After listening to Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, Wen Nanzhi felt a little difficult for a time.

"Then why don't you want to marry Shanshan again? Is it because of general sun?"

"That's true. At that time, sun Jiangxiao was naughty and mischievous. We thought it was the nature of boys. Who knows that the child was too bad and couldn't be disciplined more and more. Not only that, he often committed crimes in and out of the police station. How dare we give Shanshan to him?"

"Unexpectedly, when he was in his twenties, he came to our house and threatened to marry Shanshan, or he would rob her and lock her up. We went to the sun's house several times. The sun's family could not control him for a long time, and it was a single pass. We could only send Shanshan abroad, and even try to reduce pity."

Mrs. Wu became more and more excited, and finally her tears flowed.

Wu Shanshan saw that her mother was so sad, so she became sad.

"Mom, don't be sad. It's all my fault."

Wen Nanzhi and Gong Shen were also in trouble.

"Sun Jiang is not Mr. Gong's opponent. We want Mr. Gong to protect Shanshan, so this is..." Mrs. Wu said shyly.

Wennan Zhizhi is even more difficult now. Gong Shen is not a person who helps people casually.

Gong Shen and Mr. Wu are just business contacts. They are not deep enough to talk to others for their sake.

And sun Jiang is a despicable man at first sight.

But Wen Nanzhi wants to help them, but he is weak and may not be able to make his strength.

Wen Nanzhi wanted to ask Gong Shen, but Gong Shen asked directly.

"OK, I'll help you."

"Mr. Gong." Wen Nanzhi looked at Gong Shen in surprise.

Gong Shen nodded slightly and said, "I know you can't watch them have an accident. Instead of letting you mess around alone, it's better for me to help you, but I don't know if you want me to help you."

"Yes." Wen Nanzhi said immediately.

At this point, she doesn't want to be a hero. After all, it concerns others.

Wu Shanshan and Mrs. Wu heard that they broke their tears into laughter.

"Thank you, Mr. Gong." the two men thanked.

Gong Shen pointed to Wen Nanzhi and replied, "you'd better thank her. I'd like it if she wants it."

I heard that Wennan orange is a little shy.

Mrs. Wu got up and said, "I really didn't look away. Your feelings are true."

"Mrs. Wu, don't say that. You've always helped me before. I should help you." Wen Nanzhi said.

"Well, let's stop talking here and go to the banquet hall, otherwise the guests should be confused."

Mrs. Wu took Wu Shanshan and wennanzhi into the banquet hall.

At this time, in the eyes of others, Mrs. Wu seemed to want to treat Wennan Zhizhi as her own daughter.

This makes others jealous.

Lin Wanxin, who had been standing in the corner drinking muggy wine, took another glass of wine and drank it.

Drinking, his cheeks turned red and even a little drunk.

"Miss, alone? It's really lonely." Sun Jiang walked to Lin Wanxin with a glass of wine.

Lin Wanxin glanced at Yu Guang and drank himself.

How dare such a man provoke her?

Don't think about who she is.

"Go away!" Lin Wanxin said impolitely.

"Oh, it's still a martyr. I like it. I'll drink with you." Sun Jiang poured wine for her and for himself.

Lin Wanxin drank with her own glass, and looked at Wen Nan Zhi and Gong Shen from time to time.

Why does everyone like Wennan orange?

She is also the daughter of the Xia family. Why doesn't everyone face her?

The more she thought about Lin Wanxin, the more she felt angry and unconsciously drank too much wine.

When she recovered, she felt that the world was spinning and she couldn't even walk steadily.

"What's going on?"

"Miss, you drink too much wine. I'll help you to have a rest." Sun Jiang helped Lin Wanxin.

Lin Wanxin waved.

"No! You let me go."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Sun Jiang showed a bad smile.

Sun Jiang had planned to leave, but he turned back when he thought that he was forced by Gong Shen.

When they first entered the hall, everyone's attention was on Gong Shen and Wen Nanzhi, so they didn't see him.

However, he noticed Lin Wanxin hiding in the corner drinking muggy wine.

