Gong Shen was amused by Xia you's reason, but he couldn't laugh, so that others wouldn't think he was not dignified enough.

"I think the child's mother is cute enough?" Gong Shen said.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xia you didn't admit it.

"Xia you, it's your business who you like, but I still want to remind you that you have a lot of trouble this morning. If you want her, you have to help her deal with the matter quickly. With Xia's general demeanor, you don't look down on her and her children."

"You don't have to say. I'll solve it myself."

"I haven't said I don't like others." Gong Shen hooks his lips and leaves.

Xia you knows that she has been trapped, and it's hard to show her teeth.

He is also distressed now. Does he feel pity for the mother and son, or does he feel that Ji morning's skin bag is delicious?

Oh, upset.


Ji Chenchen didn't receive any news for three days. It seems that she should have lost the election. She didn't answer Xia you's phone again.

Maybe Ji Wan's words touched her. It's too easy for her to accept others' kindness for no reason.

"Early in the morning, what's the matter with you? Listless?" the colleague asked Ji Chenchen.

Ji morning whispered, "nothing, just me..."

Ji Chen told his colleagues about his audition, and they were stunned.

"You said this man was trying to help you for your son? Are you stupid?" the colleagues laughed. "During the audition of Gong's jewelry, do you think the character of Mr. Gong and Mrs. Gong allows you to go through the back door? You didn't even go to one round and went directly to the second round of audition. What's not the back door? Are you sure that man is a mass actor?"

"Well, what else? Is it still a big President?" Ji morning smiled.

"Er... Don't you doubt him at all? How can I hear that this person is so much like a person?" the colleague doubted.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "no, who else can he be like?"

As soon as my colleague wanted to speak, he heard someone talking in front of him.

"Mrs. Gong, President Xia."

Ji and his colleagues stood in front of the counter in the morning.

A pair of men's leather shoes appeared in front of Ji morning. She didn't dare to look up and had to keep her head down.

"Elder brother, have a look. What do you like? I'll buy it for you." Wen Nanzhi deliberately said.

Ji Chen couldn't help but look up and prepare to make an introduction.

Who knows, when she looked up, she saw Xia you's face, which scared her to take a breath.

"You... You... Big brother?"

"Well, now you know who I am?" Xia you said angrily, "why don't you answer the phone?"

"I... my cell phone is broken." Ji morning nonsense.

Xia you gave her face and didn't reveal it.

Seeing this, Wen Nan Zhi was afraid that others would arouse suspicion, so he pointed to Ji morning.

"In the morning, you take some new products with me to the VIP room and introduce them to my big brother."


Ji Chen follows Wen Nan Zhi and Xia you with new products.

At the VIP room, Wen Nanzhi motioned Ji to sit down in the morning.

"If you have anything to say, don't choke in front of me, or I won't help."

"Mrs. Gong, you... You already know? Did you help me with my work?" Ji Chenchen asked.

Wen Nanzhi quickly waved and said, "you misunderstood. I didn't know you were working here until later, so you fought for the job yourself."

"Well, what about the audition?" Ji morning looked at Xia you embarrassed.

"You can't help me to ask you to add your name to the test, but you can rest assured," I said. "I just want to give you a chance. I will has the final say, if I want you."

Wen Nan Chi also said, "I am not has the final say, I am mainly looking at Mr. Gong, so you do not have too much burden on your heart. If you really choose your own, you will win it yourself."

"I... thank you. It's really kind of you to help me like this. We're not relatives or friends." Ji morning also knows that he doesn't have much ability. It's really a shame to let others help him like this.

"Ji morning, if you really choose, it's not too late to thank us, but I think you should thank my eldest brother most. He didn't run less for you." Wen Nanzhi said specially.

Xia you immediately shook his head: "no, don't say that. I don't have much credit."

"All good, all good, I don't know what to say." in the morning, she thought of raising the expensive perfume in her hand and gave it to Xia you.

