Uncle Zhong listened to Xia Shaoli and let Lin Wanxin in.

Lin Wanxin angrily walked into the palace house. At this time, everyone was present.

There were snacks and hot tea on the tea table. Everyone was very happy, but when they saw her, their smiles disappeared.

Helan got up and said unhappily, "what are you doing? Isn't Mrs. sun your wedding night today? What are you doing here?"

"Today is also your wedding night. Isn't it appropriate to stay at someone else's house? Why? Gather here to see my jokes?" Lin Wanxin said.

"You can't come," said Wen Nanzhi. "If you don't come, no one will see you laugh."

"If I don't come, I don't know that my father was cheated by you and made a hasty division of property." Lin Wanxin scolded.

Lin Wanxin came to Xia Shaoli and asked, "did Wen Nanzhi and Xia you force you to do this?"

Xia Shaoli frowned and said, "is this your attitude towards talking to me?"

"Dad, don't be cheated by them!" Lin Wanxin said loudly.

Xia you couldn't see it anymore. He stepped forward and said, "I'm the only man in the family and the only heir. What's wrong with me taking what I should take?"

"But how can there be such a division? It's obvious that you're blocking it and letting dad not give it to me."

"Why don't you give it to you if you pretend to be twice as much as Nanzhi?" Xia you asked.

"But those pretends can't reach one tenth of what you have now. Why don't I have anything?" Lin Wanxin asked.

Xia you sneered.

Wen Nanzhi is too lazy to talk.

Xia Shaoli sat down silently and listened to Lin Wanxin.

"It's not them, it's my own decision."


"WAN Xin, I can give you so much. Don't you forget, I'll give you a choice." Xia Shaoli said calmly.

Lin Wanxin was stunned and stared at Xia Shaoli.

Xia Shaoli didn't expect Lin Wanxin to make trouble. So many people were present. It's better to make some words clear.

"WAN Xin, I can give you so much. I gave birth to Xia you and Nanzhi. This is my will and has nothing to do with others."

"Why? I married someone else obediently. I made so many sacrifices. Why do I have to do this to me? Am I not your child?" Lin Wanxin cried.

"You are, but you are not the Lin Wanxin I know." Xia Shaoli waved, "that's it. No matter how much trouble you make, you won't change my decision."

"So, are you going to bully me together?" Lin Wanxin said bitterly.

"No one bullied you. You made your choice."

"You forced me. Dare you say you didn't know that Wen Nanzhi designed me to marry general sun? I'm desperate. If I don't marry, what am I left?" Lin Wanxin said.

"You still have us? We are your relatives, but you don't treat us as relatives. You always think we are calculating you. You help outsiders deal with us. Have you ever thought about our feelings?" Xia Shaoli replied.

Lin Wanxin pointed to Wen Nanzhi and said, "calculate? Then why did Wen Nanzhi calculate me? Don't you question her? Don't you blame her?"

"Then why did you help general sun design Wu Shanshan? Do you know that you will die if you do wrong?"

Wen Nanzhi stood up unbearably.

"Lin Wanxin, in this world, you only allow others to obey you, but you don't allow others to resist. Who do you think you are? It's a joke. We people who resist you feel bad for you? We don't want to compete with you for anything, so please leave here."

"Wen Nanzhi, what kind of person are you pretending to be at this time? It's mostly you since childhood. You made me lose everything."

"Lin Wanxin, you have made my life difficult since I was young."

Wen Nanzhi and Lin Wanxin are at war. Neither of them will let the other,

Until Gong Shen blocked Wen Nanzhi and looked down at Lin Wanxin.

"Get out."

"You... Gong Shen, you gave me hope, but trampled on my dignity again and again."

"I didn't give you anything. I made it clear from beginning to end, so don't think too special." Gong Shen pointed to the door. "You can go."

He lanli said with a smile, "what are you doing? Do you want us to help you out of this door? I'm afraid it's a little ugly at that time. Aren't you pregnant? Be careful."

