Wen Xiang was helped back to the room. His cough was intermittent. In the end, he couldn't control it. Wen Xiang could only stick his handkerchief to his lip and restrain his discomfort.

"You... Cough... Give me the medicine!"

"Yes, Mr. Wen."

Wen Xiang still felt uncomfortable after eating. He squeezed the handkerchief in his hand.

"President Wen, would you like to invite a doctor for you?"

"Go," Wen Xiang waved.

After his men left, Wen Xiang spread his hands and revealed his handkerchief.

There was blood in the handkerchief, and the fundus of his eyes couldn't help getting muddy.

He has been striving for fame and fortune all his life. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by his own body in the end.

He was unwilling but helpless.

"Why?" Wen Xiang waved his hand and swept everything around him to the ground.

Half an hour later, his men took the doctor into the room.

The doctor hurried forward to check Wen Xiang's body and frowned from the beginning.

Wen Xiang had already known it, but he was unwilling to do so.

"You know what's going on with your eyebrows locked. Will you say a word?"

"Mr. Wen, this... This... You'd better hurry to the hospital. I heard a lot of noise. If you have blood vomiting symptoms, you're terminally ill and must be treated in time." the doctor said tremblingly.

Wen Xiang's heart trembled when he heard this.

"Doctor, I ask you, if I am hospitalized, what is the probability of cure?"

"I... i... president Wen, to tell you the truth, it's impossible to cure your disease. I tried my best to save you from physical failure before. Being able to delay for so long has shown that the doctors performing the operation are highly skilled, but these injuries are irreversible. If you enter the hospital now, you should be able to delay for a period of time."

The doctor originally wanted to lie, but Wen Xiang's disease really can't drag on. It's better to tell the truth.

Wen Xiang listened, grabbed his walking stick and hit the doctor.

The doctor shrank in pain and didn't dare to shout out.

"You quack, you don't have the ability to say I'm hopeless! It's impossible!"

"Mr. Wen, you may be saved by going to Dr. Gu now. It can last at least a year or two," the doctor said.

"A year or two? Can I measure Wen Xiang's life in a year or two? I want those people to bow their heads to me!" Wen Xiang said excitedly and suddenly covered his chest, "cough..."

"Mr. Wen, don't get excited, don't get excited."

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Wen Xiang raised his walking stick again, and the doctor was driven out directly by him.

Wenxiang's men came forward and helped Wenxiang sit down.

"Mr. Wen, don't be angry. There must be a turn for the better."


How is his body? How can Wen Xiang not know?

He knew that his body was much worse than before. It was Jiang Yun who drugged him, which led to the current results.

Wen Xiang, who had been refusing to admit defeat, suddenly felt that it was like karma.

"No, it must not be. I can't have that idea."

"President Wen, what do you need me to do now?" asked his men.

Wen Xiang was silent for a long time, then looked at his men.

"Get ready. Let's go to Wynn."

"What? Didn't president Wen throw himself into the net?"

"Bastard! Wen's is my territory. What is a trap."

"Yes, I'm wrong. I'll prepare now." the man lowered his head.

"Go and take those two women. I'm going to make an understanding."


Jian Qing and Shen Bing were forcibly taken out. Before they resisted, they were stuffed into the car.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Jian Qing and Shen Bing are incredible.

Does Wen Xiang want to open up and send them back?

Shen Bing looks at Jian Qing. Jian Qing just shakes her head to make her feel at ease.

Then they entered Wen's underground garage and went directly to the roof from the elevator.

Jian Qing and Shen Bing look at Wen Xiang suspiciously. They don't know what he wants to do.

Wen Xiang stood on the rooftop. The wind blew his whole body like a puff of air.

Also because of this, we can see that his body is so thin, completely like a bony old man.

Jian Qing was slightly stunned and stared at Wen Xiang as if she were looking at a stranger.

Wen Xiang is really old.

"What are you bringing us here for?" asked Jane Qing.

