Butterfly Ninja smiled slightly.

As expected of the summer wind, that is great!

Just as she was about to take over the topic, she heard Xia Feng speak again.

"Compared to those... I heard that there seems to be a gift for me here? Would you like to see the gift first?"

Yasuoya Shiki: "..."

Beimingyu Xingming: "..."

The two were stunned.

This summer wind seems to be more casual than expected...

Butterfly Ninja almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

If the lord was not here, she really wanted to die with Xia Feng.

Usually you eat less or you drink less, run here to ask for something!

Yoya Zaiyashiki was stunned for a moment, then showed a warm smile.

"That's right, Tianyin, please bring what you have prepared."

Following his voice, the door of the house was opened, and a woman with long silver hair walked in slowly.

In her hand, she was holding a box.

Inside, there is a row of air-dried plants.

Seeing these things, Butterfly Ren showed a surprised expression.

"So many precious medicinal herbs?"*

Chapter [-] How do you choose?

Seeing these medicinal herbs, Butterfly Ninja was surprised.

Her parents are both pharmacists, and she has been studying pharmacology since joining the Ghost Killing Team. Therefore, she can see at a glance how precious these medicinal materials are.

The medicinal materials brought by Tianyin from the house are all extremely rare and rare medicines.

If you take it to a professional pharmacist to prepare it, even a sick seedling can be recuperated.

In other words... these herbs, after being formulated, can also make a healthy person stronger!

The beautiful woman with long silver hair showed a gentle smile to Xia Feng.

"This is a little thought from my husband, for Mr. Xia Feng."

Hearing this, Butterfly Ren suddenly remembered something.

She looked at the maternity house Shiki Amane.

"This, wouldn't it be the master's medicine?"

Hearing this, Beimingyu, who had been silent for a while, tensed up all over.

He was surprised to "look" to Yoya Miyashiki: "My lord?"

The maternity house Shiki Yōzai smiled slightly: "These are indeed the medicines I use, but...my illness is not a disease. Even if I take these medicines, it will only be wasted."

"I hope these medicines can create greater value than wasting them on useless people like me."

As soon as the words fell, Butterfly Forbearance and Beimingyu Xingming shook their heads together: "No, lord, you must work hard to take care of your body, these medicines..."

"If you take these medicines, they are really useless."

Xia Feng's lazy voice sounded, interrupting the two of them.

Hearing this, Beimingyu suddenly showed anger.

"Mr. Xia Feng, what do you mean?!" His face turned black and he stared at Xia Feng, as if he didn't agree, he was about to fight!

Butterfly Ren was also a little surprised, but she was not angry.

She believed in Xia Feng, and believed that Xia Feng would not talk nonsense.

Sanya Shiki Yoshiya looked at Xia Feng with a smile, as if Xia Feng was not talking about him at all.

Under everyone's attention, Xia Feng slowly walked to Tianyin in the maternity house and reached out to pick up one of the herbs.

"Silver Snow Line."

After looking at it playfully, he put down the medicine and picked up another.


"Eternal Night Grass..." (Note 1)

He said the names of the medicinal herbs one by one like a treasure!

Butterfly endured and tilted his little head.

What Xia Feng said... was actually all right, not a single one was wrong.

There are even some that are easy to be confused with other medicinal materials, and Xia Feng recognized them accurately!

Looking at Xia Feng's ease and ease, she was in a trance, thinking that she was back when she was a child, watching her parents choose medicinal herbs!

At first, Beimingyu was still angry.

But as Xia Feng said the names of the herbs one by one, he couldn't help but look at Butterfly Ren, wondering if Xia Feng was talking nonsense.

Seeing Butterfly Ninja shaking his head, he began to be surprised.

When Xia Feng finished talking about all the herbs, he couldn't help but ask, "What do you know about these herbs?"

Xia Feng laughed: "It's very simple, it means that I know that these medicines are ineffective for the maternity house application Yaozai!"

He looked at Maiyashiki Yoya.

"If my judgment is correct, your disease should be a curse from your blood, from the inside to the outside, destroying body tissues, making you weaker than others since you were a child, and as you age, your body becomes more and more unruly. Bar?"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Butterfly opened his mouth.

She never mentioned the symptoms of Yoshiya Maiyashiki to Xia Feng!

Just by looking at it, can you judge it so accurately? !

A hint of confusion flashed in Yoshiki's eyes.

He originally planned that as long as Xia Feng said anything casually, he would help Xia Feng round the scene.

Unexpectedly, Xia Feng actually revealed the source of his illness!

If Butterfly Ninja really didn't tell Xia Feng about this, then Xia Feng's medical skills may have reached a very amazing height!

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xia Feng nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, he doesn't get sick at all.

Half of what he just said was based on the information he got when he read comics.

The illness of the maternity house Shiki Yoshiya was caused by the influence of the ghost dance Tsuji, which caused the family to be cursed, and they were all sick children from generation to generation.

The other half is the ability he just pulled out on the road before - Advanced Pharmacology!

With the help of advanced pharmacology, Xia Feng can easily distinguish the types and names of these medicinal materials, and what kind of effects they can produce when they are mixed together.

These medicines should be prepared by doctors in this world.

The effect is very simple, it is to increase the physical strength!

If Yoshiya's illness is pure weakness, then this medicine does work.

However, the sickness of the maternity house is not weakness.

It is the cytopathic effect caused by the curse!

Similar to cancer!

During the Taisho period, whether it was anti-cancer drugs or radiotherapy, it was a "black technology" that had not yet appeared. Xia Feng naturally couldn't test whether these two treatments could work on the maternity house.

But, if he has to say it, he is not helpless!

Seeing that Xia Feng still had something to say, Yozai Yoshiki turned his head and looked at Beimingyu and Butterfly Ninja.

He said apologetically, "Sorry, you two, I want to talk to Xia Fengjun alone."

The two quickly bowed their heads and slowly exited the room.

Sanyashiki Tianyin also nodded to Xia Feng, pushed out of the room, and closed the door.

Sanya Shiki Yoshiya looked at Xia Feng: "Please also ask Xia Fengjun for advice."

Xia Feng said slowly: "If you want to completely cure your disease, I can't do it."

"But there are still ways to relieve it... I can forcibly suppress your lesions and allow you to restore certain behavioral abilities."

"It's just that this kind of behavior will gradually fail over time. When even I can't suppress your illness, you will die with double the pain."

"If I don't help you, you will live a few more months at most."

"Accept my help, I can guarantee that you will not die within a year, and that you will maintain the ability to act on your own until you die!"

"What do you think? Do you want to stay the way you are now and wait for death, or use your last life to do what you want to do?"

From the meeting to the present, for the first time, there were obvious mood swings on Yoshiya's face.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his emotions.

In his eyes, fiery emotions shone, and he spoke firmly.

"I want your help!"

"No matter what you want me to give, as long as it's what I have, I can give it!"

"As for pain... As long as I can witness that person's death with my own eyes, let alone several times the pain, even if it is ten times, a hundred times, I will not have the slightest fear!"


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