Helanli is thinking about how to get close to Gu Yanyi and forgets that she can't get away to see Gong Mei.

Just now I received another text message and gave her a place and time.

Lying in Gu Yanyi's small bed, she thought about what excuse she could find to go out.

"Dr. Gu, you see, I suddenly have a big mole on my chest. They say that a mole is easy to get cancer. Please check it for me."


Is there anyone more hungry and thirsty than her in this early morning?

Across the screen, he lanli listened to the movement outside and heard Gu Yanyi's gentle and calm tone.

"Miss, you don't have to take off your clothes. I'll make a list. You go with the nurse to have an examination first, and then take a film."

That's great patience, isn't it?

I'm used to being teased.

"No, doctor Gu, others say you are the best and the most authoritative. I don't trust those little nurses. Just look at it for me..." the woman was angry for a while.

Don't worry. Doctor Gu is very upright. Later, take care to take a look at the antique mirror for yourself.

"Well... Sorry, you put on your clothes first. I'm..." Gu Yanyi explained patiently. The key is that there is a Helan Li behind the screen.

He lanli was told a joke early in the morning.

Helan glanced at the seam of the screen to see what woman came to send waves in the spring breeze so early in the morning.

Glancing at him, He Lan left to swallow his saliva. With such a large tonnage, where is the mole on his chest? It caught up with the big mole.

One morning, Gu Yanyi didn't have time to say a word to see the patient. Can she still let this woman succeed?

Helan lifted her curly hair to one side, pulled her clothes, put on the white coat at the end of the bed, revealing her sexy long legs.

Then she stood by the screen, revealing half of her body without plaster.

"Dr. Gu ~ my chest hurts too. It can't be a heart attack. Please rescue me quickly ~"

As soon as the woman with mole looked at the charming woman in front of her, she quickly buttoned up her clothes and coughed: "Gu, doctor Gu, are there any patients? Excuse me, I'll pay for this list now. You're busy."

He lanli intentionally or unintentionally lifted the hem of his white coat, exposed his legs, and looked at Gu Yanyi with a smile.

It looks like a white coat wrapped in a vacuum.

The woman ran out and banged the door on the vocal cord.

Gu Yanyi held his forehead, did not look at he lanli, and scolded, "put on your clothes."

"Doctor Gu, why do you think others don't avoid me? They just don't dare to look at me?" Helan moved her lame step to Gu Yanyi's side.

Gu Yanyi takes a deep breath and feels that the atmosphere around him has changed from seriousness to some strange color.

"Take off my clothes and wear my own. This is a hospital, not a place for you to play."

"Take off your clothes? You said so. Take them off. Why are you so serious?"

He lanli stood there and Shua pulled off his white coat.

Gu Yanyi stood up, looked embarrassed, suddenly closed his eyes and said solemnly, "you! I didn't ask you to take it off in front of me. You go in."

Gu Yanyi closes his eyes and touches the corner of the table. He wants to run, but he touches he lanli's hand.

"Doctor Gu, don't worry. If you want to hold my hand, say it earlier." he lanli took Gu Yanyi's hand in his hands.

Gu Yanyi knew he had been fooled. He opened his eyes and saw he lanli standing in front of him in a sick suit.

"Mischief!" he pulled his hand, feeling that he had been molested by a woman.

It happened that his cell phone rang on the table. No matter who the visitor was, he just connected it, as long as it could resolve his embarrassment at this time.

"Who? Miss Li? OK, I see. If you're ready, I'll go."

Gu Yanyi rushed out while talking on the phone and hit the table straight.

He lanli laughed.

But... Isn't miss li Gu Yanyi's blind date?

something the matter.

But while Gu Yanyi went out to dinner, she quickly tried to leave the hospital without knowing it.


Helanli dragged her cast leg, got a suit of clothes, and borrowed a wheelchair. Finally, she got out of the hospital smoothly.

But when Helan left the restaurant door, she hesitated.

In order to make better use of helanli, Gong Mei hardly allows helanli and herself to appear in public at the same time. This is her first appointment in a restaurant where there are people everywhere.

Helan Li rolled into the restaurant in a wheelchair and said the box number. When she passed the hall, she saw Gu Yanyi sitting face to face with a woman, as if she were talking.

That woman is a famous brand from top to bottom, but she is not publicized. Her appearance is not very beautiful, but her behavior must be the eldest lady of which family.

It turns out that this is Gu Yanyi's blind date. It's... good.

