Xia Shaoli and Xia you see that Lin Wanxin is stubborn and give up directly.

Xia Shaoli shook his sleeve and left.

Xia you snorted coldly and warned, "Lin Wanxin, don't worry, you won't get married without you, lest you say that my Xia family treats you badly."

"That's the best."

Lin Wanxin looked away.

After the two left, Lin Wanxin released sun Jiang's arm.

"Now that we're getting married, let me say first that I can have this child, but I won't be responsible for taking it, and I won't have any relationship with you. We're just superficial couples."

"Lin Wanxin, don't worry, I don't need you to do anything. I think now there are no other men want you besides me?" Sun Jiang laughed.

Lin Wanxin grinned at Sun Jiang.

After a few words with her, sun Jiang left and asked a doctor to check her body to make sure that the child in her stomach was all right.

The doctor asked Lin Wanxin when she came to her aunt for the last time, and then helped her calculate the size of the month.

Said nothing and left.

Lin Wanxin felt very upset.

After leaving the ward, the doctor went directly to Gu Yanyi's office.

"Dr. Gu, just now Lin Wanxin asked about the child. I said everything you said. There will be no trace in her medical record."

"Thank you. It's really embarrassing for you." Gu Yanyi apologized.

"It doesn't matter. I'm just worried that the woman will say some bad news for the hospital," the doctor worried.

Helan Li got up from the sofa and said with a smile, "don't worry, Lin Wanxi doesn't dare to say it. She can't afford to lose this man."

If she did, others would say that she married sun Jiang because she was pregnant.

If she hadn't been pregnant, she would have no one to want now. Who else would there be except sun Jiang?

The most important thing is that sun Jiang also came out with the inspection report just now. He actually broke himself.

It is estimated that the child in Lin Wanxin's stomach is his only hope.

If they knew it would come to nothing, they would be so angry.

But Lin Wanxin and sun Jiang deserve it.


The engagement banquet, which was supposed to be grand, finally became very low-key, because no one married Lin Wanxin.

Without the blessing of his family, the reporter will certainly scribble.

So Lin Wanxin chose to keep a low profile.

As long as she marries into the sun family, she gets what she wants, and she will return all her grievances to those people.

As a result, she bled two days after the engagement banquet.

She thought she had miscarried too hard, but without any pain, she felt something was wrong.

Lin Wanxin wanted to go to the hospital for an examination. Then she remembered that the hospital was family friendly. If she was found to have a miscarriage, she would make a big fuss.

So Lin Wanxi went to another hospital, but it turned out that she came to her aunt.

"Miss Lin, are you in pain?" the doctor asked incomprehensibly.

"No, I'm pregnant. How can I come to my aunt?" Lin Wanxin asked incomprehensibly.

"Pregnant? Miss Lin, have you misunderstood? Your body is normal and there are no symptoms of pregnancy. You just have a little irregular menstruation. Just pay attention to rest." the doctor asked with a smile.

"No, it's impossible. I've been examined in other hospitals. I'm pregnant."

"No, I'm sure." the doctor gave the list to Lin Wanxin.

Even patiently explained the data on the list.

Lin Wanxin angrily threw away the list and asked for a new one.

But repeated several times, the result is the same.

She's not pregnant.

"How could this happen?"

Lin Wanxin didn't want the child at all, but now she needs the child to save her life.

God made a big joke on her.

She even wanted to go to Gu Yanyi's Hospital for another examination, but after thinking carefully, she suddenly realized that pregnancy might be a wrong message from the beginning.

It's Wen Nanzhi. They want her to think she's pregnant.

At present, she has to marry sun Jiang, and pregnancy has become her only trump card.

As a result... She was not pregnant!

Lin Wanxin took the list and the whole person was about to collapse.

All along, she thought she was calculating others, but now, she realized that she had been being calculated.

It must be Wennan orange.

As long as she married sun Jiang and became an irreversible decision, no one would rob the palace again.

Wen Nan Zhi really knows how to calculate.

Lin Wanxin is now riding a tiger.

After returning to his residence, sun Jiang has returned.

After the engagement, the sun family bought a real estate here, and sun will move in with Lin Wanxin.

But they live in different rooms.

"My parents called and said they would hold a grand wedding, otherwise it would be too embarrassing. Don't worry, we'll arrange it."

"I, I know." Lin Wanxin didn't dare to look at Sun Jiang's face.

Sun Jiang frowned at Lin Wanxin when he found her abnormal.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you say you must have a decent wedding?"

"It's all right. I'm just a little tired."

"Then don't be too tired. The child is important. Didn't you go to the hospital? What did the doctor say?"

Sun Jiang showed great concern.

Of course, all he cares about is the child. He needs the child as a chip.

Lin Wanxin looked at Sun Jiang and dared not tell him the truth. She could only smile.

"Very good. The doctor said the baby was very good."

"That's good. My parents are very happy to hear that you are pregnant, especially my grandfather. He thought I was playing hard and worried that he wouldn't see my children until he died. Now he knows that he can value his grandchildren. They all called candidates here to build a paradise for the children."

Sun Jiang stared at Lin Wanxin's stomach and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he received treatment, the effect was not obvious. This kind of difficult words can't be said everywhere, so he can only treat it slowly.

The two men looked at each other and all kinds of things were hidden in their hearts.

There is no love between them, only agreements and various interests.

"I went upstairs first."

Lin Wanxin went upstairs and entered the room. She was very afraid, but at this point, even if there were no children in her stomach, she could only harden her head.

So Lin Wanxin decided to make a child by herself.

After her aunt left, she calculated the days and bought a set of sexy underwear.

I prepared dinner in the evening and waited for sun Jiang to come back.

Although she said she wouldn't let other men touch her, she was blind as a last resort.

When sun Jiang came back, he saw the sexy and beautiful Lin Wanxin and couldn't believe his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"The doctor said it doesn't matter, so I was thinking, since we are all getting married, even if we have no feelings, we can live more comfortably, don't you think so?"

Lin Wanxin made the catwalk in front of general sun and stretched out his hand to hold his tie.

Sun Jiang smiled and put his arms around Lin Wanxin's waist.

Lin Wanxin took advantage of the situation and sat on Sun Jiang's lap. The two people drank a glass of wine.

Lin Wanxin smiled brightly at Sun Jiang and put one hand around Sun Jiang's neck.

"There's water in the bathroom upstairs. Would you like to take a hot bath?"

"Well, why don't you have a mandarin duck bath?"

The two men went upstairs with a smile.

But when the love was strong, sun Jiang was unable to lift up.

Lin Wanxin thought that her charm had faded again. She was trying her best to attract sun Jiang.

But Sun Jiang frowned.

Finally, sun Jiang pushed Lin Wanxin aside.

"The wine is a little strong. I'm a little uncomfortable."

"Didn't you just have two drinks?"

"When I say uncomfortable, I mean uncomfortable. Get up quickly and don't catch a cold. It's bad for the child. It's better to think less about such things so that the child won't feel uncomfortable“

Sun Jiang made excuses at will.

Lin Wanxin hung the cup aside, feeling even more unhappy.

She didn't believe that sun Jiang didn't stay with her because of her children.

Seeing that sun would leave, Lin Wanxin hugged sun from behind.

"Don't go. I really need you now. You know, my father is very angry with me now. My brother and sister hate me so much. You helped me. I'm serious. Maybe we can try to be together."

"What are you talking about? Why should I try with you? What woman do I want? I'm just for my children!"

Sun will push Lin Wanxin away and leave the room directly.

Lin Wanxin looked at herself in the mirror and wiped the makeup on her face.

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