"Let me show you the world I hold up with one hand. Come and have a look." Wen Xiang's tone suddenly softened.

Jian Qing and Shen Bing were pushed to the edge. Looking around, in addition to Wen's, Gong's building is the most conspicuous.

At this time, Jian Qing realized why Wen's house was built here. You can see Gong's building from Wen Xiang's office.

Wen Xiang wanted to replace the Gong family all his life. Unexpectedly, his life was so short, and his goal was not achieved.

"I worked hard to expand Wen's family, and I was almost there."

"You are not satisfied. Originally, Wen's life is not sad. It also has the opportunity to develop according to its track. You are just jealous of other people's achievements." Jian Qing did not hesitate to expose Wen Xiang's hypocrisy.

Wen Xiang's face changed and pointed to everything around him.

"I'm jealous? Who doesn't want to be a man of honor? Who doesn't want to get everything at your fingertips? Do you think Gong Shen is a good man? Are there still few people persecuted by him? Otherwise, he will get to his present position so quickly with his young age?"

"If you hadn't hurt him, would he be like this? If you hadn't hurt him, would he need revenge? How many innocent people have been hurt by these evils? Why should others bear the results of your fault?"

Jian Qing looks at Wen Xiang with resentment. It is because of Wen Xiang that she has become what she is now.

Wen Xiang was even more angry than her and said, "look at the world. Who is not competing? You are too weak and will be eliminated sooner or later."

"Our destiny should be decided by ourselves, not by you, so you can't blame others. You are too weak and eliminated after all."

"Shut up! I'll see if you can be so articulate later!"

With that, Wen Xiang rushed to strong and grabbed Jian Qing.

Jane Qing wants to fight back, but both of them stand on the edge of the roof. If they are careless, they will fall down.

And Jane Qing hasn't eaten for a day and a night. She's not very energetic all over.

Jianqing was also clamped down by Wenxiang's men. In this way, half of Jianqing's body leaned out of the roof.

"Ah!" Shen Bing shouted.

"Say it again! If you hadn't helped Gong Shen, Gong Shen couldn't live even if he was a cat. It was you who broke my business." Wen Xiang pinched Jian Qing's neck and pressed her body hard.

Jian Qing was out of breath and felt that she might fall from the roof of this dozens of floors anytime, anywhere.

"Wen Xiang, let her go. What's the matter? You come to me!"

Gong Chen rushed up with people.

When Ling Ling learned that Wen Xiang was coming, an ominous premonition immediately lingered in his heart. He immediately informed Gong Shen.

Ling Ling saw the scene in front of him and took a breath.

"Wen Xiang, what are you doing? I'll give you what you want. Don't hurt Jian Qing."

"Only now do you want to negotiate terms with me? It's useless. I don't need it! I know how to make you catch at arm's length." Wen Xiang laughed.

Gong Shen looks at Jian Qing and gets closer.

"Wen Xiang, you have to deal with me all the time. It has nothing to do with her."

"Yes, Gong Shen, you're right. Everything is between you and me. Since you care about her so much, I'll give you a chance to show."

"You speak, as long as you let her go, I will do it."

"Well, you jump down from here, or she will go down. You choose by yourself. I heard your choice at the beginning. It doesn't matter if you choose to sacrifice her again for yourself."

Wen Xiang pinched Jian Qing's neck and shook it a few times.

"Jian Qing, do you see? This man is also a person who sacrifices everything for interests. What's the difference between him and me?"

"You... You..." Jian Qing blushed, looked at Gong Shen and said, "you don't need to make a choice! You go!"

Gong Shen can see the fear at the bottom of Jian Qing's eyes, but he doesn't know whether he is afraid of making a choice or falling.

"Jane Qing, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Gong Shen, you go, you go!" Jane Qing shouted.

Gong Shen slowly stepped forward and said to Wen Xiang, "OK, I promise you. I'll jump down."

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