On this day, there is nothing special for everyone in anseger town. They still open stores, go to work and live their own life. Today is a very important day for Luo Xiangqing. A group of people are quietly hidden not far from the warehouse in the suburbs.

There is not much shelter near the warehouse, only some oil drums and other things, but for these people, hiding their body shape is enough.

The guards of the warehouse still patrol around the warehouse as usual. When they patrol, several dark shadows silently followed them.

Dragging the fainted guard aside to guard, Meng Guantao and the four quickly changed their clothes. They are people who have entered here, so they are relatively familiar with it.

The four men put on their clothes, swaggered close to the warehouse, and then solved the guard outside in the same way.

On this day, there were still people coming and going in the laboratory, but one of the researchers was different from others, with a thick black gas mask on his face.

This man was the leader of these people whom the previous officer had seen. He fiddled with the test tube in his hand with a feeling of anxiety in his heart. He put down the test tube in his hand and frowned. It's strange that he didn't feel this panic more than ten years ago. What's the matter today?

"Someone!" a man sat still for a long time. Instead of disappearing, the panic in his heart became stronger and stronger. He had to throw away his things and went to the door to shout.

Soon outside the door came a big man, who was also one of the people who had beaten Yi Yun before.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" the big man walked up to the man and spoke with great respect.

"Nothing's wrong. Tell Jason to take some people to patrol again. Be careful and don't be mixed in!" they have settled here for several years. I believe no one will easily sneak in.

Jason is the leader of the previous abuse of the officer and the first loyal subordinate of the gentleman's dog. Hearing his husband's instructions, the man answered and went to Jason according to his instructions.

After walking for a while, the big man still felt flustered. He didn't know where the sense of crisis came out.

He just thought it was because he didn't rest well, but this premonition of danger soon came true. The man he had sent out earlier soon ran back. As soon as he saw him, he hurriedly said, "Sir, no! Jason said that the enemy has invaded the cell and the cell has been controlled. Jason asked me to take Mr. you first!"

"What?!" the man called Mr. by the big man exclaimed, as if he couldn't believe it.

The guard here is the strictest of all his bases and the most secret of all bases. If it is found here, his strength will be greatly damaged.

"Can't you hold it?" he asked softly.

With anxiety on his face, the man answered him respectfully: "Sir, Jason said that there were a lot of people coming from the other party and the equipment was very advanced. 90% of the probability was that he couldn't keep it! He said that Sir, you'd better leave here at this moment!"

"OK, go clean up and go now!" after many years of operation, he soon knew what was the best choice for him, so he did not hesitate to agree to his subordinate's request to let him go first.

The big man took out the gun pinned to his waist, opened the insurance of the pistol and protected the man out.

After a while, Jason caught up. "Sir, the special plane is ready. Please leave here at once!"

He nodded and walked to the prepared special plane under the escort of several loyal subordinates.

"By the way, Jason, tell him to go down and try to destroy all useful information. If possible, kill all intruders and don't let them escape!" it's the only group of people who can make him so embarrassed for so many years. If they make him so embarrassed, he won't make them too comfortable, will he?

"Sir, what about... The researchers who serve you?"

"Get rid of it all! Jason, can't you learn these after so many years with me?" the words spit out with a chilling coldness. A light sentence determines everyone's life and death. Today is destined to be a bloody day!

"Yes!" Jason was about to send the order, but he was stopped by Mr.

"Wait --! Are the people in the underground laboratory still alive? If alive, bring him here and take him away!" it seems that Yi Yun can't keep it, but if there is that kid and this man, he wants to see if Luo Xiangqing and his good nephew can win him?

Although Yan Yan ran away, Yan Yan will come back sooner or later as long as Luo yunmu is in his hand! He asked Luo yunmu to help him with the experiment, but Luo yunmu didn't enter the oil and salt and wouldn't agree to him. If you don't promise him, let Yan Yan's woman escape!

If he wasn't worried about going to China to catch people too much, he wouldn't let Yan Yan have the opportunity to disclose the information! Now these people come here, it must be Yan Yan who revealed something. But fortunately, Luo yunmu was in his hands, and Yan Yan dared not say too much. As long as Luo yunmu is still there, are you afraid Yan Yan won't take the bait?

Luo yunmu and Yan Yan in this population are Luo Xiangqing's parents. Their whereabouts are unknown, but they didn't expect to be here.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked his men to take Luo yunmu out of the basement first.

"The others...?" Jason, who thought he was going to change his mind, asked aloud.

"Except for the man in the basement, the treatment of others remains the same!"

"Yes!" Jason heard what he said and immediately turned around and ordered someone to do it.

In the warehouse, a group of researchers in white coats are guarded by another group of guards. Most of them are captured researchers who help the one to do the power experiment for some unspeakable reasons.

The leader of the group watching them carefully looked at the door until there was a sound of opening the door, and the people inside suddenly warned. The man who opened the door and came in was one of them. The man went to the leader and whispered next to him. The leader nodded, then stood up and looked at the surrounded researchers. Without hesitation, he spit out a word: "kill!"

As the word was spit out, the gunfire rang out, and the unprepared researchers were shot to death by these people. After a while, they stopped shooting until all the people fell into a pool of blood.

After the shooting was stopped, all those who should have lit the fire and those who should be ready to go out to fight went out.

A helicopter stopped over the warehouse outside, buzzing in the air. A group of people burst in wearing tights, which had been set on fire. Leng Shao and several people went to save the officer first, leaving Luo Xiangqing and Meng Guantao to search the laboratories from the front.

Most of the laboratory has been destroyed except for the large cylindrical glassware. Luo Xiang leaned here for a long time and found nothing valuable.

Lo leaned to a halt when he saw what had been experimented and turned into something in a vessel. It was very shocking to see these children who were made into experiments in the photos. At this moment, when they really saw the real object, they were even more shocked.

The bodies of eight or nine year old children were soaked in green solution. It seems that it is because they have been soaked for too long that the bodies of all children have shrunk to varying degrees. The body of a child aged eight or nine shrinks as if he were only three or four years old, which is why he can put this glassware.

The pupils in the children's eyes are wide open, fixed at that moment with an expression of fear, and then there is no chance to feel everything in the world. For these children, this life has just begun and ended.

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