Lin Wanxin returned to Xia's house according to Xia Shaoli's words.

This was the first time that Xia Shaoli took the initiative to call her home. Who knew such a thing had happened.

Lin Wanxin walked into the house in fear. All the people who should come to the Xia family arrived.

Even Wen Nan Zhi, who has always been indifferent to the affairs of the Xia family, came.

The only good thing is that Gong Shen didn't come.

Lin Wanxin took a deep breath and went in.

"What are you doing? Three sessions? Am I a prisoner?"

Lin Wanxin thought that a preemptive strike would take advantage of the opportunity, but she was even more upset to see Wen Nanzhi and He Lan disdain in their eyes.

"Who are you? Do you need us to tell you? Look at these reports. They are more familiar with you than us. You have lost not only your face, but also our Xia family's face." Xia you's angry duty is Lin Wanxin.

Lin Wanxin looked at Wen Nanzhi discontentedly and asked, "are you? The Wu family found you and Gong Shen. You must be playing tricks behind your back."

"Lin Wanxin, don't blame me for what you did wrong. It was the same before. How many black pots did I carry for you? And... How did you know that the Wu family came to me? It seems that you really know sun Jiang and have a good relationship."

Wen Nanzhi spoke with no fear.

Does Lin Wanxin really think she is the spirited person before?

She had long been despised by everyone, and even her own father was very disappointed in her.

"I don't mean that, Dad. Believe me, Wen Nanzhi really calculated me about this. She must have helped Wu Shanshan. That's why she did this to me. The Wu family wanted to withdraw their marriage and frame me!"

Lin Wanxin worried that Xia Shaoli ignored himself, so she immediately opened her mouth to explain.

Wen Nanzhi sneered at the doctor. He really didn't admit it.

Even Xia Shaoli shook his head.

Xia you directly came forward and said, "you said it had nothing to do with you. Then tell me, how did you know that the Wu family was going to withdraw? How did you know that Nanzhi was helping the Wu family?"

"This... This is what Wu Shanshan told me! She really told me." Lin Wanxin began to find a reason to refuse again.

Xia you sneered: "do you think Dad didn't find the Wu family? After knowing you, dad called the Wu family at the first time, hoping they wouldn't blame you. You're still here to argue? We all know what Wu Shanshan said to you!"

As soon as Lin Wanxin heard it, he knew that the situation was over.

"What are you looking for me for? To see how embarrassed I am in front of you? Are you really my family? Why do you do this to me?"

"Do you really think of us as family members? It's family members who help the enemy harm their own people? When will you wake up?" Xia you shouted.

"No! Impossible! As long as there is a day of Wennan Zhizhi, I can't live well! She took everything from me!" Lin Wanxin retorted.

Xia you is too angry to know what to say.

Wen Nanzhi got up, walked up to Lin Wanxin and said with a smile, "what is yours? My husband? My parents? Or my son? Which one? Point it out!"

Lin Wanxin didn't know how to answer.

"Don't be unreasonable in front of me. Gong Shen and I got married first. My parents didn't choose me. My son came out at the risk of death. Tell me, what is your credit?"

Wen Nanzhi is aggressive, and Lin Wanxin doesn't know what to say.

"Say, talk! Don't you usually have the most truth? Why can't you say a word now?"

"Wen, Wen Nanzhi, you... You are unreasonable."

"You are pitiful in your mouth, but I'm unreasonable here? Everyone knows I'm right, and only you think you're the most correct." Wen Nanzhi chuckled and didn't care, "and if you want to think about these, it's better to treat your disease."

"Who told you? I'm not sick!"

"Really? In that case, why do you want Xia Zong to let you back? It seems that this is also your lie." Wen Nanzhi asked homeopathy.

Lin Wanxin shook his head.

Xia Shaoli sighed and asked, "WAN Xin, what is true? What is false? Can you tell me?"

"Dad, do you believe what Wen Nanzhi said? Didn't you say you love me most?" Lin Wanxin cried.

