After sitting in the car, Wen Nanzhi took Jin Wang's paper towel and wiped the corners of her eyes. The whole person shrank in Gong Shen's arms.

Gong Shen suppressed his mood of explosion and treated Wennan Zhizhi with special care.

"Say, what's going on?"

Li Fei, standing outside the door, whispered, "Mr. Gong, it's me. Miss Nanzhi said she wanted to go to the bathroom, but I didn't follow. As a result, an alcoholic almost gave it to..."

"Li Fei! Looking for you to be miss Nanzhi's driver is to let you protect miss Nanzhi. How can you let her go to the bathroom alone in darkness? Can you see what people look like?" Jin Wang scolded Li Fei.

Li Fei was very honest and added: "I didn't see the man clearly. After I kicked him, he ran away. I can smell a strong smell of wine two meters away. I must have drunk a lot."

Wen Nanzhi sucked his nose and shook his head at Gong Shen, "no, he's not an ordinary alcoholic. He... He knows Mr. Gong."

Hearing this, Gong Shen's face became colder and tighter. There were few people who knew him and dared to touch him.

Dare you provoke him like that?

"Stop crying." Gong Shen took a deep breath, comforted Wen Nanzhi with his softest voice for more than 20 years, and then said, "how do you know it's not ordinary people? If you don't want to think about it, don't think about it. Let's go back and don't attend any cocktail party."

Wen Nanzhi was hanging tears. Although she was still terrified, she didn't forget Jin Wang's Chu family background. Since she received the invitation and didn't tell her not to come in advance, it was impolite to go back so rashly.

What's more, Mrs. Gu also came. Her daughter-in-law is always unattractive and can't.

She shook her head and her hands trembled. She pinched her wrists before opening her clenched fist. Inside, there lay a high-grade customized cuff link, with the tip cutting the palm of Wen Nanzhi.

"This is very expensive, isn't it? It's not affordable for ordinary people," Wen Nanzhi explained.

Gong Shen took the cuff link and glanced at it, then put it into Jin Wang's hand. He took out a gray silk handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it into Wen Nanzhi's palm.

Cold sweat mixed with blood soon soaked the handkerchief, but she still couldn't absorb her fear that she couldn't calm down.

Gong Shen stretched out his hand to hold Wennan Zhizhi's shoulder and took her body into his arms.

It's useless to say many words of comfort. She can only comfort her trembling and afraid heart with her hot body.

Wennan Zhizhi stuck to Gong Shen's chest. After calming down gradually, he said, "I'm fine. We can't go."

"Wen Nanzhi, do you remember what I said?" Gong Shen pressed down his eyebrows, and his long eyelashes hung uneasily, hiding his dark eyes and refusing to reveal his uneasy eyes.

"I remember, but I'm not afraid. I'm just not used to it." Wen Nanzhi hugged his body and wanted to suppress the trembling of his body.

"Getting used to danger is not a good thing." Gong Shen regretted slightly.

The two people standing outside the window didn't know what to say.

Jin Wang said seriously, "Mr. Gong, I'll find out about it."

"Don't worry, Mr. Gong. I will never leave Miss Nanzhi in the future." Li Fei promised.

"Don't be so eye-catching. Go and be busy. I'll take her there in ten minutes." Gong Shen closed the window and isolated everything outside the window.

Wen Nanzhi leaned against him motionless, like a wounded rabbit, shrinking in the corner and dared not move.

Gong Shen looked at her with low eyes and said coldly, "where did he touch you?"

Wen Nanzhi suddenly looked up and looked at Gong Shen in disbelief.

"Here?" Gong Shen pinched the clean side of the handkerchief and wiped the lipstick at the corner of Wen Nan Zhi's mouth. His deep eyes were rippling, "what if it can't be cleaned?"

Wen Nanzhi was so frightened that he raised his hand and wanted to wipe it by himself, but Gong Shen held his wrist and pressed it down.

Gong Shen leaned close to Wen Nanzhi, kissed her lips, and teased the place with lipstick, as if it was imprinted.

Wen Nanzhi's back was hot and dry. Gong Shen's suddenly blurred eyes turned Kobe upside down. He wanted to refuse and obey. He was very contradictory in his heart.

"Still here?" Gong Shen clasped her five fingers and glanced over her shoulders and arms.

Because the skin color is white, a slight scratch or mark will appear very clear, which makes it easy for Gong Shen to find the place where the man touched Wennan orange.

Wen Nanzhi looked at his palace again and leaned back slightly, but he held it with one hand and pulled it back directly in front of him.

His lips are warm and itchy on the skin, making her want to shrink.


"No! Really no!" Wen Nanzhi suddenly woke up and shook his head immediately. If it goes on like this, another ten minutes will not be enough.

