Lin Wanxin was very excited when she learned that she was ill. She was unwilling to live so badly, but let Wen Nanzhi enjoy her success.

For what?

They are all Xia Shaoli's children. Why are they treated differently?

Besides, she is a sister. Shouldn't she start everything first?

Wen Nanzhi has robbed her of everything. Don't you even want to leave this family to her?

She knew that Xia Shaoli was soft hearted. If she knew that she was ill, she would not be willing to let her live and die outside.

She deliberately let Xia Shaoli find her illness. Originally, Xia Shaoli promised her to come back. Who knows that Xia you came back at this time.

Xia you pulled her directly from the sofa and pushed her outside the door.

"Lin Wanxin, you are not welcome here. Please leave here quickly."

"Brother, brother, I'm really ill. I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. Don't drive me out. I'm really helpless now."

Lin Wanxin cried and cried.

Although there is an element of acting, most of them are true feelings, because she never thought she would get this disease. Now she is ill and flustered. She just wants to find a place to protect herself.

The first thing she thought of was Xia's house, because this was her home and the only place she missed.

"You're wrong? You're still helpless? Why don't you go to Yin Yu? He didn't give you everything you want? Didn't you swear you didn't need us? Didn't you dare to tell Yin Yu and come here to seek comfort?"

Xia you unkindly reveals Lin Wanxin's face.

Lin Wanxin heard that her face was white, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Xia you looked at it and sneered, "what's the matter? There's nothing to say? Aren't you particularly powerful?"

"Anyway, in my brother's heart, I can't do anything better than Wen Nanzhi. Now that she's back, you can care more about my life and death."

Lin Wanxin complained wrongly, and then looked at Xia Shaoli pitifully.

Xia Shaoli couldn't bear it and asked, "WAN Xin, show me your medical record."

"Dad, you don't really doubt that I lied to you? Do you have no trust in me?" Lin Wanxin asked.

Xia Shaoli also wants to be just in case. After all, Lin Wanxin has deceived him too many times.

Xia you blocks Xia Shaoli and prevents Lin Wanxin from reaching thousands.

"What's the matter? Dare you take it out? Or do you not have it at all?"

Lin Wanxin was embarrassed by Xia you everywhere. She couldn't bear it. She took out the medical record in her bag and threw it to Xia you.

"You see, have a good look. Did I lie? Yes, where is good for me in your eyes? Now you see? Do I need to lie with my own body?"

Xia you picked up the medical record and looked through it carefully. He didn't dare to confirm it until he saw the doctor's signature.

But then he denied himself. Lin Wanxin's ability is too great. It is likely that she bought the doctor to make a fake.

"Do you believe it now?" Lin Wanxin asked, "can I come back?"

"No, I don't care what disease you are. It's not me or dad who caused the situation today. It's yourself. You can only bear the consequences."

Xia you firmly disagrees to let Lin Wanxin come back.

Lin Wanxin can only look at her father, Xia Shaoli.

She cried and then begged: "Dad, I'm still not your daughter? I've become like this. Even if the door outside doesn't let me in, don't you even want to talk to me now? Do you really want to kill me?"

Xia Shaoli looked at Lin Wanxin and Xia you. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Xia you immediately said, "Dad, if you still want to help her, help yourself. I'll give you the money. You can help as much as you want, but... Don't forget, you've done the property transfer. At present, I'm the owner of the Xia family. The house is also under my name, so please leave here immediately."

Lin Wanxin was stunned when she heard that Xia Shaoli had made the property transfer.

She grabbed Xia you and asked, "what property transfer? My father hasn't died and the will doesn't take effect. Why should I transfer it?"

"Why? It's not because of you? Look at what you do, who else is willing to believe you?" Xia you replied.

"What about mine?" Lin Wanxin cares about these. Even if he is not as good as Xia you, he can't be less than Wen Nan Zhi anyway?

Wen Nanzhi has everything for madam Rong, and should be satisfied.

"You have it all, don't I?" Lin Wanxin asked again.

"Dad, look at her. When I say property, where does she look like a sick person? Her mind is full of money. Nanzhi refused it directly until later. It seems that she will lose her."

"Brother, why do you say that about me? Nanzhi has everything about Aunt Rong, and she has to possess her father's. don't you think it's too much? If so, can I ask her to give me half of aunt Rong's?"

"Lin Wanxin, do you want a face?" Xia you was angry and didn't know what to say.

"Dad, didn't you really give it to me?" Lin Wanxin asked.

Xia Shaoli took a deep breath and said, "yes, I won't lose you, but when I die, you can get what belongs to you, so do you want me to die?"

"I can take it now, but I have to wait until you die. Is it fair?" Lin Wanxin didn't realize what he said.

Xia Shaoli helped his forehead directly. He had nothing to say.

"What do you think is fair? I'm dying in front of you now?"

"Lin Wanxin, shut up if you can't speak. Do you want money? OK, I'll give it to you."

Xia you took out the check and filled in the numbers.

Lin Wanxin took the check with 100000 written on it.

"100000? Only 100000? Am I a beggar?"

"Aren't you? Beggars will leave no matter how much they take. I haven't seen anyone like you. It's too little to take money." Xia you sarcastically said.

"So you really don't want me back?"

"I said, this is my house, you are not welcome." Xia you explained again.

Xia Shaoli grabbed Lin Wanxin and pulled him out directly.

At this time, Lin Wanxin blushed and trembled all over. She was really afraid that one day she would drive to everything, and she couldn't even go back to her home.

I don't know if it's because of her illness. She becomes a little strange. She doesn't want to encourage herself. On the one hand, she feels that the world is too dark.

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself. She always feels very nervous and depressed. She wants to break out, but there's nowhere to say.

Xia Shaoli appeases Lin Wanxin.

Finally, Xia Shaoli was reluctant to let Lin Wanxin drag such a disease and no one took care of him.

"WAN Xin, dad knows the best psychologist. You go to see a doctor. There's still some money here. You take it. But I can't decide here. You'd better go. When can you figure out what's wrong with yourself and find me again?"

The father won't ignore his daughter, but what Lin Wanxin did made him feel cold again.

"Dad..." Lin Wanxin also wanted to beg.

Who knows, Xia Shaoli left after saying these words.

Lin Wanxin stood at the door, like an outsider, staring at the closed door. She was angry and hated.

"Xia you, you will regret it!"


Lin Wanxin returned to her apartment and Yin Yu's phone came.

"What's the matter with your recent work? You always make mistakes! Do you still want to do it?" Yin Yu asked discontentedly.

Lin Wanxin's psychology is very anxious, but she can't lose Yin Yu's big backer.

"Sorry, I'm a little sick these two days, so I may lack some work. I've seen a doctor today. It's all right."

"That's good. Don't mess around. The current situation doesn't allow us to mess around." Yin Yu warned.

Lin Wanxin sneered, who died and messed up?

It's clearly his own mess.

"I see."

After hanging up, sun Jiang came to ask for news again.

After Lin Wanxin became a double faced person, she has now become a triple faced person. It's strange that she's not crazy.

After dealing with general sun, Wu Shanshan's news came and said to go out for dinner tomorrow.

Lin Wanxin agreed.

We must quickly complete the things between Wu Shanshan and sun Jiang, otherwise this nightmare will haunt us all the time.

Sun is used to threatening this man. There is someone to rely on behind him. Lin Wanxin is not an opponent at all.

And Lin Wanxin did not dare to do so.

She doesn't want people all over the world to know that she betrayed Gong Shen. After all, she is the victim now.

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