Wen Nanzhi conceals the fact that Jiang Yun is looking for her, but she has been worried about the relationship between Jiang Yun and Guo Ying.

Therefore, Wen Nanzhi specially took advantage of the weekend to secretly go to see Ling Ling and stop by to explore Guo Ying's style.

Early in the morning, Wen Nanzhi walked out lightly while Gong Shen and Jin Wang were talking in the living room.

"Where are you going?" Gong Shen's voice sounded faintly behind.

Wen Nanzhi seemed to be pinched by someone's neck, followed his hair that had grown under his shoulder, and looked at Gong Shen like a flatterer.

"I asked brother Li to take me to Ling Ling's house. I also made an appointment with he lanli. Mr. Gong, don't worry, there will be no accident."

Wen Nanzhi raised his hand to guarantee.

Gong was dull and angry. He waved to Wen Nanzhi and motioned her to go over.

He got up in the morning to deal with his work, just to finish it early so as to accompany Wen Nanzhi.

Jin Wang always said that they were sometimes like husband and wife, and sometimes like ancient young masters and little servant girls.

In order to reverse this relationship pattern, Gong Shen, who has never changed for others, even tried to change it.

Unexpectedly, Wen Nanzhi was still thinking about her friends.

Gong Shen stretched out his hand and pulled Wennan Zhizhi. This is the small man. He didn't have any weight in his arms.

"When will you be back?" he rubbed the palm of Wennan orange.

"Mr. Gong, assistant Jin is here." Wen Nanzhi retracted his hand, a little embarrassed.

Kim glanced and said with a smile, "I'm selectively blind. I'm blind now."

Wen Nanzhi chuckled.

Jin Wang is blind, but not deaf.

Wen Nan Zhi leaned close to Gong Shen's ear, covered his mouth and whispered.

"Mr. Gong, shall I come back to cook for you in the evening? Just the two of us."

Gong Shen's eyes are like panthers. They surround Phnom Penh in a dark circle, as if they locked the prey.

The charming cheek is not hard again, with a few more gentle dangers.

"Go early and return early." Gong Shen's voice was a little hoarse, and he began to look forward to dinner.

Wen Nanzhi quickly got up and ran out.

Jin Wang and uncle Zhong standing at the door of the living room happily smiled at each other.

"Miss Nanzhi is not afraid of Mr. gong at all now. She even touches Mr. Gong's temperament and knows how to tame the tiger." Jin Wang sighed.

"Who is the tiger?" the palace was grim, and immediately recovered his seriousness and indifference.

"Of course... Hehe, I'm joking, let's continue?" Jin Wang continued with a smile, "Mr. Gong, you see that miss Nanzhi will please you. You can't buy people out with an ice cream before? The husband and wife must interact more and surprise more before they have a sense of freshness. Don't enter middle age at the age of twenty-nine like forty-nine. Miss Nanzhi is only in her early twenties. Young people at this age are especially good at new tricks..."

Jin Wang spoke vigorously, but most of Gong Shen's face was black.

It's like Gong Shen married Wen Nanzhi and treated her badly. He's not too old.

"Jin Wang!" Gong Shen shouted angrily, "well... What do you say!"

Jin Wang was so frightened that he patted his chest and thought he was going to be killed. Fortunately, there was a false alarm.

"Mr. Gong, you have to say, buy a bunch of flowers and some desserts to liven up the atmosphere?"

"Go and find me the damn owner of the ice cream shop last time!"

"Hey! OK."

That's right.


Wen Nanzhi gets on Li Fei's car and plans to pick up he lanli first.

I didn't notice a strange car following me.

"Follow up, but don't follow too closely. Li Fei is a professionally trained bodyguard and is easy to be found." Lin Wanxin told his driver.

"Yes, miss." the driver replied.

A big miss shouted and made Lin Wanxin feel comfortable.

Lin Wanxin bet that Wen Nanzhi will go back to Guo Ying after seeing Jiang Yun. If she is lucky, she can also see Guo Ying and find out what happened before and after the fire.

Wen Nanzhi's idea is simpler. He wants to know what the secret is between Guo Ying and Jiang Yun.

Li Fei stopped the car by the side of the road. He lanli stood on the side of the road, behind him was a shabby small hotel.

"Ah Li, is this the place you found?"

"Stay for the time being. I don't have much money. I can't spend the money I lent you?" He Lan explained.

"But it's too dangerous for you to live here as a girl."

"Should I go back and beg Gu Yanyi? Forget it, people think I ruined his blind date." he lanli said angrily and didn't care.