Gong Shen hooked his lips and said, "remember, these are my marks."

Wen Nan Zhi looked down and saw the red strawberries on his shoulder, which were more red and terrible than the shallow marks left by the man.

I don't know. I think she and Gong Shen... Are too stupid.

"What should I do? How can I see people?" Wen Nanzhi pointed to his mark.

Gong Shen frowned and said thoughtfully, "I forgot."


Because of Gong Shen's sentence, I forgot that Wen Nanzhi tidied up her makeup and skirt on the bus. After getting off the bus, she could only enter the venue wrapped in Gong Shen's coat.

Mrs. Gu, Wang Yushan, who was waiting in the hall, seemed impatient, accompanied by Chu Sixue and Gu Yanyi.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yushan glanced at them. "Assistant Jin said you went to the bathroom. Why did you go so long? How impolite it is to make people wait?"

"Mom, it's just a gathering of your old friends. Why be so formal? Gong Shen is already busy, and it won't matter if he's a few minutes late." Gu Yanyi maintained it for Gong Shen and Wen Nanzhi.

Wang Yushan sighed slightly and glanced at Wen Nanzhi. Although she was wearing Gong Shen's coat, she could vaguely see the red seal near the clavicle.

Wang Yushan gave a low education: "Gong Shen, you are so naughty."

"Aunt, don't be angry. It's not a big deal. It's good if people come." Chu Sixue quickly showed himself.

Chu Sixue smiled on her face, but stared at Wen Nanzhi with a cold light in her eyes. What a Wen Nanzhi dressed like this to show off? I don't know how to cover up when I go out. It's shameless!

"Sixue, also waste your time waiting here with me. You hurry in to help your father and brother greet the guests." Wang Yushan looked at Chu Sixue happily and liked the right woman in her heart.

Chu Sixue took Wang Yushan in her arm and begged, "aunt, aren't you my guest? Since you're all here, I'll take you in."

Wen Nanzhi found that Wang Yushan had more and more opinions on herself. She was a little uncomfortable. She could only lower her head and walked in with the footsteps of the people.

When I first came to the door of the banquet hall, a man flashed out of it.

Tibetan green suits are very expensive. They also wear a large gem ring on their fingers. Their hair is well combed and their face is red with wine. Their eyes are very similar to Chu Sixue and are very arrogant.

"Mrs. Gu, my father has been waiting for you for a long time. I heard that uncle Gu has gone abroad for a meeting again. He is really a busy man. You two must be very happy to see Master Gu so capable."

Similarly, this man, like Chu Sixue, has a mouth that can praise others.

"Xiang Ao, you are also a talent." Wang Yushan greeted.

Wen Nanzhi became stiff when she heard this conversation. She clenched Gong Shen's arm and looked at Chu Xiangao who was smiling in front of her.

It's him! It's him!

Gong Shen noticed the abnormality of Wennan Zhizhi, looked down at her, followed her eyes and found that Chu Xiangao's raised hand had a cuff link missing from his shirt.

It's not easy to find a replacement for such expensive Cufflinks right away?

Chu Xiangao noticed Gong Shen's eyes and specially praised the people in front of him again and politely. When he arrived at Gong Shen, it was very simple, as if he wanted to highlight that he was higher than Gong Shen.

I can't wait for Gong Shen to praise him.

"Gong Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time. You're still the same."

"That's it. I thought you could grow taller. I didn't expect..." Gong lowered his head and looked at Chu Xiangao.

Chu Xiangao's height is not short, but he is definitely not outstanding. In front of Gong Shen, he is really a dwarf, so he hates people talking about his height.

Chu Xiang Ao's face stiffened and turned to look at Wen Nanzhi. He was really his little beauty.

"Gong Shen, another woman? This time..." Chu Xiang Ao touched his chin, as if he were looking at Wennan orange through his clothes.

Wen Nanzhi tightened his coat in fear and hid behind Gong Shen.

Such a delicate and poor woman didn't expect that it was gong Shen's dish. Chu Xiangao inexplicably wanted to grab it and have a taste.

It must be much more interesting than those women who paste upside down.

"My wife, Miss Wen, Wen Nanzhi." Gong Shen specially introduced Wen Nanzhi with two identities to remind Chu Xiangao that you can't move this woman.

Chu looked at AO and thought, "it's the eldest miss of the Wen family. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Master Chu. You can call me Mrs. Gong. I follow my husband's surname." Wen Nanzhi pinched Gong Shen's arm and stood up to introduce himself.

I always remind myself that I can't be afraid or impolite. Many people here are watching.

Gong Shen took an appreciative look at Wen Nanzhi and hugged Wen Nanzhi's shoulder intimately, as if declaring sovereignty over Chu Xiangao.

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