Zhou Jin doesn't let Yin Zijin's Li Yunhao get emotional, but Yin Zijin gradually relaxed his vigilance against Li Yunhao under the comfort of Li Yunhao.

Even Zhou Jin's words, she doesn't want to hear, the whole person just wants to be loved.

The more Li Yunhao understood Yin Zijin, he felt that she was not as vicious and vicious as expected, which was different from what outsiders said.

Yin Zijin is not like Gong Mei at all. In fact, she just wants someone to love her wholeheartedly.

After getting along with Yin Zijin, Li Yunhao began to hesitate.

Li's mother didn't wait for Li Yunhao's news. She couldn't sit still. She quickly called Li Yunhao.

"Yunhao, why haven't you been looking for your mother recently? Has something happened?"

"No, I'm just working," Li Yunhao replied.

"Yunhao, mom must remind you that Gong Shen's contract with Yunxuan has been delayed recently because his wife has an affair. This is our good opportunity. You must not take it lightly."

"Mom. I understand that Yin Zijin is just a woman who doesn't understand anything. It's not worth worrying about."

Li Yunhao deliberately told Li's mother that he wanted to transfer Li's goal.

Li's mother was very angry. She seemed to think he was deliberately hiding something and kept lobbying him.

He really couldn't bear it. He said unhappily, "Mom, I'm not a child anymore. I know what to do. Don't rush me any more."

With that, Li Yunhao hung up.

Li's mother's voice was still floating in her ears.

While Li Yunhao was in a daze, Yin Zijin came down from upstairs.

"Yunhao, what are you doing?"

"No, nothing. My mother called and asked about us." Li Yunhao answered honestly.

Yin Zijin came forward and took him in his arm and said with a smile, "before, I wasn't very friendly to your mother. Would your mother be angry?"

"No, you think too much. She is also a bad tempered person. Next time we invite her to dinner alone, she will understand." Li Yunhao comforted.

"That's good. I'm always worried that she'll think I'm deliberately embarrassing her."

Since Yin Zijin chose to be with Li Yunhao, his mother must please. She was deeply afraid that her previous tone would reinstall Li's mother, resulting in disharmony between the two families.

She was relieved to see Li Yunhao comforting herself.

"Yun Hao, don't worry. I won't do this in the future." Yin Zijin promised.

Li Yunhao looked at her, and his heart throbbed and hugged Yin Zijin into his arms.

I have to say that now Yin Zijin is very consistent with all his fantasies about women.

Clever and obedient, very simple.

However, the positions of the two families are different, which is doomed to a great conflict of interest even if they get married.

Yin Yu wants to use him to deal with Gong Shen, and he and Li's mother just want Yin Yu to help produce Li Yunxuan.

"I went to the company first. My brother told me to go early today. I don't know what it is."

"Well, you go." Li Yunhao waved to her.

As soon as Yin Zijin left, someone knocked on the door of his home.

Li Yunhao looked at Yin Yu outside the door and was not surprised.

On the contrary, Zhou Jin suddenly came to the door and became a little surprised. Isn't Li Yunhao curious about his purpose here?

"Young master Yin, what can I do for you?"

Regardless of Li Yunhao's dissatisfaction, Zhou Jin went straight in.

"What's the matter? Don't you welcome me? My sister has been married to you for so long. Of course I want to come and have a look."

"Sit down, I already know what you want to say, but I won't promise you. Zijin and I are already a formal husband and wife. Others have no right to interfere in our affairs."

"I have no right to interfere? Yin Zijin will promise to get married because of my words. I want you to separate, as long as I say a word." Zhou Jin sneered.

"What do you really want to do? If our husband and wife have a harmonious relationship, it's also a good thing for you. If you want to embarrass me everywhere, I'm sorry. I'm afraid your calculations can only fail."

Li Yunhao is not afraid of being threatened, but now there is another Yin Zijin. He must find out what Yin Yu wants to do.

"I really underestimated you. You were so weak in front of us in order to win our trust?"

"If I don't, can your brother and sister treat me as a fool? I'm the eldest son of the Li family. Needless to say, I know my value. Isn't that what you want? But... Let me be clear. Zijin and I have a good relationship now. I won't ignore the Yin family."

Li Yunhao didn't want to have a hard relationship with Yin Yu, so he relaxed and gave everyone a step down.

Obviously, Yin Yu didn't come here to make him and Yin Zijin live a good life.

"Li Yunhao, don't treat us like fools. How can you fight Li Yunxuan alone? Your brother is fawning on Gong Shen now, and you can't work hard. How many people here dare to face Gong Shen openly? You just want to take advantage of us. Why do you say so well?"

Zhou Jin debunked Li Yunhao's original purpose.

Li Yunhao couldn't hide it. He simply said, "it's true, but my feelings for Zijin are serious. Why do you embarrass us? And things like feelings don't conflict with our plan."

"Why don't we have a conflict? We're just trading. My sister is a person who does great things. She will have better people waiting for her in the future. Why waste time on a man who depends on women like you?"

"What do you mean?" Li Yunhao noticed the difference. "Do you want us to divorce?"

"Sooner or later."

"After the divorce, you are using Zijin's simplicity to cheat her to marry another man for the good of the company? Yin Yu, she is your own sister. Are you really not afraid of Zijin's anger?" Li Yunhao said angrily.

"What are you angry about? When you got married, aren't you the same idea? Besides, how did you know that Zijin would be angry? Zijin knew it in her heart, and she agreed." Yin Yu said.

"No, it's impossible. I won't believe you."

Li Yunhao doesn't believe that Yin Zijin will make such a special decision.

Li Yunhao didn't fully understand Yin Zijin. He secretly smiled in his heart.

Yin Zijin is the best chess piece in his hand. How could he make her lose her function so soon?

Yin Zijin's anger is the best weapon to deal with Gong Shen. If he is influenced by Li Yunhao and becomes a little woman, his previous deployment is meaningless. He will never allow such a thing to happen.

"It doesn't need you to believe it or not. Our brother and sister never do things slowly. My sister is just confused by your performance now. As long as I make it clear to her, do you think she will believe me or you?"

Zhou Jin's words were threatening and aggressive towards Li Yunhao.

Li Yunhao stared at Zhou Jin and said, "what do you want to do?"

"I'm just reminding you. Don't fantasize about something that doesn't belong to you. If I were you, I wouldn't mess around. After all, it's not good for you to annoy me." Zhou Jin warned.

Li Yunhao was angry and said, "I'm still that sentence. Since I've identified Zijin, I won't mess around. You don't count on it alone."

Zhou Jin didn't expect him to be so stubborn. After listening to his answer, she got up angrily.

"OK, Li Yunhao, you think I can't deal with Gong Shen without you, don't you? You all think I will lose to Gong Shen? I'll tell you, as long as I have Zijin, some people will come to the door!"

"It's shameless of you to use your sister like this."

"Then she must be my sister!" Zhou Jin laughed.

"What do you mean? Zijin is not your sister?" Li Yunhao understood the meaning.

"I didn't say that. Don't think about it."

Zhou Jin realized that she had said too much and turned around and left here.

Li Yunhao chased out and caught Zhou Jin.

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"You give up, I just came to tell you not to mess around! If you don't listen, I'll have to do what I want."

Zhou Jin got in the car and left.

Li Yunhao frowned at the passing car. He thought Yin Yu's words meant something else.

Especially that saying that Yin Zijin is not his sister.

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