor.

"Thank you, doctor Gu. It really bothers you." Ling Ling seems relieved.

"You're welcome. Let me help you understand the current situation of Lin Wanxin and Chu Sixue." Gu Yanyi pretends to eat, but looks at Chu Sixue and Lin Wanxin.

Wen Nanzhi said strangely, "doctor Gu, can you read lips?"

"Nanzhi, you really think highly of me. I won't. But you have studied psychology and micro expression abroad. In fact, people's expression is sometimes talking. For example, now Lin Wanxin looks tough and should be questioning Chu Sixue about something. Chu Sixue's eyes are staring at Lin Wanxin, and his thumb and index finger involuntarily twist. This is thinking about what to lie."

Gu Yanyi made it clear easily.

"Ah? Doctor Gu, don't you mean you're lying if you look into each other's eyes?" Wen Nanzhi looked at Gu Yanyi with a little admiration.

Gu Yanyi smiles like the spring breeze, calm and comfortable.

"Nanzhi, this is only the lowest way to escape, but the person who really wants to lie will look into each other's eyes and show her sincerity. In fact, she is looking at whether the other party has observed her flaws. There are many finger movements, but they are all subconscious behaviors of people, which can be used as a textual research of brain bag thinking. Chu Sixue said that she did not lie in all her behaviors, but when she opened it The mouth, the body fell back, this is her own denial of her words. "

After listening, Wen Nanzhi finds that Gu Yanyi is right. Chu Sixue seems to be repeating these actions all the time. Although her eyes are direct, all the actions are with hesitation and self denial.

"Doctor Gu, you're great." Wen Nanzhi looked at Gu Yanyi admiringly.

"I can only do so much. I can't guess what they say, but now they must have differences."

Gu Yanyi likes Wen Nanzhi's eyes very much. The candlelight on the table shows her snow-white skin and faints a little red. Her round eyes shake the candlelight, looking very simple and simple.

"Nanzhi, if you like it, I'll teach you later?" Gu Yanyi asked intentionally or unintentionally.

Wen Nanzhi nodded seriously, "really? I can learn it, too?"

"You have the ability to never forget, which we can't catch up with. It should be easy for you," Gu Yanyi said.

Ling Ling looks at the two people in front of him. What's this picture?

He raised his hand and waved, "you two want to worship the teacher. Wait first."

Wen Nanzhi regained consciousness and looked at Lin Wanxin and Chu Sixue not far away.

"Dr. Gu, their faces look a lot easier now." Wen Nanzhi found that they seemed to smile at each other.

Gu Yanyi's face changed and his soft cheeks suddenly became stiff.

Especially when they saw Lin Wanxin raising his glass to Chu Sixue, they tinkled, as if they had reached a certain consensus.

Wen Nanzhi and Ling Ling, who don't even understand anything, can see that the two women may have formed an alliance.

"The current situation is not very good. You two had better stay away from them." Gu Yanyi also opened his mouth worried.

Gu Yanyi pays the money, then pulls Wen Nanzhi up and leaves.

Ling Ling had no choice but to leave the restaurant.

As soon as the three people went out, they saw Chu Sixue and Lin Wanxin leave the restaurant one after another.

"Nanzhi, let me ask you something. Who else knows about Min Yue?" Gu Yanyi asked seriously.

Wen Nanzhi looked at Ling Ling and knew he couldn't hide it. He could only point to Chu Sixue on the bus, "Chu assistant also knew. Doctor Gu, do you think she would tell Mr. Gong?"

"It may not be difficult to tell Gong Shen. I'm afraid she wants to use it to embarrass everyone. How can you tell Gong Shen to choose? One side is you and the other is his best friend Qin sang. Gong Shen is suspicious. It's not a good start if you hide it from him."

Gu Yanyi began to worry about the safety of Wennan orange.

Wen Nanzhi bit his teeth, "I'm not afraid. I can't let Min Yue go."

"Yes, it's a big deal to push everything on me. I'm a big man with rough skin and thick flesh. I'm not afraid of anything." Ling Ling blocks Wen Nanzhi.

"Both of you have a bad life. Why do you want to meddle in other people's affairs?" Gu Yanyi looked at the two people puzzled.

Wen Nan Zhi doesn't know how to explain.

Ling Ling said helplessly, "maybe you are used to living well, so you can't understand what it feels like for others to live badly. No one will help us. If we don't help Min Yue, there will be more people like us in the world."

Wen Nanzhi looks at Ling Ling sadly. She really wants to help Min Yue, but she doesn't want Min Yue to become like herself.

"I see. I'll take you back." Gu Yanyi saw that Wen Nanzhi's eyes were red and knew that she had been living a bad life.

Ling Ling shook his head. "No, doctor Gu, please send Nanzhi back. I'll just go back myself."

With that, Ling Ling jumped on the bus and left.

Wen Nanzhi followed Gu Yanyi into his car. "Doctor Gu, just take me to the door of the community."

"Did you sink out without telling Gong?" Gu Yanyi guessed.

Wen Nan Zhi nodded wordlessly.

Gu Yanyi was speechless along the way. Gu Yanyi wanted to ask Wen Nanzhi about his recent situation several times, but finally resisted.

Outside the community gate, Gu Yanyi puts down the window and stares at Wen Nanzhi's back.

"Nanzhi, if you have anything, can you talk to me?"

"Doctor Gu..."

"Good night." Gu Yanyi smiled and drove away. He seemed to feel his heart trying to cross the border.


Wen Nanzhi looked at the time. It wasn't too late. It shouldn't attract Gong Shen's attention.

She quickly went upstairs, but saw Uncle Zhong standing at the door of the study on the second floor.

"Miss Nanzhi, are you back?" Uncle Zhong looked at Wen Nanzhi anxiously. "Mr. Gong is waiting for you inside."

Wen Nanzhi smiled foolishly, "OK."

She followed Uncle Zhong into the study and saw Gong Shen lowering his head to deal with the documents in hand, turning quickly page by page. She seemed to be a little impatient.

She stared at the signature pen in Gong Shen's hand, and her heart couldn't help floating with the scribbled strokes.

"Mr. Gong?"

"Where have you been?" Gong Shen's cold, low voice sounded.

"I'll go to warm..." Wen Nan Zhi shuddered and explained.

"I ask where you've been!" Gong Shen tightened his fingers and slowly changed the shape of the signing pen in his hand.

Uncle Zhong came forward and reminded, "miss Nanzhi, you go to Wen's house without saying a word. Mr. Gong is worried that you will be bullied by Wen's people, so Mr. Gong went to pick you up."

Pick her up, pick her up?

She pinched her skirt with her hands in fear.

So Gong Chen knows she lied to him?

"I went early, and then came back." she didn't dare to tell the truth, so she could only continue to tell a lie.

"Keep talking! Keep lying to me!" Gong Shen suddenly stood up and pressed Wennan Zhizhi, "your mother said you didn't go back at all!"

"My mother? No, not..."

Wen Nanzhi widened his eyes and looked at Gong Shen in disbelief. Taking advantage of the situation, he touched the mobile phone he put in his pocket.

She clearly sent a message to Jiang Yun, just in case Gong Shen would ask her, and specially asked Jiang Yun to help him tell his lie.

How could Jiang Yun say he didn't know?

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