Ji looked at Wen Nan Zhi early in the morning and was envious from the bottom of his heart.

I don't envy Wen Nanzhi's identity, but I think she is very bold.

If she hadn't got married, she would have chosen to take an examination of Gong's family.

But she listened to Qiao Yutao and said she would take good care of her and let her take good care of her children at home.

What happened?

Ji went to Wen Nanzhi in the morning and said in a low voice, "thank you, Mrs. Gong."

"Don't be bullied by others. Customers are supreme, but you don't need to be patient in the face of unreasonable customers," Wen Nanzhi advised.

"I see." Ji morning looked down.

Wen Nanzhi looked at her drooping eyes, but I still felt pity.

"I'll go first."

Wen Nanzhi leaves. Halfway through, he receives a call from Xia you.

"Brother, what are you looking for me? Did you find the model I'm looking for?"

"If you want a new person, you have to shine. I ask you... Do you want an inexperienced one?" Xia you hesitated.

"Yes, as long as it meets my standards," said Wen Nanzhi.

"I know a woman here. She may be a little older than those newcomers, but she looks good. Look... Do you want to meet her?" Xia you paused.

Wen Nanzhi thinks Xia you's speech is very interesting, like struggling in self contradiction.

"Who wants you to open a golden mouth? Didn't you come to me through the back door?"

"Don't think about it. I just recommend it. Even if you don't like it." Xia you quickly changed his mouth.

"Is it... Ji morning?"

With that, Wen Nanzhi looked back at Ji morning.

If it's Ji morning, Wen Nanzhi has to say that it really meets her standards.

"It's her, you see..."

"Brother, it's rare for you to speak. You let her go to the place I said and audition."

"No problem," Xia you said.


Ji is tired to death when he gets home early in the morning. He sees Xia you standing at the door with Xuanxuan.

"Mr. Xia? Why are you with Xuanxuan? Xuanxuan, where's your little aunt?"

"Little aunt? Probably forgot? She is thinking about how to be famous and where there is air traffic control for me every day?" Xuanxuan said wrongly.

Xia you said, "I just met at the door, so I came in together."

"Thank you. I'm bothering you again."

"I really have something to do this time, so it's not a trouble." Xia you took out a piece of paper with the address on it. "You go to this place for an audition."

"Audition? What? I... I don't want to..." Ji morning subconsciously pulled his clothes.

"If you think too much, it's another matter. It's just one more chance. You can't stand your current job," Xia you said.

"Alas, if only you hadn't said I was president Xia's secretary. This starting point is too high."

"Not high, if you like, I can..." Xia you said half like beating himself in the mouth.

Things are happening again.

"What can you do? Do you want to act in court? Forget it, thank you for your kindness. Since you helped me win it, I will go. As for the result, it's not about you and me." Ji morning had no hope at all.

Xia you also saw that Ji morning still positioned his identity as a mass actor.

I don't know how to explain it before she believes it.

After thinking about it, forget it. Anyway, he doesn't intend to do anything with his identity. It's ok if he can help.

"I've brought the words, I'll go first." Xia you is ready to leave.

Ji Chen saw that he was always busy for himself. He was a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Xia, I have no money for you. If you don't mind, stay for dinner."

"This......" Xia you was embarrassed.

Xuanxuan took Xia you and said, "uncle, you stay."

"Well, that's all right." Xia you was not polite.

When the three were ready to enter the door, the troublesome old lady next door came out and looked at them. Their eyes changed.

Xia you noticed a certain smell of gossip.

Xia you glanced at the old lady and warned, "the old lady's ears are very good. I heard the sound. It's a good thing, but don't break your mouth to avoid the time..."

As soon as the old lady closed the door, she didn't dare to provoke Xia you.

Ji Chenchen sighed. Since her divorce, the neighborhood relations have been poor. Everyone seems to believe what her former mother-in-law said and think that the divorce is her fault.

With Xia you coming and going freely, gossip is inevitable.

