"If you miss your sister in the future, you can come and chat with me at any time."

"Of course, it's impossible for me to wear women's clothes, absolutely impossible."

Xia Feng's words made Chanel almost laugh.

However, as soon as the smile reached her face, she was forcibly held back.

Xia Feng looked at her.

"Well, Chanel, I killed that ghost just now, is it a favor for you?"

Chanel nodded quickly.

This is a big help.

An invisible ghost touches the "Butterfly House". If you don't kill it quickly, the consequences will be disastrous!

Seeing that Chanel nodded, Xia Feng smiled and said, "Then, do me a favor too."

Under Chanaihu's gaze, he bent his fingers and pointed to Chanaihu's face.

"From today, try to express your true feelings with others, even if it's just a smile and a complaint."

"If you're not used to it, you can start by chatting with me. I don't mind at all."

Hearing Xia Feng's words, Chanel was a little surprised.

Xia Feng's request... It can almost be said that it is not a request.

Although there was some struggle in her heart, since it was Xia Feng's request, she decided to accept it.

Under the gaze of Xia Feng, Chanel took a deep breath.

Then, slowly, a beautiful smile appeared.

"Thank you, Xia Feng."

The moment she said it, Chanel was a little stunned.

The moment she said her thoughts according to her own heart, she suddenly felt that her whole body seemed to break free.

It seems that something has quietly changed in the heart that has always been heavy...

In Xia Feng's ears, the system's prompt sound also sounded——

[Chestnut flower falls to Chanel's favorability level, level trust, reward gold card draw once! 】

Xia Feng was a little surprised.

I didn't expect... the favorability could be improved.

What's even more unexpected is that, if you increase your favorability, you can actually get a gold card!

The gold card, but a real good thing, is much stronger than the silver card!

He took a deep breath and directly chose the lottery.

[The lottery draw...the lottery draw is successful!Congratulations on getting the golden skill "Shadow Sneak"! 】

[Shadow Sneak: You can sneak into any shadow in a short time and move in the shadow. It needs to consume a certain amount of physical strength when using it. 】

Seeing this skill, Xia Feng almost opened his mouth.

This skill... can only be described in one word.


As expected of the gold card lottery, the things drawn out are really maddening!

With this skill, whether it is active attack or passive escape, you will be invincible to a certain extent!

In the animation, Tanjiro is the first ghost to deal with after becoming a ghost killer. He will use a skill similar to "diving", which is similar to the effect of shadow sneaking.

But... the skill of diving, if you encounter a strong enough and reckless enemy, it is possible to chase you into the water!

Tanjiro used this method to kill two ghosts who had submerged underwater.

Shadow sneaking doesn't have this trouble, as long as you enter the shadow, no matter how strong you are, don't even try to catch up!

The only problem is that you can't sneak for a long time...

After relaxing, Xia Feng also felt a little tired.

Having just acquired extraordinary abilities, he had to face such a strange enemy, making him want to rest for a while.

Chanel almost wanted to report what happened just now to Butterfly Ninja, and the three little girls had to go to the treatment room to see the wounded, so after a few people said hello, they separated temporarily.

Xia Feng went all the way back to the room and tried the shadow sneak ability. After getting used to it a little, he fell asleep.

Not long after, Xia Feng opened his eyes.

Looking at the clock in the corner of the room, he was slightly taken aback.

He feels that he is in good shape now, he should have slept well, but he didn't expect it to be more than [-] minutes...

He shook his head amusingly, put on his clothes, and walked out of the room.

As soon as he came out, he saw Xiao Cheng waiting at the door.

Seeing Xia Feng, Xiao Cheng said happily: "You are awake, Mr. Xia Feng."

"Well, are you waiting for me?" Xia Feng smiled.

Xiaocheng Enen nodded: "Dinner is almost ready, I wanted to wake you up after dinner, but you woke up yourself."

Hearing this, Xia Feng stretched out his hand gratefully and rubbed Xiao Cheng's head: "Then I have to thank you."

Because there is still some time before dinner, Xia Feng thought about it, and simply went for a walk outside the Butterfly House.

After walking for a while, he found that there seemed to be some movement in the treatment room.

Following the familiar path, he came all the way to the treatment room.

Seeing Xia Feng, the eyes of the busy medical staff all lit up.

"Xia Feng! You are here!"

Seeing them happy, Xia Feng grinned.

"What, is there another seriously injured person?"

The therapists sighed in unison. *

Chapter [-] Ninja's Surprise

A "hidden" smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this the day of the final selection... A lot of team members are busy catching ghosts as a trial for the final selection, but how can ghosts be so easy to catch? If you are not careful, you will In turn, you will be injured by ghosts."

Hearing this, Xia Feng blinked.

"Final selection?"

He naturally knew the meaning of the final selection.

The reason for repeating it is to hear the other party say what he needs.

Because Xia Feng is a guest of Butterfly Ninja, this "hidden" is not concealed.

"The final selection is a ceremony to screen new recruits for the Ghost Killing Team. At the same time, the new recruits are sent to a mountain together. The new recruits need to live in the mountain for seven days. Once the seven days are over, they will become the official Ghost Killing Team members. "

Thinking of this, he fought a cold war.

"There is no minimum security guarantee for this kind of selection, that is to say, even if the participants really die inside, no one will care."

Xia Feng cooperated with a surprised expression: "So powerful."

The hidden team members scratched their heads: "If it weren't for this kind of strict screening, the Ghost Killing Team wouldn't have such a strong fighting power."

Xia Feng hummed.

This time, he didn't just agree.

The brutal selection of the Ghost Killing Team is indeed helpful in improving combat effectiveness.

Just look at the ages of those "columns".

All pillars are under thirty years old.

In the face of powerful ghosts, what human beings can do is to use the fastest time and the most limited resources to push the most people into the position of front-line combat effectiveness!

Under the threat of ghosts, mortality is unavoidable!

He walked into the treatment room, selected the most seriously injured and life-threatening team members, and began treatment.

Because of the addition of Xia Feng, the pressure in the treatment room was directly reduced by half.

You must know that the most important medical resources in the treatment room are these seriously injured and dying team members.

With Xia Feng around, the death rate of the team members remained at zero for a while!

Kanzaki Aoi helped a team member clean up the shoulder wound and wiped his sweat.

Then trot to Xia Feng's side.

Xia Feng had just finished treating a wounded man and sat on the edge to rest.

Kanzaki Aoi handed him a handkerchief: "Wipe your sweat?"

Xia Feng took it with a smile: "Thank you."

Kanzaki Aoi looked at the wounded lying on the bed and sighed.

"Actually, I should have become a ghost killer like them."

"I also passed the final test at the beginning... Unfortunately, after seeing the power of ghosts, I was timid and did not dare to join the ghost killing team."

"It was Lord Shinobi who forgave my weakness and let me join the 'Butterfly House', otherwise I would be homeless now..."

Xia Feng listened quietly.

He smiled: "What are you doing now, aren't you helping the ghost killing team?"

Kanzaki Aoi pursed his lips.

"But I think, I..."

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