Ling Ling tells helanli the situation, and helanli agrees with Ling Ling Ling. Although Keith is open to money, he is not a person without security awareness.

He cheated so much money, how could he put it in one account?

"Ling Ling, it seems that we still need to spend some money." he lanli thought.

"Don't worry, how much do you want?"

"The losses of the company here have come out, and we don't want him to do more. As long as he spits out the money he cheated, we'll do it..."

"Well, OK, it's a good way." Ling Ling Wu's mouth smiled.

After hanging up, Ling Ling talks to Qian Huiru and Gu Jingshu.

Gu Jingshu laughed and said, "I'll tell Xi Xi right away. Xi Xi must have a way."

"Yes, you two little devils are responsible for this part."

Gu Jingshu heard about it and felt a special sense of achievement. She hurried to call Xi Xi.

Qian Huiru was still a little worried and said, "money is not money. I just ask. I'm just afraid it's bad for you. What if he notices and runs to deal with Jian Qing?"

"Let's not give him this opportunity. He is arrogant only when he has money. He is not Jian Qing's opponent when he has no money."

"Well, I'll cooperate."


After knowing how to make money, the next day, Keith made an appointment with Qian Huiru.

Qian Huiru's expensive dress makes people know that she is rich at a glance.

After sitting down, Keith handed Qian Huiru a check.

"Madam, are you satisfied with the money?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't pay attention to these small money. I made 10 million, thanks to Mr. case, so I'll leave the five million to Mr. case and have a good time here."

Qian Huiru is very generous, which highlights her wealth.

Keith smiled. Although five million was not a big money for them, he agreed to give Qian Huiru face.

"Madam, I have a big project in hand. I don't know if you are interested. It is very famous abroad."

"Abroad? This... I haven't studied it. I don't know about things abroad." Qian Huiru waved impatiently.

"I understand. After all, my wife trusts me so much," Keith induced.

"I trust you. Tell me how much you need."

Qian Huiru is very direct.

Keith thought for a moment. Afraid that Qian Huiru would be frightened at once, he smiled.

"To tell you the truth, if you want to earn more, you have to pay more. I have a project of tens of billions of dollars. I thought of you first. Naturally, it was for your interests."

Qian Huiru was stunned and whispered, "tens of billions of dollars? God, is this really happening?"

"Yes, we all have inside information. Otherwise, how can we make money for my wife so quickly? So you must trust me."

"Although I'm very interested, I don't have so much money, and I don't know that the little bitch said I owed, which made my husband unhappy and deducted half of my assets. I also told you because I think you're a good person. I may be more than willing but not enough for your project."

Qian Huiru sighed and looked at Keith from the corner of her eyes.

Keith frowned, but refused to give up.

"Madam, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." case continued to lobby.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Although I'm greedy for money, I just can't make enough money in my life." Qian Huiru shook her head.

But the more she did, the more she aroused Keith's interest.

"I just don't want men to look down on me. My husband is also a money maker. My mother also makes a lot of money abroad. Men are not necessarily much better than women."

Qian Huiru said this on purpose, because Ling Ling said Keith's male chauvinism. The most unbearable thing is that women are better than men.

Mrs. Rong used to control the company. She was an elder. Keith had no choice but to please her and inherit the company.

As a result, a Jian Qing came and pushed him out everywhere, leaving him helpless.

Qian Huiru found that Keith's look had changed and became more and more ugly.

Keith thought that he would cheat the old woman out of her money anyway. The big deal was that foreign investment failed and was in deficit.

This kind of thing is not difficult to operate.

People at home can't intervene in matters far away from home.

"Mr. case, what are you thinking?"

"No, I just feel sorry. I don't know what madam thinks."

"Although I'm very interested, but... Alas."

Qian Huiru shook her head, indicating that she was a little embarrassed.

"Just be interested. How can I do something bad for my wife?"

"Of course I trust you, but even if I take out all my money, it's still a little less, otherwise..." Qian Huiru said, "otherwise, you can make up the rest of the money. Anyway, it's a good opportunity. Let's make money together. I'll give you some big deal."

Qian Huiru said casually, picked up the tea cup and drank two drinks carelessly.

Keith fell into thinking.

Qian Huiru then said, "what's the matter? You don't want to? I believe you so much that you don't think I'm lying to you? You said to help me, but I didn't want to pay you. I just gave you five million. Why are you so stingy? And don't you say it's a profitable project?"

"Yes, yes, indeed."

"Well, what do you think?" Qian Huiru asked.

Keith looked at Qian Huiru and was a little uncertain. How did he feel cheated?

But after seeing Qian Huiru take out the check, he felt he could continue. Anyway, the initiative was in his own hands.

Qian Huiru smiled and asked, "what's the matter? Are you afraid I'll lie to you?"

"Well, this is definitely not. Since madam is so cheerful, I naturally agree. OK, I'll help madam this time and show my sincerity."

"That's good. Come on, sign," Qian Huiru said.


Keith smiled and signed, but he was a little flustered.

Qian Huiru said, "then I'll wait for your good news."

Keith watched Qian Huiru leave and opened his portable computer. He looked at his major accounts and added up all the money to fill Qian Huiru's gap.

Keith couldn't help patting the computer keyboard.

After Jian Qing fired him, the whole city knew that he was swept off the stage by a woman.

Whether he was high or low, the women around him ran away with his money.

As a result, all his money was gone, so he had to take advantage of his previous authority and give it a go.

At that time, he was also afraid. Just when Yin Yu appeared and said he could help him, he came to China and left the mess to Jian Qing.

After returning home, Keith became more and more unwilling. He wanted to have his previous rights. He needed money.

He also knew in his heart that Yin Yu only used him to deal with Jian Qing. It's hard to guarantee that he won't abandon him in the future.

He still needs money.

He wants to rise from the East.

Qian Huiru was the best opportunity, thinking that he hesitated to enter the key back and forth.

When he hesitated, his computer seemed to be infected with a virus. The screen flashed, and the money in his account began to be less and less.

"What's going on?"

Keith tried to close the window, but he couldn't close it.

Keith finally smashed the computer angrily and attracted other people's attention.

"What's the matter, sir?"


Keith clenched his teeth and the screen suddenly went black.

Then his cell phone lights up to show his balance.

"Asshole! Who is playing with me!"

In the car outside the restaurant, Xi Xi and Gu Jingshu clapped their hands.

"Yeah! I thought he wouldn't open the account so soon, which gave me a chance." Xi Xi quickly knocked on the computer, "Uncle Ling, I have transferred the money to your overseas account and added a secret. He must not find it."

"You two are really good." Ling Ling didn't expect that their children were so capable.

Xi Xi booed Ling zero.

"Uncle Ling, don't tell my father or my mother. They certainly don't want me to do such a thing."

"OK, don't worry." Ling Ling promised.

"Let's go quickly. If he finds out, he will doubt grandma." Gu Jingshu took Qian Huiru's hand.

Qian Huiru looked at Gu Jingshu with satisfaction.

"Don't worry, he still expects me to give him money. As a result, he wants to catch big fish for a long time, and I'm in trouble. Ha ha ha."

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