Helan went on uncomfortably, knocked on the box door and found that there was Lin Wanxin who had met once.

He lanli immediately frowned. Lin Wanxin looked tight. At a glance, it was a bad comer.

"Well, now that everyone is here, sit down and eat." Gong Mei opened her mouth generously.

Helan can't leave. She knows Gong Mei. The more approachable Gong Mei is, the more conspiracy she has.

On the contrary, Lin Wanxin couldn't sit still. She got up and poured a glass of wine for Gong Mei, and then she punished herself three cups in a row.

"President Gong, you save me. I know it's my fault this time, but I'm doing things according to your instructions. You must save me!"

Lin Wanxin was driven out of the villa without a servant and a sense of superiority. She was like a mouse beaten back to her original shape and returned to her crowded small apartment. She couldn't sleep all day and night.

The key is that her adoptive parents let her give money day and night. She has filled the bottomless hole, but she can't meet her expanding ambitions.

She knows she can't wait to die. Since Gong Mei and Gong Shen want to use her to deal with each other, she will use this to maximize her value.

Gong Mei didn't accept Lin Wanxin's wine. She drank tea by herself. She said unhappily, "Gong Shen doesn't want you. You know me? How much value do you think you still have?"

"Yes, I'm valuable. Gong Shen doesn't fire me and let me stay with me because I still have value and..." Lin Wanxin looked at he lanli and didn't seem to believe him very much.

Gong Mei said coldly, "ah Li is my man. You can rest assured."

"And Chu Sixue came to me again. Now she has left the Gong family. She wants to know that Gong Shen's every move can only be through me. She wants to cooperate with me. The Chu family withheld a sum of goods from the Wen family. Now the Wen family is in chaos. Chu Sixue wants to use this to break up Wen Nanzhi and Gong Shen."

Lin Wanxin vowed to explain. It seemed that he had seen the benefits for a long time. He wished Gong Mei could help him.

He lanli frowned at this.

Gong Mei was a little interested and looked at Lin Wanxin: "are you sure? The Chu family also intervened?"

"I swear to God, there is absolutely nothing wrong this time! I know that President Gong has always wanted to get rid of Wennan trifoliate orange. This is definitely a good opportunity." Lin Wanxin flattered.

"No!" he lanli opened his mouth and even blamed Lin Wanxin. "What's your heart? If you let the boss help you, it's equivalent to helping the Chu family. I know you can't wait for Wen Nanzhi to die well and dare to do anything, but why should the boss take risks in this loss business?"

Lin Wanxin gnashed his teeth and stared at he lanli. What's the bottom of this bad man?

Gong Mei glanced at he lanli and asked, "ah Li, you seem to know something. Tell me what you think."

"Boss, we should let Wen Nanzhi and Gong Shen together at this time. We must not let the Chu family succeed. The Chu family is rich. Chu always has some roots in his family. If Chu Sixue succeeds and accidentally marries Gong Shen, isn't Gong Shen like a tiger? Where is the cowardly and incompetent Wen Nanzhi easy to deal with?"

He lanli quickly tore Lin Wanxin's hypocritical and flattering face, lest Gong Mei really help her.

Lin Wanxin is anxious. She wants to explain, but she can't find a reason to refute he lanli.

She hates, really hates Wennan Zhizhi. If it weren't for Wennan Zhizhi, Gong Shen wouldn't do this to her. Now she has only one idea in her mind. No matter who is around Gong Shen, it can't be Wennan Zhizhi!

"President Gong! I will never let Chu Sixue marry Gong Shen. We just used the Chu family for the time being!" Lin Wanxin choked and explained.

Helanli hastened to add fuel and vinegar before Lin Wanxin's words were unconvincing: "boss, in my opinion, we should help the Wen family. The Chu family's plan failed. You still have the handle of the Wen family. In any case, the Wen family can't escape your control."

Gong Mei stretches her eyebrows and nods. She seems to think what he lanli said is very reasonable.

Helan humbly bowed his head and Wennan Zhizhi. I can only help you so much. The rest depends on your nature.

"However, if we help the Chu family, we also have something to control the Chu family. Isn't it better to help President Gong?" Lin Wanxin began to quibble.

Helan can't speak without talking. It's useless to say more, but it will arouse Gong Mei's suspicion.

Finally, Gong Mei put down her chopsticks and said coldly, "what you said is reasonable. I'll consider it."

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