In order not to let Lin Wanxin see it, Wu Shanshan specially rehearsed at home one day in advance, pretending to be a former little white rabbit and being very affectionate to Lin Wanxin.

"Sister Wan Xin, have you been waiting for a long time? My mother has been asking me who I want to see, so I wasted my time."

"Your mother? What did you say?" Lin Wanxin asked nervously.

"Of course, I don't say anything. If my mother knew that you and I came to see sun Jiang, she would hate to break my leg." Wu Shanshan said exaggerated.

Lin Wanxin nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Wanxin comforted Wu Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, believe me, I won't hurt you."


Lin Wanxin smiled. When Wu Shanshan really knew she had been killed, it would be too late.

She decided with general sun before she came. As long as Wu Shanshan comes here, she will solve Wu Shanshan as soon as possible by means of general sun.

Wu Shanshan had no power to fight back and could only be at the mercy of general sun.

When Wu Shanshan is at the mercy of sun Jiang like her, sun will get the full initiative.

Still worried that Wu Shanshan won't marry him?

Lin Wanxin thought again and again, holding Wu Shanshan's hand again and again.

Wu Shanshan's palm is a little cold. Since she knew Lin Wanxin's character, every time Lin Wanxin touched her, she was a little afraid and restless.

"Shanshan, what's the matter with you? Your hands are so cold. Are you thinking about something?" Lin Wanxin asked alertly.

Wu Shanshan wants to withdraw her hand, but Lin Wanxin holds it tightly.

"I, I'm just nervous. On the one hand, my mother won't let me do this. On the other hand, I haven't seen any men alone, so it's a little strange."

Wu Shanshan quickly found a reason.

After all, Wu Shanshan is still a young lady of the ivory tower. It's normal to be nervous about these things.

"It doesn't matter. Isn't there still me? If you don't like it, let's leave quickly." Lin Wanxin comforted.

Wu Shanshan smiled at Lin Wanxin and thought that it was because she was there that she felt very dangerous.

Lin Wanxin took Wu Shanshan to the restaurant. There was no one in it.

Wu Shanshan began to be nervous again, and Lin Wanxin was quietly trying to hold her hand, as if she wouldn't leave here.

After sitting down, sun jiangcai came late.

Sun Jiang smiled at Wu Shanshan.

"Shanshan, we meet again."

"Yes, if it weren't for sister Wan Xin, I wouldn't come to see you." Wu Shanshan said displeased.

"Yes, I should thank Miss Lin, but I also hope you can give me a chance to explain." Sun Jiang was very sincere, even without any flaws.

Wu Shanshan looked at Sun Jiang in surprise. Can a person really have so many faces?

She did not dare to answer sun Jiang's words at will. She could only lower her head and twist her fingers.

Her eyes began to wander around. Wen Nanzhi said that they were nearby and there should be no accident.

"Then explain." Wu Shanshan looked up at Sun Jiang.

"In fact, I also wish that the gossip with women were made up and directed by those women. I just hope I can recognize and marry one of them, but my grandfather told me since childhood that I have to marry you in my life, so I don't even have a girlfriend“

Sun Jiang turned the so-called scandal into someone else's fault.

It was his recklessness that caught him.

If those women were present, they would be angry to death.

Wu Shanshan doesn't believe sun Jiang's words at all, but now that she's sitting here, she has to act like him.

"Really? You have nothing to do with those women? So you like me?"

"Of course, I like you since I was a child. I'll wait until you grow up and marry you in, but your parents don't like me more and more. No matter how I explain, they can't listen, so I can't get close to you."

"Obviously, you always say something to stimulate my parents. How can you say that they embarrass you?" Wu Shanshan couldn't help defending her parents.

Sun Jiang was stunned and said with a random smile, "it's not like this. It's mainly because there are some conflicts in our business and they don't like us together, so I was angry and said those unpleasant words."

Sun Jiang began to argue again.

Wu Shanshan stared at Sun Jiang's face. If Wen Nanzhi hadn't told her about sun Jiang in advance, she would be confused by sun Jiang's appearance now.