"You! Well, you don't care about me, do you? All the pain Lin Wanxin suffered will be returned to you in the future." Lin Wanxin looked at Xia Shaoli and said angrily, "you too, you're no longer my father."

"OK, OK, if you have to do this, forget it! I'll take Xia Shaoli as having never given birth to your daughter!" Xia Shaoli said.

Lin Wanxin rushed out of the palace.

Wen Nanzhi looked at her back and couldn't help worrying.

"Lin Wanxin is afraid of another bloody storm."

"She doesn't dare for the time being. She knows that we have evidence of her false pregnancy, and she dares to say so entirely because she has a grandson's family as a backer."

"President Xia, it's hard for you to do this," Gu Yanyi apologized.

"It's all right. It's over. It's my fault to let you hear these words on today's happy day."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with anyone. Where did we talk just now? Don't let Lin Wanxin destroy the mood." he lanli waved his hand.

Although there was still some haze in everyone's mind, after a few words of laughter, they didn't care.

It was not until the early morning that the tea Bureau dispersed.

When Wen Nanzhi was ready to get up and leave, Xi Xi had fallen asleep in her arms.

"Stay," said Gong Shen.

Wen Nanzhi looked at the people around her and seemed to be looking forward to her answer.

She held the child, nodded and replied, "OK. But..."

"Uncle Zhong will help you clean up the room." Gong Shen doesn't insist.

He gave Wen Nanzhi the greatest freedom and respect now. After all, he really caused the injury and coercion.

Wen Nanzhi whispered a thank you, and then took the child to the room.

Xi Xi depends on her a little. Even if she knows that she should create a good opportunity for her father at this time, she sticks to her to sleep together when she wakes up.

Wen Nan Zhi left Xi Xi. As a result, he didn't say a word to Gong Shen at night.

Knowing that early in the morning, Wen Nanzhi got up thirsty, poured a glass of water and saw the storerooms she used to live in open.

She opened the door and found Gong Shen lying inside.


Gong Shen propped up his body, gave way to a position and looked at Wen Nan Zhi.

Wen Nanzhi sat down with a cup in her arms.

Gong Shen pulled up the quilt and covered her legs.

"Do you live here?"

"Sometimes when I can't sleep, I will be here." Gong Shen said calmly.

Lie down lazily.

Wen Nanzhi found that the quilt was actually covered by herself before.

At this time, her mood is particularly complex.

Some moved, some at a loss.

She looked at everything in the room. It was not sealed, but used. Except Gong Shen, no one in the Gong family would dare to touch anything here.

Will he really miss her?

"If it weren't for hatred, would we still be like this?" Wen Nanzhi sighed.

"All this has nothing to do with you. After I found out that he died, it was too late." Gong Shen said helplessly, "it's my fault."

"Hmm? Mr. Gong, what are you talking about?"

"I said... It's my fault. Have you been waiting for this sentence?"

"Can't you say it earlier?" Wen Nanzhi pretended not to care.

"Not before. There are so many dangers. I can't let you continue to take risks. Even if you hate me, at least others won't mess with you."

After listening to Gong Shen's words, Wen Nanzhi looked at him calmly, his heart pounding, as if everything had returned to the past.

When she is helpless, Gong Shen will appear.

Gong Shen looked at Wen Nan Zhi in front of her and reached out to touch her long hair.

"As I said, your long hair must look good."

His fingers wrapped around her and put them under his lips to smell.

Wen Nanzhi did not resist, but looked at Gong Shen until the distance between them exceeded the safe distance.

"Nanzhi, come back," Gong Shen said.

Wen Nan Zhi didn't answer.

Gong Shen kissed her carefully, like a treasure in the palm of his hand.

Wennan Zhizhi felt warm for a while, and all the feelings returned to the past.

She nodded and said with a smile, "OK."

"I won't let you out of my sight," Gong Chen said.

The temperature of the room kept rising and everything became natural.

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