Sima Yu, 28 years old, won the first place in the annual detective evaluation of the magic capital for six consecutive years, and is also recognized as a big judge in the Public Security Bureau.

Ph.D. in Criminal Psychology,

Micro-expression psychology is a mastermind,

Compiler of the Traces Textbook,

He has cracked many major cases of multinational organizations around the world

Every year, he is assigned to be responsible for the investigation of major national cases

In the past six years, countless large and small cases have been cracked.

Privately jokingly known as the Jade Detective.

The director took Sima Yu to the scene of the crime

“Great Detective, when you look at this room, when the murder occurred, the door of the room was locked from the inside, and there was no trace of the door core being destroyed.”

“You are a big bull in the field of traces, you should also see it, in addition to the gate, the only first entrance is the big window, and after the test of colleagues, the window is bulletproof glass.”

“So the existence of a third person can be ruled out.”

“There is also a complete video footage in the room, which can also prove that no third person has appeared.”

“After our colleagues passed the comparison examination of footprints, DNA, etc., except for the traces of the female teacher and Chen Kuishan, no third person was found.”

The director looked at Kitamiya Yu with a bitter smile and said:

“These on-site traces prove that this was an accident.”

“The autopsy report has also been read by the commissioner.”

“I’ve seen it.”

“Chen Kuishan only had an examination at the Magic Blue Mountain Hospital five days ago, and he should have known that he had a heart enlargement, how could he have injected stimulant after taking cold medicine, and it was a large dose of medicine.”

“Very unreasonable!”

“What’s even more bizarre is that Chen Kuishan was fine one moment, and the next moment it’s like… Encountered what a great horror, the whole person’s face was distorted…”

“Well, the female teacher said the same thing, and it startled her.”

“The surveillance video, the director has also seen it, in the video, Chen Kuishan’s symptoms appeared after the injection, so I concluded that the problem must be in the drug.”

“This problem, before you came, Inspector Wang and I also found out, and tested the other agents in the refrigerator, and found that there was no problem at all.”

“Not only that, but through the detection of the residue of the medicine bottle left at the scene, there is no hallucinogenic agent, so it is impossible that the agent makes Chen Kuishan feel afraid.”

After Sima Yu read all the information, he groaned for a long time, shook his head, and said: “Director, my intuition tells me that this case is by no means a simple accident, the murderer is very clever, he did not leave any evidence at the scene, but Chen Kuishan’s bitterness and guts have been frightened, and this is the biggest flaw.” ”


“Another high-IQ crime?”

“Most likely yes!”

Sima Yu replied with a serious expression.

The sheriff took a sip and his face was ugly.

“As the only son of this Chen Kuishan of the Handong Group, his death will definitely become a big news in the magic capital,….!”

After Chen Kuishan’s accident,

People from all walks of life were alarmed, and asked the Public Security Bureau to find out the cause of death as soon as possible and give an account to the devil.

Under the pressure of various public opinions and several parties

The director of the Public Security Department had to ask the god of the magic capital to come out of the mountain and help him investigate this bizarre murder case.

“What makes a lawless, arrogant guy feel fear, so that his guts are broken?”

“There are only three factors that can cause fear in people


“A visually induced horror, the most common, like those banned horror movies, scared a few girls to death that year.”

“The second is the horror caused by hearing, which is also more, such as the fierce ghost radio.”

“The third is horror is directly aimed at the soul, that is a kind of magic that has been lost, just like the illusion in the fantasy fairy tale novel, hypnosis is the development and change of the skin of illusion, illusion can create a world, and finally make your soul die, worse than a vegetative person, the soul of the person who dies, the body function will also fall into death, and finally really die.” 」

“The appearance of the soul of the deceased is like Chen Kuishan, and I have seen such a description in an ancient book.”

“So we may have met the masters.”

“Is there anything wrong with this kind of master?”

“His props, find his props, it is possible to find him.”

“Everybody listen, re-check the scene, don’t let go of any dead ends!”

“Look at all the camera materials again to see if there are any missing places


There is no perfect crime in the world, and this is Sima Yu’s creed in life.


At this time, the surveillance video on the Internet about Chen Kuishan’s evil deeds also caused great repercussions.

The number of views soon reached tens of millions

There are thousands of reprinters

Become the most beautiful boy on the hot list

Most of the comments on video sites and Weibo were shocked and angry.

007 keyboardist: “It’s really Wang Baguo, the first silver demon in the magic capital, it seems that Chen is the only one.” ”

Wine Sword Immortal: “Unfortunately, my forty-meter long sword has not yet been sheathed, and this demon has been cut off by the City Light.” ”

Farmer Xiaoyu: “Dear big brothers, is this Chen Kuishan the only son of the Magic Handong Group, he is such a beast, his father should not be a good person, I have to talk to my family, I can’t cooperate with the Handong Group in the future.” ”

Big Brother North: “I didn’t expect Chen Kuishan, this king and eight eggs to do such a disgraceful thing, this king eight eggs died too cheaply, you should throw it into the cesspool to take a bath.” ”

I cursed Chen Kuishan for ten thousand years: “Chen Kuishan, Wang Baguo, I can’t kill you, but the Demon Capital also has a big guy like the City Light to kill you.” ”

“Which big brother is upstairs?” Did Chen Kuishan commit anything else? ”

“Don’t say it, I didn’t kill the king and the bastard back then, and I lost one of my legs, and today is also a great revenge, and tonight I drink to celebrate.”

Timid Tiger Brother: “Did anyone see the video before Chen Kuishan’s death, just like me, scared into a cold sweat.” ”

Punch the face of the cat: “After watching the video, my girlfriend did not dare to go to the dormitory, thank you for the magic city lights.” ”

The immortal in the cup: “After Lao Tzu read it, the bureau flowers were cool and cool, and he always felt that the demons had appeared in the god of death.” ”

Squirrels eat grapes: “More terrifying than horror movies, to say that the grooves, pressure shock.” ”


Although the video was quickly taken down, the discussion was like a wave.

A wave of applause is higher than a wave!


And the other side,

Chen Hansheng, the chairman of the Handong Group, came to the Public Security Bureau with an angry face and slapped the table to arrest people.

“What are you waiting for? The person who posted is the murderer, you go and arrest him. ”

Director of Public Security: “Chairman Chen, please calm down!” The Public Security Department pays attention to evidence, will not wrongfully accuse a good person, and certainly will not spare a bad person. ”

“Do I calm down? Do you still say it was an accident? Is there such a coincidence? ”

The Public Security Officer’s face was difficult


People have just died, but this kind of post is spreading so loudly, even they feel that things are full of mystery.


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