I have to say that Lin Wanxin is still very beautiful. It is the kind of beauty that brightens people's eyes, so sun Jiang's old problem has been committed again.

Sun Jiang put some medicine in the red wine.

At this time, Lin Wanxin did not distinguish things, because everyone did not pay attention to her, so she was taken away and no one noticed.

When everyone was congratulating Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu, Lin Wanxin

When Lin Wanxin woke up, she looked at the clothes all over the floor and heard the sound in the bathroom. She couldn't help but be stunned.

She dressed flustered, and sun Jiang came out wrapped in a bathrobe.

"Wake up? Want to give you something to eat?"

"You... How dare you do such a thing to me! Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you? Aren't you a woman? I don't dislike you. What do you dislike me for? I wanted to be gentle with you. I didn't expect you to be a woman who plays too much. It's not the first time. Let's have fun with each other."

Sun Jiang spoke with disapproval.

Lin Wanxin was so frightened that she couldn't speak.

Sun Jiang said again, "look at your two arms. I was shocked when I touched them. It's not easy to insist. If you didn't have a good face, I don't think there should be any man to touch you?"

"You bastard! I'm the eldest lady of the Xia family! I'll let my father kill you!"

"Oh, Miss Huan, I think you are an old hand. Why pretend to be garlic in front of me? Besides, don't you feel ashamed to tell your father?"

Sun Jiang tilted his legs and laughed.

Lin Wanxin hugged her arms and thought of sun Jiang's words. She thought what he said was right.

To tell Xia Shaoli is to tell everyone.

She didn't want Gong Shen to know about it.

"Don't talk!" Lin Wanxin stood up and pointed to general sun to warn, "you can't go out and talk nonsense."

Sun Jiang took out his mobile phone. There were photos of two people on it. It was ugly.

"Of course I won't talk nonsense. Why should I smash my feet? But I still want to thank Miss Lin. if it weren't for the miss of the Xia family, I checked and didn't expect that you had an affair with Gong Shen. So I slept with Gong Shen's woman?"

"What do you want?" Lin Wanxin looked at Sun Jiang nervously.

"Don't be so nervous. Let's sit down and have a good talk. We're all close friends. There's no need to be so divided." Sun Jiang smiled.

Lin Wanxin felt that sun Jiang looked like a villain. After knowing her identity, she would have a purpose.

Lin Wanxin took her clothes to the bathroom and took a bath up and down.

After going out, sun Jiang was already eating the meal sent by room service.

Lin Wanxin took a deep breath and sat down.

"Calm?" Sun Jiang took a sip of milk.

Then he handed Lin Wanxin a glass of milk.

Lin Wanxin stared and asked, "have you had a festival with Gong Shen?"

"I've heard of it before, but there has been a festival since yesterday." Sun Jiang replied.

"Why?" Lin Wanxin looked at Sun Jiang incomprehensibly.

There are not a few people who have a holiday with Gong Shen. Even so, we still try to avoid the conflict with Gong Shen.

Everyone knows that Gong Shen can't be provoked.

This sun will look like he is not afraid of heaven.

Sun Jiang continued, "I have an engagement with Wu Shanshan, but looking at yesterday, Gong Shen seems to be meddling. If I don't get married with Wu Shanshan, I'll be in trouble, so I'll marry Wu Shanshan anyway."

"What! Since you have an engagement, why did you treat me..."

"Why are you so serious when you come out to play?" Sun Jiang said casually.

"You bastard!"

"I'm an asshole again. It's all obvious. Don't you spend less time for Gong Shen? In that case, why don't we stand together? After all, this room is a warm place for us."

Sun Jiang laughed.

Lin Wanxin looked at Sun Jiang's face discontentedly.

But she can't let Sun Jiang spread what happened between them.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It should be said what we should do." Sun Jiang stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Wanxin's chin.

Lin Wanxin felt a little sore and wanted to leave sun Jiang's hand.

But Sun Jiang pulled her in front of him.

"Remember, your picture is still in my hand. You can't mess around, okay?"

"I see."

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