"You are all my children and I love you, but you always lie like this. I really can't help you. If it weren't for your illness, I wouldn't care about it at all."

Xia Shaoli has tried his best, but no matter what he does, Lin Wanxin is not satisfied.

Lin Wanxin burst into tears, as if everyone was embarrassing her.

Seeing this, Wen Nanzhi reminded him and said, "it's inevitable for the Wu family and the sun family to cancel their engagement. If you interfere again, I don't think it's such a simple thing as making an affair next time."

"Wen Nanzhi! You finally admitted that you framed me! I have nothing to do with sun Jiang! You were afraid of me and Gong Shen, so you tried to frame me!"

Lin Wanxin seems to be hypnotizing herself. She can't listen to anything good or bad.

Wen Nanzhi said casually, "do you know why Mr. Gong doesn't come? Because he doesn't want to listen to your self hypnosis, let alone be a member of your fantasy."

"I have no illusions. He gave me hope and made me disillusioned." Lin Wanxin wept silently.

"Lin Wanxin, I'm here to take a message for the Wu family. Wu Shanshan doesn't want to see you again. I hope you can take care of yourself."

With that, Wen Nanzhi left with he lanli.

Lin Wanxin got up and wanted to catch up, but Xia you grabbed him.

"Will you save yourself some face?"

Lin Wanxin plopped down on the and began to cry hysterically.

Sun will be rushed back by grandpa sun. It turned out that Grandpa sun was hospitalized angrily.

As soon as he entered the ward, he was hit in the head by a crutch thrown by his grandfather.

"You bastard! I asked you to propose marriage to the Wu family, but you got involved with other women. Do you deserve Wu Shanshan? Do you deserve me?"

"Grandpa, don't be angry. This time it's just a scandal. It's all those women..."

"Shut up! Those women used to say they were sticking to you and framing you, but this time it's Xia Shaoli's daughter. What does she need to stick to you for? Doesn't a big lady know to pay attention to reputation?"

Grandpa sun waved his crutch.

"Grandpa, listen to me. Lin Wanxin and I just..."

"Just what? I tell you, I just like Shanshan. I don't like other women. If you dare to find women to enter the house, I won't leave you a penny! Have you been a bastard for too long? Think I'm afraid of you, don't you?"

Grandpa sun snorted and turned his head away from general sun.

Sun Jiang couldn't get grandpa sun's understanding no matter how he explained. As soon as he heard that Grandpa sun didn't intend to leave a legacy to him, he called.

Everyone knows that Grandpa sun is a man of one word, and what he decides, even his own son, can't change anything.

"Grandpa, let me tell you the truth. I don't like Wu Shanshan. I, what I like is Lin Wanxin. I really like her. If it weren't for being framed this time, I'd like to tell you when our affairs are settled."

"What did you say?" Grandpa sun looked at Sun Jiang in surprise.

Sun Jiang continued: "WAN Xin and I really love each other, but because I have an engagement, we can only sneak. I'm worried that others think she is a third party. Since she was photographed this time, I can only tell you the truth."

"Is that true?"

"Really, I'm just worried that you don't want to say it, so Grandpa, you can't always think about arranged marriage, can you? Since Wan Xin and I are sincere, can't you complete us? And WAN Xin is Xia Shaoli's daughter and has a good identity. Can't we stop caring about the Wu family?"

Sun Jiang had an idea and simply pressed the treasure on Lin Wanxin.

Lin Wanxin still has a handle in his hand. He absolutely dare not go against his will.

Grandpa sun thought again and again. His original intention was to let Sun Jiang get married and be a responsible man.

If sun Jiang really doesn't like Wu Shanshan, he can't force him as a grandfather.

"Sun Jiang, if what you said is true, well, let's go to Xia's house to talk about it tomorrow. As long as you are willing to keep yourself safe and live a good life with others, Grandpa will never treat Lin Wanxin badly."

"What? Grandpa, did you say tomorrow?" Sun Jiang was startled.

"Yes, I understand. Tell Lin Wanxin to go!"

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