Xia Feng nodded.

After thinking about it, he waved to Tanjiro.

"Exactly, I'm short of a pair to practice, you can try it."

"Me?" Tanjirou was a little surprised, "Can I?"

"No problem." Xia Feng said while changing a wooden knife for himself.

Seeing Xia Feng's actions, Tanjiro suddenly remembered the boy wearing the mask.

If it wasn't for the rabbit, I might not have been able to qualify for the final selection by now...

Thinking of this, Tanjirou took a deep breath.

He didn't ask Xia Feng "why use a wooden knife" in a childish way.

After condensing his breath, he shot without hesitation.

"Breath of Water, Four Types, Beat the Tide!!"

He moved his feet and rushed towards Xia Feng directly. On the blade, blue and white water waves rolled and rolled into a sharp blade of water!

Xia Feng nodded slightly.

Tanjirou's Breath of Water works very well and looks quite pleasing to the eye.

He didn't move, and waited until Tanjirou was almost close to him, when a golden electric light suddenly appeared under his feet!

Stab it! !

His whole person, across a tortuous path of electric light, bypassed Tanjiro, and tapped lightly from behind.

Tanjirou's offensive was completely broken in one go, and he almost tripped himself to the ground!

Surprised, Tanjirou did not forget to keep fighting.

With the swaying posture of his body, he rolled directly!

Breath of Water · Type II, Waterwheel!

In the face of Tanjiro's bottom-up slash, Xia Feng did not dodge or evade, and slashed directly to the next.

Breath of Flowers, Four Types, Red Flower Clothes!

Water waves and flower colors, splashing! *

Chapter [-]

The breath of flowers is a breathing method derived from the breath of water.

There are many similarities between the two breaths!

Xia Feng looked at Tanjirou's moves intently. He wanted to study the parts that can be learned from the breath of water and use it to strengthen the breath of flowers.

For him, the ability of a single breath of flowers is not too important, whether it is other breathing methods, or new skills that may be drawn in the future, it is no worse than the breath of flowers.

The reason for this is mainly to help Chanel to increase his trump card.

Of course, he did not let Tanjiro be a sparring partner for nothing.

Every time he attacked Tanjiro, he aimed at the weak points in Tanjiro's moves and the position where he didn't master it well.

As long as Tanjirou is not stupid, he will be able to realize his biggest problem from the discussion.

If these problems can be corrected, Tanjiro's strength can be improved by leaps and bounds!

After the two made more than [-] moves, Xia Feng deliberately sold a flaw and let Tanjiro force him back once.

The degree of water release is equivalent to that of the Pacific Ocean.

"That's right, it's only been a while, you can already force me back," he said.

Tanjiro looked at his knife with excitement, and then bowed sharply to Xia Feng.

"Thank you for your guidance!"

Xia Feng looked at Tanjirou happily.

Although his body is about the same age as Tanjiro, he is also an "old guy" who is running three times if he is mentally old.

For a sincere, polite, and sensible child like Tanjiro, he always has the feeling of an old father...

At this moment, Lin Taki's voice sounded.

"Tanjirou, don't be arrogant, that's Xia Feng letting you."

Natsukaze and Tanjirou turned their heads and saw Rintaki walking out of the room.

He still wore the red Tengu mask on his face.

Xia Feng suddenly hoped that he could draw out the ability like a see-through eye to see what was behind the mask...

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that he had a "huge sum" of money on him!

One silver card, one gold card, one diamond reward, don't take it out quickly and keep it for the Chinese New Year?

He directly drew the silver card first.

[The lottery draw...the lottery draw is successful!Congratulations on getting the silver item "Free Burning Lighter"! 】

[Free burning lighter: can be ignited in any environment, including extreme environments such as anaerobic and underwater! 】

In Xia Feng's palm, there was an extra lighter.

He put it in his trench coat pocket.

As a good man who doesn't smoke and doesn't practice the alchemy of flames, he doesn't know the use of this lighter for a while.

Then, another golden reward was drawn.

[The lottery draw...the lottery draw is successful!Congratulations on getting the golden prop "Storage Space"! 】

[Storage space: Create a portable space that can take and place items, with a volume of three cubic meters. 】

This reward made Xia Feng very excited.

Everyone has a problem when they go out, and that is their carry-on luggage.

With the portable space, in the future life, you can say goodbye to this trouble!

The last one is the diamond lottery.

[The lottery draw...the lottery draw is successful!Congratulations on getting the diamond skill "Incorporeal"! 】

[Incorporealization: It can temporarily isolate itself from reality, ignore any attacks, and can pass through obstacles. The maximum duration is five seconds, the cooling time is one minute, and it consumes a certain amount of physical strength when using it! 】

Xia Feng's eyes suddenly widened.


In "Naruto", Obito's ability!

Although it can't last five minutes directly like Obito, it's strong enough!

Not to mention five seconds, even if it is only one second, it is enough to determine the direction of the battle when the masters are in a decisive battle!


Really earned!

Although I didn't get the ability to see through, it's a pity that I couldn't see Lin Taki's appearance, but Xia Feng has completely entered the satisfaction mode...

Lin Taki slowly walked up to him.

"The old man just watched for a while... Xia Feng, in addition to guiding Tanjirou, you should also have plans to learn from the breath of water, right?"

Xia Feng nodded: "Yes."

This kind of thing, there is no need to cover up, it is not a strange thing at all.

Lin Taki said: "Since this is the case, the old man will show it himself. It can be regarded as a little favor for the medicinal materials."

Xia Feng smiled slightly: "Okay."

He threw away the wooden sword and pulled out the sun-knife from his waist!

Lin Taki also pulled out the sun blade, moved his feet, and rushed towards Xia Feng!

Just like Tanjiro, his starting hand is also a four-type, hitting the tide!

However, the power of the tide is much higher than that of Tanjiro!

Xia Feng's eyes lit up, and the blade that shone with cold light directly greeted him——

Breath of Flowers Six Types, Vortex! !

The blade rolled up several blue dim lights, and in the light, blue petals were flying!

The water waves and the petals swept together, and the entire open space was shrouded in two colors of sword intent!

Xia Feng did not use any special abilities, but only fought against Lin Taki with swordsmanship and breathing techniques.

Although his swordsmanship is at the golden level, there is still a gap compared to Lin Taki who has been immersed in swordsmanship for decades.

It is this gap that allows Xia Feng to absorb nutrients faster and go further!

At the same time, Lin Taki also intentionally showed Xia Feng some key tricks of water breathing.

After discovering Lintaki's intentions, Xia Feng turned on the bullet time from time to time to study Lintaki's swordsmanship seriously.

Because it wasn't a life-and-death battle, Xia Feng started to magically change his swordsmanship.

He recalled the Sun's Breathing puppet he had fought against before, and integrated some of the sword paths in it into his current swordsmanship!

At the beginning, the fusion was a bit jerky, and Lin Taki almost missed and cut him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Taki discovered Xia Feng's purpose and couldn't help laughing.

This kid actually used himself as a test bed to practice new swordsmanship!

Fighting, Xia Feng suddenly said: "Tanjiro, look at my sword path and see if I can learn anything!"

Hearing this, Tanjirou hurriedly paid more attention.

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