"I see." Wu Shanshan nodded.

"So, are you willing to believe me?" Sun Jiang asked.

"Is it impolite for us to let me answer you so absolutely for the first time?" Wu Shanshan said carefully.

Sun Jiang's lips are turned. This woman is trouble.

Having said so much is tantamount to saying in vain.

Sun Jiang looked at Lin Wanxin impatiently.

Lin Wanxin nodded knowingly, took Wu Shanshan's hand and said, "Shanshan, you see Mr. Sun is so sincere. If you don't forgive him, isn't it too unkind?"

"Sister Wan Xin, I'll think about it myself. Since we're all here, let's eat first." Wu Shanshan was afraid that she couldn't cope, so she had to find an excuse to change the topic.

Lin Wanxin couldn't do it too clearly. She was afraid that Wu Shanshan would be suspicious.

Lin Wanxin and sun Jiang exchanged a look, and then they began to order.

Sun Jiang has always maintained a gentlemanly demeanor, so he has not attracted any special attention.

"I'll go to the wine cellar and choose a bottle of wine to celebrate our first good chat." Sun Jiang got up.

"OK," said Lin Wanxin. "Now that you're here, have a drink."

"Well, what if I can't drink?" Wu Shanshan deliberately revealed her shortcomings.

This is also explained by Wennan trifoliate orange.

Only in this way can Lin Wanxin and sun Jiang reveal their plans.

Lin Wanxin smiled. It was just that Wu Shanshan couldn't drink.

Really think sun will go to get wine to celebrate? Not that yet?

Now Wu Shanshan can't drink, which makes sun Jiang succeed. At that time, just say that Wu Shanshan is drunk.

"Shanshan, don't you still have me? I've just had a drink or two. It won't be much."

"All right."

With Wu Shanshan's consent, sun will find a waiter and go to the wine cellar of the restaurant.

After entering the wine cellar, sun Jiang casually chose a bottle of wine.

"Sir, I'll take it for you to sober up."

"Wait a minute, now open the wine," Sun Jiang ordered.

"But there is no special decanter here, which may affect the taste of the wine."

"Less nonsense!"

Sun took money directly from his wallet and threw it to the waiter.

"Later, no matter what you see, don't talk nonsense, you know?"


"Not enough? Here you are. Open the wine for me quickly." Sun Jiang threw his wallet directly on the waiter's face.

The waiter nodded, opened the wine and poured out three cups according to sun Jiang's instructions.

Sun Jiang took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket and dropped two drops of medicine into one of the cups.

"This one is for the woman in the white dress, you know?"

"Yes, sir," replied the waiter.

Sun Jiang watched the waiter leave the cellar. After the trick succeeded, he couldn't help laughing.

After sun Jiang took his seat again, he found that there was a lot less wine in Wu Shanshan's glass. At a glance, he knew it was Lin Wanxin's masterpiece.

"Sorry, I went to the bathroom. Come and have a drink. It can be regarded as explaining the misunderstanding. Your lady is free. I'll do it first."

Sun will raise his glass forthright.

Lin Wanxin and Wu Shanshan took a sip carefully.

When all the dishes are served, sun will greet everyone to eat.

In less than ten minutes, sun Hui felt as if he were drunk.

"What's the matter? Do you think this wine has a little stamina?"

Wu Shanshan immediately helped her forehead and felt very uncomfortable.

"Yes, I feel so bad, too."

"You... I really want to..." Lin Wanxin hasn't noticed the difference, "what's the matter with you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Shanshan and sun Hui fell on the table at the same time.

Lin Wanxin felt strange. Just getting ready to get up, she also felt that her body wanted to be out of control.

With a slap, she also fell on the table.

Three people were lying on the table. Three minutes later, Wu Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately sat up straight.

She patted her chest and whispered, "sister Wanxin? Mr. Sun? What's wrong with you?"

After shouting three times without answering, she got up and looked at the waiter.

The waiter nodded and opened the door to the back kitchen.

"Mr. Gong."

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