A car stopped at the door of Wen's house. The housekeeper got out of the car and rang the doorbell according to the rules.

Behind her, two tall and strong men threw the unconscious wennanzhi at the door. She was wrapped in a bath towel, and her wet hair was stiff by the cold wind.

The housekeeper frowned, took off his long coat and covered Wen Nanzhi, then said expressionless, "let's go."

Hearing the footsteps of the Wen family, the housekeeper got on the bus and left.

Qian Huiru looked lazy after a nap. When she heard the voice outside the door, she scolded that the domestic servant was deaf and came to open the door.

When Qian Huiru saw Wen Nanzhi lying on the ground, her whole face turned white and her heart clicked. She grabbed the documents around Wen Nanzhi and turned two pages.

Seeing the blank space where Gong Shen should have signed, she immediately screamed, "no! No!"

It's really bad. Wen Xiang, Wen's father upstairs, just received a call. Gong Shen forced half of his factories to be paralyzed and unable to operate.

Wen Xiang smashed the phone in his hand on the table, heard the sound, stood by the window, looked at Qian Huiru's panic, and saw Wen Nanzhi lying on the ground.

Wen Xiangqi hammered the window and said sternly, "ask someone to bring her in!"

Qian Huiru looked at Wen Nanzhi on the ground and said, "what if you die at home? It's said that Gong Shen is cruel to women. It's really worthy of its reputation. It's good to send it, and it's half dead to come back!"

Wen Xiang was too lazy to listen to Qian Huiru's nonsense. When he turned back, he called Gong Shen again and again. Gong Shen seemed to be deliberately provocative, making him anxious before he connected the phone.

"Mr. Gong, I have sent my daughter to you according to your wishes. What's it like to leave people at the door when you're finished? We're a family now. Aren't you too ashamed?"

Gong Shen smiled very arrogantly, "you sent a rotten goods. I haven't asked you where your sincerity is. I heard you have a little daughter. Why don't you send it to me?"

"You!" Wen Xiang clenched his hand in a cold sweat. The strength of Gong Shen's words made him a little shy.

Gong Shen Hung up without face.

Wen Xiang blamed Wen Nanzhi for the current situation. Passing by the cleaning servant, he directly grabbed the chicken feather duster and rushed into Wen Nanzhi's room.

Wen Nanzhi felt cold all over. When she felt herself lying in bed, she instinctively pulled the quilt under her body and surrounded it.

But the warmth lasted only a moment. The quilt was lifted by Wen Xiang and the chicken feather duster fell down.

None of her exposed skin was good. She had to roll on the bed in pain. She tightened her body and rolled under the bed with the coat given to her by the housekeeper.

Wen Xiang was so stingy that he broke his feather duster.

Outsiders think Wen Xiang is a peaceful man, but they don't know that under his kind skin is actually a crafty little heart.

"I didn't send you abroad to fool around with men! Now I'm actually returned. Where do you put my old face?"

Wen Xiang roared and shocked Wen Nanzhi to open his eyes and shrink his body.

Qian Huiru stepped forward with a smile, "husband, don't be angry. Now just find a way to fool the past, or let the palace sink down."

Wen Nanzhi struggled to hold up her upper body along the bed and bit her teeth before spitting out a sentence, "I... I'm not fooling around."

Her voice was dumb. What happened one after another made her collapse, with tears in her eyes.

Qian Huiru gave a cry, twisted the mouth of Wennan Zhizhi, and picked the most painful place to start. Wennan Zhizhi felt numb in his mouth and couldn't speak clearly.

Qian Huiru twisted again, "Nanzhi, it seems that you still don't know much about the situation. Your mother's life is in your hands. Now you have been sent back by Gong Shen. We Wen family are all involved. Who has the spare time to save your mother?"

Wen Nanzhi held back the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked up at the proud Qian Huiru.

Seeing that she was afraid, Qian Huiru continued to scare her. "Don't say I won't help you. I'll think of a way for you to go back and make amends to Mr. Gong. As long as you stay with Mr. Gong, I'll find the best doctor to save your mother immediately. Otherwise... You understand? Your mother will die at most at that time, which has nothing to do with us."

Wen Nanzhi thinks Qian Huiru won't be so kind. The whole Wen family wants her and her mother to die, so Wen Nanzhi can only focus on Wen Xiang.

Seeing his father's approval, Wen Nanzhi knew that he had no way back.

She clenched her teeth. "I want to see my mother, or I won't beg Gong Shen!"

"You little bitch learned to negotiate terms. I won't let you see your mother until it's done. It's OK to let you listen to your voice."

Qian Huiru took out her mobile phone, dialed a number and asked people to give her mobile phone to Wen Nanzhi's mother.

Hearing his mother's voice, Wen Nanzhi immediately adjusted his voice to make himself sound very calm, "Mom, are you okay?"

Her mother made two coughs, and her voice was weak, but she still said to reassure her, "it's okay, Nanzhi, don't do anything stupid, mom is okay."

"Mom, don't worry, I will save you, I......"

Before Wen Nanzhi finished speaking, Qian Huiru robbed his mobile phone.

Wen Nanzhi's face was pale and his eyes were red. He stared at Wen Xiang and Qian Huiru with resentment.

But he could only lower his head and obediently said, "I must cure my mother. I go to beg Gong Shen, and I must beg him to leave me!"

After humiliating these words, the corners of Wen Nan Zhi's mouth exuded blood again, and he could see everywhere all over his body.

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