"What did you say?" Xia you immediately stood up, "send the girl?"

"Right? Didn't you give it to girls?" Ji Chenchen took it for granted.

Xia you took a deep breath, turned and walked out, and said, "OK, wrap the most expensive one for me."

"This... OK." Ji morningly agreed.

Xia you looked at Ji morning and dared to say yes.

As soon as Xia you left, Wen Nanzhi couldn't help laughing.

"Can't you really see it in the morning?"

"What do you see?" Ji Chenchen said with a smile. "Do you mean that President Xia is angry? Yes, how is he angry? Is the gift I bought too light? Or did I regard him as a mass actor before, and he is angry?"

"I didn't expect so many interesting things to happen between you, but don't think too much. These are not his ideas. He is... Thinking of spring." Wen Nanzhi added the last word.

"Miss spring? Why? Summer always wants what women don't have. Why do you need to miss spring?" Ji morning asked.

"What do you say? Isn't there someone who can't see his mind?" Wen Nanzhi stared at Ji Chenchen.

Ji Chenchen was stunned. He raised his finger and pointed to himself. He immediately shook his head and smiled and said, "Mrs. Gong, you love joking too much. You misunderstood. We really have nothing to do. You may not know that I am divorced."

"I know." Wen Nanzhi said, but looking at Ji morning, she didn't seem to be coy. She really didn't know Xia you's mind.

"In the morning, I know you're divorced, but it's not a disgraceful thing. If you're not happy together, it's also a waste of time. You're still young and shouldn't spend your whole life. Isn't it the same as not getting married? Since it's a divorce, you have to make changes," Wen Nanzhi advised.

"I......" Ji Chen's eyes were red and choked. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop my anger after listening to your words. I feel that I haven't made any mistakes until now, but I have to accept such a result. I'm really wronged, but I still have a child. I don't dare. I don't even dare to cry at night. I'm afraid the child will find out. I can only hold it."

"It's okay. Just cry if you want to cry. My brother said Xuanxuan is very smart. He worries about you so much. I think it may also divert your attention. You see, you're actually moving forward step by step, and it's not so difficult to look back." Wen Nanzhi comforted.

Ji was stunned in the morning, and his innocent eyes looked at Wen Nanzhi.

"Thank you," she sobbed.

"Well, if you really get the endorsement, I hope you can be positive. Gong hopes that her jewelry brand can improve every woman, not self pity."

"Uh huh."

After watching Wen Nanzhi leave in the morning, Ji hid in the VIP room and cried silently. All the grievances of the recent squeeze broke out.

Wen Nanzhi went out of the VIP room, closed the door and looked at Xia you standing outside.

"Brother, I still want to ask, are you serious?"

"I said I just..."

"Well, when I ask for nothing, tell me when you find out. In addition, Mr. Gong said that so far there is no more suitable person except in the morning, so you can appropriately tell her the results."

"Forget it, your people should inform her, or she will kowtow and thank me." Xia you said discontentedly.

"Are you still afraid?" Wen Nanzhi said.

"No, I'll go first. My father is a little dissatisfied with my meddling. In addition, he was unhappy with Jiang Yu's dinner before. My father asked me to make an apology and invite everyone home."

"Jiang Yu? The Jiang family? She has a bad reputation, but she is your father's good friend. When people get old, they still want face. You can eat." Wen Nanzhi also heard a little.

Xia you nodded and said, "that's all I can do. I don't care about the Jiang family. Anyway, I don't like Jiang Yu. This woman is a little boring with a shelf."

"Yes, who can be more interesting than the early morning of the season, and take Xia's president as a mass actor. He didn't respond to it for a long time. Yes, this is the perfume she bought for you. If you apologize to Jiang Yu, this gift is just delivered." Wen Nan Zhi handed the perfume to Xia you.

Xia you saw no perfume in the perfume, and wanted to give it to Jiang Yu.

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