Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 52 Is this the breeding farm?

Chu Lin had no hesitation in building a new breeding farm for blue-ringed jellyfish and looking for partners.

Perhaps some people would think that it would be foolish to let others participate in such a profitable project.

In fact, this is a problem of pattern.

To be honest, when it comes to small businesses, small projects, and small stores, it is no problem to occupy 100% of the shares.

But when it comes to becoming bigger and stronger, whether it is the addition of funds, talents, channels, or connections, it will inevitably result in profit sharing.

Even your employees will be rewarded with options when they reach a certain level.

Therefore, Chu Lin is not entangled in this aspect.

Moreover, with the game system, there will be many such projects in the future, and there is no need to care about one or two projects.

Directly find an industry partner with channels and directly use the other party's channels to quickly get the project started.

At that time, he will be responsible for breeding and the other party will be responsible for channel sales.

Moreover, the most important thing is the Atlantis Blessing Stone. With this thing, he is not afraid of backstabs.

The partner Chu Lin thought of was Chen Feng, the eldest son of Chen.

I had contacted this person twice and he gave me a very good impression.

However, there was no rush for this matter.

Wait for two or three days, store more blue-ringed jellyfish, and then tell the other party about this matter more convincingly.

Otherwise, if you suddenly say that you have the technology of breeding blue-ringed jellyfish, and the advantages of rapid reproduction and extremely high survival rate of reproduction, why would others believe you?

This kind of thing is mutual.

Afterwards, Chu Lin also moved the prawns and oysters refreshed today out of the game.

Liu Fa came soon and sent the prawns and oysters to Zhizhen.

The next day, the blue-ringed jellyfish refreshed 2 more waves, also more than 400, and now there are more than 800 in total.

Early in the morning of the third day, the blue-ringed jellyfish refreshed again, and the total number of stored ones exceeded 1,000.

However, today is July 1st, and the contract he signed with Liu Fa states that the salary will be paid on the 1st, so he needs to calculate it.

He sat in front of the computer, connected the computer with his mobile phone, downloaded a salary slip form, and then filled out the salary slip.

Now the makeshift team can only do this.

Liu Fa's salary is 10,000 yuan a month. He worked 25 days last month, which is 8,334 yuan.

Last month was not a full month, so he did not have full attendance, but Liu Fa did not take a day off, so he was still given 500 for full attendance.

In addition, he gave another 500 for labor insurance.

In addition, he promised to give a bonus.

In fact, bonuses are still based on the boss's mood, employee performance and company benefits.

He likes Liu Fa very much, and he is also very reassured.

Such employees are not easy to find.

But liking is one thing, and giving too much bonus at a time is not good.


He thought about it and filled in the number 3,000.

This number is not much for him, but it is definitely a huge sum of money for Liu Fa.

The last statistics show that Liu Fa's salary this month is 12,334 yuan.

Naturally, this is also the first month.

If the other party keeps working so hard, he doesn't mind raising his salary later, so that his income will exceed 20,000, or even higher.

Liu Fa also got up early in the morning with a happy face.

"What day is today? Why are you so happy so early in the morning?" Chen Lan looked at her husband and asked in confusion.

"Are you stupid? Today is the 1st, the day to get paid." Liu Fa said with a smile on his face.

"Yes." Chen Lan patted her head and said, "In the past, you took orders and transported goods, and I was paid every day. I never thought about your salary. By the way, how much can you get this month?"

"I worked 25 days last month. A rough calculation shows that it should be more than 8,000." Liu Fa's face was even more touched when he mentioned this number.

In the past, I drove a small truck to take private orders. When business was not good, I could not make 8,000 a month.

The key is that sometimes it is really tiring to take private orders, and you even need to drive all night. When you meet a difficult customer, you treat him like a real grandson.

In this way, you still have to worry about what to do if there are no orders next.

The work now is really very easy. The key is that you don't have to worry about whether there are orders or not. Just do what Mr. Chu asks you to do.

It's really comfortable.

"It's really good. After all, it's much easier than before." Chen Lan also nodded.

"By the way, my son's work should be finished today. Let him go directly to the farm when the time comes." Liu Fa didn't forget to order when he went out after breakfast.

"Got it." Chen Lan nodded.

When Liu Fa saw the boss at the farm, he greeted him respectfully: "Morning, Mr. Chu!"

