Wen Nanzhi has been quietly listening to the outside in the room, but no one came to her.

Her hands pressed on her chest, and her breathing became heavy in the quiet environment.

"Let me out!" Wen Nanzhi knocked on the door.

But there was still no movement outside.

Wen Nanzhi began to be afraid. Would Gong Shen not come to save her at all?

Thinking, she quickly climbed to the window, but saw Gong Shen walking towards her car.

He just left?

Wen Nanzhi got worried. She looked around and saw only a vase on the low cabinet in the corner of the room.

She immediately picked up the vase, endured the pain of her arm and smashed it out.

With a bang, the vase broke and the window broke.

Ignoring the sharp glass that had not fallen from the window frame, she leaned out of her body.

"Mr. Gong! Mr. Gong! I'm here!"

The people outside the door heard the movement of Wen Nanzhi and immediately opened the door. However, they saw that half of Wen Nanzhi was outside and wanted to pull her in quickly.

"You bitch, I really underestimate you. There are a lot of tricks!"

Wen Nanzhi looked at the people behind her. She had only one chance. She didn't want to be used by Gong Mei, betray Min Yue, or threaten Gong Shen.

She looked at the location on the second floor and found a bush below.

"Don't come here! Just jump down!" Wen Nanzhi raised his hand to stop them from approaching him.

But they continue to approach Wennan orange step by step.

Wen Nanzhi found that they were not afraid of themselves, so they had to move their bodies outside.

"Ah!" she was stabbed by the glass. When her hand hurt, she instinctively loosened the window frame and directly planted out.

But she didn't feel any pain. It seemed that the trees below were luxuriant.

She eased her breathing, but she heard another rough gasp.

The back of her hand itched and felt something dripping on her hand. She opened her eyes and found that she was caught by Gong Shen, and a lot of sweat dripping from Gong Shen's forehead.

"Mr. Gong, it's good to see you." Wen Nanzhi choked and put out his hand to hold Gong Shen.

Gong Mei hurried in displeasure. Seeing this scene, she stared angrily at her own people upstairs.

Gong Shen took a deep breath and calmed his beating heart. He turned around with Wen Nanzhi and looked at Gong Mei.

"Since my aunt doesn't have my baby here, I think my wife can take it away?"

Gong Mei was silent and unhappy, and glanced over her face.

This Wennan orange really doesn't kill.

"Go slowly."

"I made a concession before. My aunt didn't seem very satisfied with my proposal, so I had to do things according to my own ideas. My aunt should take care of herself." Gong Shen warned and directly got on the car with Wen Nanzhi.

Wen Nanzhi had been buried in the palace and didn't dare to look up at other places. She was afraid that all this was false.

As a result, after smelling Gong Shen's breath, his nerve loosened and closed his eyes in Gong Shen's arms.

Gong Mei watched Gong Shen's car leave and threw the fan in her hand.

"A bunch of useless things!"

"Boss, I'm sorry. We didn't see it."

"Go and follow Wen Nanzhi and Ling Ling, the one beside her. This must have something to do with them. If Wen Nanzhi knows that I know about Min Yue, she will go to make sure that Min Yue is safe and take the opportunity to give it to me... Be clean! If there is another accident, don't come back to me!"



When Wen Nanzhi hasn't determined that Min Yue is safe, Ling Ling has run back. Seeing that Min Yue is safe, he immediately took Ling Xiaoxi and Min Yue who just woke up to Gu'an's house next door.

Min Yue saw Ling Ling in a panic and knew that something must have happened.

"Ling Ling, is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." Ling Ling stammered.

"Then why should we come to Mr. Gu's house?" Min Yue approached Ling Ling.

"In fact, I'm afraid of people coming to check my address, so Mr. Gu asked me to take you here to hide. It'll be right away."

Ling Ling also begged that everything would be safe.

We must bless Gu An and rescue Wennan Zhizhi.

Min Yue thought Ling zero thought Ling Xiaoxi couldn't speak here, so he turned and looked at Ling Xiaoxi.

"Brook, I'm still stewing soup for you in my pot. Go and get it. I'm afraid you can't drink it when it's cold."

