After listening to Wen Nanzhi's words in early summer, she was on guard. Every time she took her children out, she had to look left and right.

She had to make sure that no one was following her before she dared to take the child out for a walk.

For several days, she didn't meet the man before, so she relaxed her vigilance. When she pushed the child around, suddenly a man came up behind her, covered her mouth and directly dragged her into the car.

In early summer, she burst into tears and stretched out her hand to protect the child.

"Keep quiet. I'll put the child in your arms. Don't you want to scare the child?"

"Mm-hmm." she nodded.

The other party put the child in her arms.

She hugged the child, looked at the person in front of her, and whispered, "don't hurt the child, please."

"Don't worry, miss, we won't hurt the child." the other party's voice was very gentle.

Early summer held the child in silent tears, and soon she was taken to a residence.

She sat in the car and looked at the house, a little afraid.


At the moment, Lin Wanxin is sitting opposite Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was silent, and Lin Wanxin didn't know what he called himself for.

"Mr. Lu, I don't know what you're looking for me?"

"Have you seen the children recently?" Lu Chen asked without trace.

"Children?" Lin Wanxin took care of herself recently. Where is there time to see the children?

"Yes, haven't you always wanted to see your children? Have you been there recently?" Lu Chen asked again.

Lin Wanxin was stunned. She didn't know whether Lu Chen was testing herself.

"Yes, I have, but the Xia family won't show me." Lin Wanxin covered his face and wept.

"HMM." Lu Chen said meaningfully.

Lin Wanxin glanced at Lu Chen secretly. Before she asked why, she heard messy footsteps outside the door.

Lin Wanxin is looking at the early summer and children in front of her.

At the sight of Lin Wanxin in early summer, she shrank up and hugged the child tightly.

"Don't hurt the child!" she shouted instinctively.

Lin Wanxin woke up and walked to early summer. He held out his hand: "give back the child to me. You liar said that you would leave after giving birth to a child. You have to refuse to pay when you take the money. You talk nonsense in front of my father. Are you eager to see our father and daughter separate?"

"No, I didn't take the money. I gave it back to you. I just couldn't bear the child." Chu Xia explained.

"Of course you have to give me back the money. Otherwise, how can you get close to my father? I really don't see that you are so bad." Lin Wanxin accused.

I don't know how to explain my lips in early summer.

"Just say I'm fine. Don't touch the child. I know what you want to do. You just want to use the child."

"My father just asked you to take care of my children, not to replace me. What's Ann's mind?" Lin Wanxin said.

Early summer looked at the man sitting on it and lowered her head. She didn't speak, but she always protected the sleeping child in her arms.

Seeing this, assistant Chen nodded to Lu Chen who was sitting.

Lu Chen got up and walked to Chu Xia. He stretched out his hand to Chu Xia.

Early summer looked at him on guard.

"I won't hurt the child, you should understand."

"Sir, I believe you won't hurt the child. I know you are the child's father, but you shouldn't look at the child like this. You should at least say hello to Mr. Xia. He loves Zhenzhen so much. If he can't wait for Zhenzhen, he will worry."

Lu Chen frowned when he heard that he had no feeling for early summer. He just felt that she might be forced by money or life, which had nothing to do with him.

He doesn't care about early summer or whether Lin Wanxin's words are true.

Once again, he held out his hand to hold the child.

Early summer stretched out his hand nervously. Before giving the child to Lu Chen, Lin Wanxin rushed forward and held the child in the past, and then smiled at Lu Chen.

"You see, how lovely our children are?" Lin Wanxin bowed her head in shame. "Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

But, in fact, this is their child.

After so many days of thinking, Lin Wanxin figured out one thing. Since Gong Shen hated her so much and tried every means to destroy her, why should she think of such a man?

In contrast, Lu Chen is no worse than Gong Shen, and there is a bond of children between them. If she wants to get everything, she can no longer care about her feelings. Becoming the mother of Lu Chen's children or Mrs. Lu is the best choice for her now.

Lin Wanxin approached Lu Chen and showed her beauty.

Lu Chen was expressionless. When he saw the child crying because of Lin Wanxin's improper holding method, he took the child.

In early summer, seeing that Lu Chen was not very good at holding children, he walked over and said, "she can't do this. She will feel insecure. You should protect her head and neck, and then hold her ass close to her chest. She will hear the sound of her heartbeat. That's reassuring."

Lu Chen tried the method of early summer. Sure enough, the child stopped crying and laughed and giggled. The saliva flowed out and stained Lu Chen's expensive shirt.

"She's fine. Her name is Zhenzhen?" Lu Chen asked.

"It's Mr. Xia who got a nickname." early summer looked at Lin Wanxin. "Mr. Xia wants some people to turn around, so he left the right to name their children."

"Lu Zhen, very good." Lu Chen took his name directly.

"Yes, Lu Zhen's name is very nice." Lin Wanxin came forward with a smile and teased the child, "really, mom is here."

Early summer was a little uncomfortable, but she knew that Lin Wanxin was the real mother. She was not qualified to evaluate so much, so she silently stepped back and looked at the happy family of three.

The child suddenly cried. Lin Wanxin had no way to take the child. He couldn't coax him. His face showed an impatient expression.

Early summer came forward, touched the child's lower lip and said, "she's hungry. I... is there any place where I can feed Zhenzhen."

In early summer, I was a little embarrassed.

Lu Chen looked at assistant Chen. Assistant Chen came to early summer and said, "come with me."

Early summer took the child to the bedroom.

Lin Wanxin saw that only himself and Lu Chen were left, and flattered: "President Lu, let's keep our children by our side. Children can't lose their parents."

"You want to take care of the children?" Lu Chen said expressionless.

"Of course, if my father hadn't listened to Chu Xia's words and separated our mother and daughter, I wouldn't be like this." Lin Wanxin put all the responsibility on Chu Xia.

Lu Chen is not stupid. He clearly knows how Lin Wanxin treats her children.

In the past few days of his observation outside the community, Lin Wanxin didn't see the children once. Only in early summer, he took the children for a walk every day.

He knows which is more important than which.

"What do you want?"

After hearing this, Lin Wanxin said awkwardly, "what? President Lu, what are you talking about? The child is ours. What can I want?"

"Money, fame, or profit?"

what? That's how you sent her?

It's no use for her to want these short-term things now. She needs an identity to live once and for all.

"Mr. Lu, you misunderstood. I only want my children," said Lin Wanxin.

Lin Wanxin doesn't believe that Lu Chen dares to rob children with the Xia family openly. Xia Shaoli is also a person with a head and face.

Moreover, once Lu Chen openly robbed the child, it will undoubtedly make the connection between her and him public, and she will be more able to rely on him at that time.

"Do you really want children?" Lu Chen looked at Lin Wanxin.

Lin Wanxin was so uncomfortable that he nodded and said, "yes, I only want children."

"Then you get your father's trust first, and then you will get what you want," Lu Chen said.

Lin Wanxin was delighted and promised again and again, "OK, I know."

"Assistant Chen, see off."

"But... Early summer and the children are still here..." Lin Wanxin said discontentedly.

Assistant Chen said directly, "Miss Lin, go here."

Lin Wanxin glanced at the bedroom door and left.

Assistant Chen came forward and whispered, "President Lu."

"Needless to say, I know."

Lin Wanxin doesn't care about children at all. She wants more things than he thinks.

What a greedy woman. Originally, as long as she did her duty, he could recognize the child's mother.

Since she is, she can only be used to take the child.

Children, he's enough.

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