Chu Lin nodded and handed the salary slip to the other party: "Master Liu, this is your salary slip, take a look, I will transfer the salary to you later."

Liu Fa had been waiting to receive his salary for a long time. He immediately took the salary slip with a happy face, but was stunned when he saw the salary on it: "So much?"

He always thought that he only had more than 8,000, who knew that there was a labor insurance bonus, adding up to 12334, which was 4,000 more than he thought.

This is definitely an unexpected surprise.

He immediately said to Chu Lin with excitement: "Thank you, Mr. Chu, thank you, Mr. Chu."

"Work hard in the future, and your salary will increase." Chu Lin promised and transferred the salary to the other party.

Liu Fa received the transfer and assured more excitedly: "Don't worry, Mr. Chu, I won't let you down, then I'll go to deliver the goods first."

After that, he carefully loaded the prawns and oysters into the car and sent them to Zhizhen Warehouse.

After the handover, he couldn't help but call his wife.

Chen Lan is a supermarket loader. She is not tired at work, but the salary is not high. The biggest thing at work is to gossip with two colleagues of the same age.

Seeing that it was her husband calling, she answered the phone immediately, but when she heard the message on the phone, she couldn't help but be surprised: "How much did you say? 12,000? So much?"

She couldn't believe it. Her husband said in the morning that the salary was only more than 8,000. How did it become more than 12,000?

Before, she had always heard her husband talk about how good her boss was, and now she really felt how good the boss was.

She couldn't hide the joy on her face.

After all, it was more than 4,000 more than expected, which was more than her monthly salary.

"Chen Lan, what are you so happy about?" asked a colleague next to her.

"Yes, what 12,000?" Another colleague also asked.

Chen Lan hung up the phone and said happily, "My husband got his salary, 12,000."

"Chen Lan, is your husband's salary so high?" A colleague was full of envy.

Her husband's salary in the factory was only 5,500.

Chen Lan was even happier when she heard this: "My husband is lucky and met a good boss. He didn't go to work for 5 days last month, otherwise he could have gotten 15,000."

This should be the proudest sentence she said in front of two colleagues.

She also remembered her husband's instructions to let her son go to the farm after work.

This matter cannot be delayed.

After all, the boss promised to give her son a salary of 10,000.

For her, this boss is really a great benefactor.


Chu Lin has entered the Atlantis map with a large bucket.

Now the Atlantis blue-ringed jellyfish has refreshed 7 times, more than 200 each time, almost 1,500.

Tomorrow, you can invite that young master Chen to have a chat.

He moved all the blue-ringed jellyfish out of the game several times and put them into a breeding pond.

There were only shrimps with eggs and some small shrimp fry in this pond, which had no effect on the blue-ringed jellyfish.

Time passed.

In the evening, Chu Lin saw Liu Fa bringing a young man with a strong body to him: "Boss Chu, this is my son Liu Xiao, son, this is Boss Chu, come and say hello."

Liu Xiao couldn't speak, and was afraid that Boss Chu wouldn't understand his gestures, so he bowed deeply.

Chu Lin was a little surprised when he looked at Liu Xiao. Although this man was thick-skinned, he was really strong.

He wore a suit and sunglasses, and he was a bodyguard.

Since Chu Lin promised Liu Fa, he would naturally give Liu Xiao a chance and took out the prepared contract to Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao didn't read the contract. He couldn't understand many words. He only saw the words of salary 10,000, and signed it decisively.

Liu Xiao was recruited here just to watch the surveillance. Now that he is as strong as an ox, if something happens, he is a good force. With the dogs, he feels very safe.

So, after signing, Chu Lin took Liu Xiao to the surveillance table that was converted from the office and began to teach him to get familiar with the surveillance system.

"Now I will teach you how to tell which direction the farm is from through the surveillance." Chu Lin pointed to one of the pictures and said, "Look at the corner where this car is parked, which is not far from the main entrance."

Just as Chu Lin was talking, the car had been completely parked.

But Chu Lin didn't know that the two people in the car were looking in the direction of the farm.

It turned out to be Zhong Lei and A Pao.

A Pao chose this location to park because the distance was far enough to not attract attention, and he could see the farm clearly.

"Is it here?" Zhong Lei looked at the farm in front of him with surprise.

The young man who could only open a small seafood store and asked him to buy goods with a smile now opened such a large farm.

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