Wen Nanzhi smiled and didn't speak.

Helan looked at her and continued, "Nanzhi, do you really don't understand what I mean, or do you pretend to be stupid?"

"Well, well, I know. I will certainly tell Dr. Gu about your miserable life." Wen Nanzhi was teased by he lanli.

"It's good if you know." he lanli satisfactorily changed the topic, "Nanzhi, what's the matter with Ling Ling?"

Wennan Zhili told helanli what Jiang Yun was looking for.

Helanli was lost in thought.

When Helan looked out of the window, he found a car behind the ramp followed them slowly.

She observed through the rearview mirror that the car was changing lanes all the time, but didn't overtake in an empty place, which was obviously confusing to track them.

"Ah Li, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just thinking about what you said." he lanli didn't immediately tell Wen Nanzhi for fear that she was nervous.

At the downstairs of the apartment, Helan left the car and looked back. The car following them stopped outside the gate and didn't come in in in a hurry.

Seems to be waiting for some time.

Wennan Zhizhi immediately went upstairs with he lanli in his arm and found that Ling Ling was dressed in Gu'an's house, which was not as comfortable as Gu'an's.

"Ling Ling, are you sick? Wear so much?"

"No, no disease. I like to wear more at home." Ling Ling hesitated.

If you live with a dressed animal, of course you should learn to protect yourself.

Every time he closed his eyes, it was the scene of mandarin ducks playing in the water last time. He couldn't look directly at Gu An.

"You talk, I'll go into the study." Gu An is very knowledgeable and makes room with Gu Jingshu.

Wen Nanzhi no longer exchanged greetings and pointed to the apartment next door.

"Ling Ling, your mother..."

"She wouldn't say anything. I gave her a drink, and she revealed something. It turns out that my mother has always lied to me. She hasn't been a nanny for any big family at all. She's just an aunt of a closed orphanage. She said she made a mistake, and then refused to say."

Ling Ling drank a mouthful of water, his head was hot and sweaty, but he refused to take off his coat.

"Orphanage? What orphanage? Why is this related to the orphanage again?" he lanli asked inexplicably.

"I see. The resumes submitted by the people who chased Ling Ling's parents that day are all the workers of the orphanage. Does it have anything to do with the orphanage?" Wen Nanzhi's unforgettable memory comes in handy again.

"Even if it has something to do with the orphanage, how can it involve Nanzhi's mother?" he lanli asked again.

Wen Nan Zhi and Ling Ling shook their heads.

Ling Ling said in a low voice: "I checked the orphanage she said, which was the orphanage where many people died on fire more than 20 years ago. It was still big news at that time. My mother was one of the survivors. She ran away with the compensation and never mentioned it."

"Why don't we condom your mother again?" he lanli suggested.

"When my mother was drunk, she said it was related to the high price, so she got drunk. Later, I wanted to do it again, and she refused to drink. Now people don't know where to go." Ling zero sighed.

"Your mother was chased and killed, and she ran out?" Wen Nanzhi said in surprise.

Helanli bit her lip, suddenly got up, walked to the window and looked down.

"You wait for me here. I suddenly have something left in the car. I'll come as soon as I go."

Helan Li hurried out.

"Ah Li, I'll ask brother Li to bring it up to you." Wen Nanzhi got up and said.


Helan couldn't leave Nanzhi and ran out.

Sure enough, the people who followed her and Wen Nanzhi came to Jiang Yun.

I just didn't expect that this person was Lin Wanxin.


Lin Wanxin didn't expect that after more than 20 years, she thought she would forget the appearance of aunt Guo in her memory.

Unexpectedly, when Guo Ying came face to face, she recognized it at a glance.

"Aunt Guo, long time no see." Lin Wanxin sneered and stood in front of Guo Ying.

Guo Ying naturally doesn't recognize Lin Wanxin who grew up. She just thinks she's too well dressed. At first glance, she's the eldest lady of a rich family.

"You are..."

"Aunt Guo, I want to buy you something to drink. Why don't you find a place to sit down and talk?" Lin Wanxin immediately showed the red chalcedony bracelet on his wrist.

Guo Ying can't remember anyone, but she remembers that she brought a pair of memorable sisters with this red chalcedony bracelet.

At the beginning, she wanted to sell it secretly. Unfortunately, the Dean recognized people with this thing, and the Dean especially liked the younger sister. If she took it, she would be found and had to give up.

"Is it you?" Guo Ying's cheek was slightly tight and looked at Lin Wanxin vigilantly.

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