Gong Shen was deeply stimulated by Lin Wanxin's words.

He raised his hand and wanted to plunge down so hard. Fortunately, Jin Wang rushed forward and grabbed him.

"Mr. Gong, calm down. She did it on purpose."

"Yes, I did it on purpose. I want to see if Mr. Gong will regret killing me." Lin Wanxin said sadly.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Gong will really regret killing you, but he didn't regret it because of you. You know this better than anyone, don't you? Why deceive yourself?" Jin Wang said.

Lin Wanxin covered the wound on his neck and stepped back with a pale sneer.

"After all, you all think it's my fault. When I'm good, why don't you think I'm good? Just hold on to me when I have to. Don't I have the right to get my things back?"

"Your stuff? Isn't what the Xia family gave you enough? Does the rest really belong to you?" Gong Shen said angrily. "Don't always think that you are the victim when you shout loudly. The real victims haven't spoken."

"Gong Shen, do you really want to be so ruthless to me?" Lin Wanxin stared at Gong Shen.

Gong Shen skimmed his cheek and didn't want to see Lin Wanxin more.

Lin Wanxin did not care about his wound, sat up straight and said with a smile, "in that case, what can I say to you?"

"Lin Wanxin, do you think I really depend on you? Since you don't want to say it, I'll come for nothing. From now on, I'll find a way to get rid of you once I see you. You'd better protect your life."

"You!" Lin Wanxin looked at Gong Shen in surprise.

Gong Shen turned around and was ready to leave.

Lin Wanxin felt nervous when he saw Gong Shen walking so resolutely.

Does he really have no position in his heart?

Why not start like the first?

Lin Wanxin thought and was afraid. She got up and shouted to Gong Shen.

"Gong Shen, don't you really want to save Shen Bing and Jian Qing?"

"Sure enough, it has something to do with you. You'd better pray that they are all right. Otherwise, you will be buried with them," Gong Shen warned.

Lin Wanxin was stunned when she heard this. She swallowed the dry in her throat.

"Gong Shen, have you really forgotten me?"

"I told you a long time ago that I can't remember you at all. You think you are an indispensable memory again and again." Gong Shen replied impatiently.

Lin Wanxin clicked.

"Do you remember Wen Nanzhi as a child, but you don't remember me? What's good about her?"

"In this case, I have said it countless times, and I don't want to explain it any more." Gong Shen went straight ahead.

After walking out of Lin Wanxin's house, he took a look at Jin Wang.

Jin Wang immediately said, "I'll send someone to guard here."

"Keep an eye on it." Gong Shen told him.


After listening to Gong Shen's last words, Lin Wanxin emptied a lot.

She always thought that Gong Shen said he didn't know her. It was angry because Jane Qing was present, so she had to say so.

But now, she understood that Gong Shen really didn't know her and completely forgot all her cherished memories.

Lin Wanxin sneered and sat down stiff. The blood on her neck continued to flow. She stared at the dripping blood beads and couldn't help thinking of herself in the past.

Lin Wanxin didn't know she had been cheated until she was adopted. Looking at her poor home, she wanted to escape, but the welfare home had been burned at that time, and she couldn't go anywhere.

She is so young that she can't live on her own, so she can only swallow it.

She thought of many ways to change her fate, until the TV said that only learning well and relying on the ideal school can change her fate, she firmly remembered this sentence.

She began to study hard. Fortunately, she has always been smart and her grades have always been very good. It's not a problem all the way to high school.

And she herself became more and more beautiful, which gradually became her capital.

She knows how to use her beauty to get what she wants.

Her adoptive parents didn't pay her tuition, so she got money through working or Xiao Ze. Gradually, she wanted more, because the high school she was admitted to was a very good school.

For a time, she had a feeling of flying to heaven.

But after entering school, she knew how incompatible she was with others.

Most of the school are children of rich families, and a small number are students who try to get close like her.

Students like her can't integrate into the group of rich people at all, and she doesn't look down on those nerds who study hard.

She also wants to wear famous brands and gossip like those girls.

So Lin Wanxin worked hard to integrate into these girls. She knew what they said.


"What kind of business do your parents do?"

"This... Of course, is not as big as your business. It's just an ordinary business." Lin Wanxin can only lie.

Lin Wanxin thought this could fool the past. Who knows that some people don't like her? By consulting the teacher's files, she knows that she is just a person from the alley.

Since then, the girls who had been able to talk to Lin Wanxin began to alienate her and taunt her.

Her vanity was trampled and almost everyone laughed at her.

"Hey, liar, buy me some water from the supermarket and give you the money. The rest will be your tip. If you know your family is not easy, you can save some money."

"Hahaha..." everyone laughed.

Lin Wanxin had to run into the toilet from the classroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror and became more and more angry.

She is wearing the famous brand Xiao Ze bought for her and has a beautiful face. She is no worse than those golden ladies. Why is her life so hard?

She refused to accept her fate and had to beautify herself constantly to make herself look like those people.

But Xiao Ze is just a gangster. She can't meet her needs more and more. She can only start working.

Coupled with various school activities and comparisons, the more Lin Wanxin wants to be recognized, the more money she needs.

It is said that after the school examination, the parents of some rich students will jointly hold a small banquet to let the students adapt to this status in advance.

Lin Wanxin wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone remember her.

But she couldn't afford expensive dresses at all. By chance, she saw that the nightclub near her home was recruiting people, saying it was selling drinks.

Seeing the huge salary, Lin Wanxin was still excited. She said that as long as she didn't do anything special, there would be no problem.

As a result, how could those people be so regular? At first they were just verbal provocations, but later they started to move.

Lin Wanxin couldn't stand such a life and wanted to resign, but she endured it when she saw others put a pile of money in front of her.

She hopes too much to get the recognition and attention of those people in the school.

Perhaps the money came too fast. Lin Wanxin gradually didn't resist. However, some people began to advance an inch and became more and more unruly towards her.

Finally, she almost

And this matter was known by Xiao Ze who had followed her since childhood. Xiao Ze fought with others in order to avenge her and was caught.

Xiao Ze left a sum of money for her. She took the money to buy her favorite dress and was ready to make a splash.

Who knows, those people began to talk about her when they saw that she was beautifully dressed.

"Lin Wanxin's family is so poor. How can she afford such an expensive dress?"

"Can't someone be sponsoring her?"

"People like her still want to attract people's attention here. I think she probably came like that. Look at her appearance of attracting bees and butterflies."

"No? Look at the expressions of those boys. It's true. I heard that Gong Shen will come later, in case..."

"She dares. Let's go and meet her."

When Lin Wanxin just began to enjoy the eyes of these people, she was pulled to the corner by several girls.

With a hiss, Lin Wanxin's expensive dress cracked a big hole, and her legs were exposed.

Lin Wanxin was anxious to cover it up, but they smiled.

"They were all stopped by people. They were afraid that some of our girls would see it? What purity do you pretend to be?"

"You, what are you talking about?" Lin Wanxin was nervous and thought they knew something.

"It's disgusting to see you like this. You still want to attract others' attention at the party."

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Lin Wanxin shouted.

"Take off her clothes for me and see how she can seduce people everywhere."

"No!" Lin Wanxin shouted, "help! Help!"

The leading girl came forward and slapped Lin Wanxin and scolded, "you dare to shout. I don't think you want to stay in this school."

"What are you doing?"

A gloomy voice sounded behind them.

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