"OK." Ling Xiaoxi left the house.

Min Yue solemnly asked Ling Ling, "is something wrong with Nanzhi?"

Ling Ling was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"She, she really had an accident?" Min Yue immediately became worried. "It must be me. I'm so bad. How can you two take risks? It's my bad, my fault."

Ling Ling quickly stopped her from blaming herself. "It's not your fault. What's wrong with you? Nanzhi will be fine. With Mr. Gu and Mr. Gong, she will be safe."

Min Yue stood up and walked out the door, "I'll find Qin sang. As long as I show up, Nanzhi will be fine."

"Are you crazy? Qin sang doesn't want your life now. If you send it to the door, Luo Shiqing will certainly not let you go." Ling zero grabbed Min Yue.

"As long as Nanzhi is OK, I really don't worry. Thank you these days. It's all my fault." Min Yue looked at Ling Ling with red eyes.

Ling Ling struggled in his heart, almost biting his teeth before making a decision.

"Give Luo Shiqing the operation of the brook."

"You're crazy! You and Xiaoxi waited so long to wait for this moment. Xiaoxi is so young. How can you do this?" Min Yue shook off Ling Ling Ling's hand.

"It was because Xiaoxi was young that I was willing to let her go. Doctor Gu also said that Xiaoxi's physical condition is very good now, while Luo Shiqing's situation is on the contrary. She can't wait so long. They want to kill you. I can't see it, and you still... Let me let it go. I can't die." Ling Ling Ling Ling lowered his head and was helpless.

"Ling Ling, don't do this. You have been very kind to me and don't need to sacrifice for me. I won't agree." Min Yue resolutely rejected Ling Ling's decision.

Ling Ling shook his head. "Now only in this way can Qin sang and Luo Shiqing let you go. Xiaoxi and I can wait again. Originally, without the help of doctor Gu, Xiaoxi couldn't have been transplanted so soon. After all, I still owe others."

"Ling Ling..."

"Min Yue, you can also start over. You should have confidence. Nanzhi and I really don't want you to become a person who is powerless like us." Ling zero sighed, and his round eyes were wet.

Min Yue buried his head and cried, "why didn't I know you earlier? Maybe I wouldn't fall so deep."

Ling Ling patted her as if to comfort her.

"Are we all the same? You like Mr. Qin, which can't be changed."

"What if I like it? He took everything from me just to get Le Luo Shiqing."

Min Yue wept quietly, his eyes dropped, stared at his legs, and trembled involuntarily.


In the hospital, Luo Shiqing smashed the ward into a mess, and then cried in Qin Sang's arms.

"Qin sang, I'm sorry. I don't want to do this, but I don't want to die. I'm just with you. Our good time hasn't started yet."

"I know, I won't let you die." Qin Sang's grave safety is Luo Shiqing.

Luo Shiqing held him tightly. "Sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. I know you have nothing to do with Min Yue. Right? Qin sang?"

Qin sangding looked at Luo Shiqing. He didn't know when to start. He and Luo Shiqing had been repeating such things. They were noisy and comforting, tireless, but consumed all their feelings.

He needs to constantly remind himself of his feelings for Luo Shiqing in order to maintain his current calm and tenderness.

"Yes, it doesn't matter." the answer turned into a casual hypnosis.

When he was tired and closed his eyes, he thought of Min Yue dancing quietly in the light.

"Qin sang, our family is really sorry for Luo Shiqing, but I'm not sorry for you. Don't be so bad to me, will you?"

"Qin sang! I'm learning to dance. I can serve Luo Shiqing all my life. You can't break my leg because she can't walk! You're so cruel! Qin sang!"

"Qin sang! You self deceiving liar! Don't you really like me?"

"Min Yue, I'll marry Shiqing tomorrow. I'll give you a chance..."

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin..." the assistant looked at Qin sang in a daze and shouted.

Qin sang immediately regained his mind and looked at Luo Shiqing who had fallen asleep. He was relieved.

"What's up?"

"A little girl said she wanted to see you. She said she knew where Min Yue was."

"Who?" Qin sang hesitated.

"She said her name was Ling Xiaoxi."

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