Ji Qingchen took Xia you and said, "it doesn't matter. I don't care."

Xia you heard that he had to give up.

Ji Chenchen quickly cooked the food. Xia you was surprised when he sat down. He didn't expect Ji Chenchen's craft to be so good.

"Mr. Xia, thank you for bothering you every time." Ji morning thanked you again.


The sudden politeness made Xia you feel a little embarrassed.

"Can we stop thanking?"

Ji looked down in the morning.

Xia you knows that she may feel that she owes too much. She is a little embarrassed.

"If you really feel like thanking me, you should be well prepared for the audition. If you are really selected, you have a lot of money, so you can thank me."

"Yes, I see." Ji morning immediately relaxed a lot.

The atmosphere had just eased and the door was opened.

Ji Wan came in angrily.

"It's not easy to enter the second round. There are so many people. I'm so angry."

"Xiao Wan, have you had an interview?" Ji said in the morning.

"What if it's over? There are so many people next. It's really a waste of time. I was so tired to eat and drink with you yesterday." Ji Wan complained.

"Xiao Wan, don't do this. It's not a long-term plan to always rely on this method. Otherwise, you save some money to study well?" Ji Chenchen advised.

Ji Wan immediately shook her head. She said discontentedly, "now it's not the past. What's the use of learning? What you need now is popularity. As long as you show your face enough, you can get opportunities. Where can you learn?"

Ji Chen shook his head and felt that Ji Wan always wanted to take a shortcut, which was wrong.

"I'm starving. Can I stop talking about this? Anyway, I think I'm 80% sure of getting a endorsement." Ji Wan suddenly became confident again.

Ji Wan can't say anything in the morning. She can only add a bowl of rice to Ji Wan.

Xia you listened and shook his head.

Ji Wan saw Xia you disdaining, so she put down her chopsticks heavily.

"How come it's you again? Are you dependent on my sister? Do you think she can see you after divorce? I tell you, it's not a problem to find a rich one just like my sister."

"Xiao Wan, what are you talking about?" Ji morning stopped.

"Am I wrong? Sister, how tired you are to live alone? I know many rich people. Although you are older, you don't have to live so tired, do you?" Ji Wan said with a smile.

Ji was too angry to eat in the morning. She put down her chopsticks and solemnly said, "Xiao Wan, I can't control how you talk outside, but you can't talk to me like that!"

"It's boring. I see." Ji Wan glanced at Xia you again. "What are you looking at? You're also a soft eater!"

Xia you sneered, "you don't have to say what I am."


Since this meal, Ji morning felt very sorry.

So she worked harder to prepare for the audition, and she knew she couldn't compare with those teenage girls.

But she knows her advantages. She is very beautiful and well maintained. Her figure is also what she cares about.

Although it has been a little hard these years, fortunately, the child is sensible, so she doesn't need to work hard, and the changes she looks like are not so vicissitudes.

These are the only advantages she still has.

But after arriving at the scene, she felt that everyone seemed to have her own advantages, and suddenly lost her courage and confidence.

"Sister? Why are you here? What are you doing here?" Ji Wan was surprised when she saw Ji morning.

"Are you... Are you there? Are you... Here for an audition?"

"Yes, this is my second audition. I heard that Mr. Gong will also come. I must do well." Ji Wan was excited.

"Mr. Gong?"

"Well, sister, what are you doing here?"

"I'll come..." Ji morning didn't know how to explain.

"All come here to line up. Don't shout, hurry." the staff came over.

Ji didn't speak in the morning.

Ji Wan looked at Ji morningly as she lined up, and then showed a surprised expression.

"You also came to audition? It's ridiculous. Why should you?" Ji Wan said. "Is it that Xia who helped you?"

"Xiao Wan, don't be so rude. Mr. Xia just thinks I'm in deep trouble now, and Mr. Gong is very fair. I shouldn't have a chance," Ji morning explained.

"That's true. You're old enough to try something new." Ji Wan said confidently.

Ji's face turned red in the morning and was very embarrassed.

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