Crime scene,

There is a rush of Mordor TV station is broadcasting live nearby

Agents from the Public Security Department are investigating and collecting evidence, taking photographs and videotaping.

“Uncle, you can’t enter here.”

“That… That one… Is my daughter’s school bag, I: My daughter.. What’s wrong? ”

The man stuttered and asked.

When the detectives who stood in the way heard that the uncle who was the victim was a family member, he did not know how to persuade him for a while.

“Uncle, you mourn…”

The sack in the man’s hand slipped to the ground, and his eyes turned red at once

He rudely pushed away the agent in front of him and limped to the place covered by the white cloth.

Less than two steps ahead, the man fell, and he crawled forward on all fours.

As he climbed, he whispered, “I don’t believe how my daughter could possibly die!” ”

“I don’t believe it!”

An agent was just about to come forward to stop him when he was stopped.

The man lifted the white cloth with trembling hands, and below him was his daughter Li Yanfei.

At this moment, the man could no longer hold back

A heart-rending cry pierced the souls of all those present.

The man’s hands pounded his chest

The man’s hoarse, grief-stricken appearance made everyone present feel a strong sense of oppression.

“Yan’er, let’s go home!”

The man went forward to pick up his daughter, but was stopped by the agents present.

The girl was eventually taken to the morgue of the Public Security Department.


The man limped back home with tears in his eyes

The old wife in the family has been paralyzed in bed for many years

“Old Li, why did you come home so early today?”

The man’s sad look made the woman’s heart tug at once.


The man sat silently at the door of his daughter’s room.

He looked at the wall full of awards in his daughter’s room, at the various certificates and trophies on the table, and he recalled what her daughter had said to him.

He still remembers what his daughter said to him when she won the first place in the national mock exam in the magic city

“Dad, I got the first place, and when I get into college in the future, I can make more money, and then I can treat my mother and my brother, and our family will get better and better.”

The first prize of the National Mathematical Olympiad on the table was placed by the daughter at the head of the bed

He knew that it was his daughter’s pride, and it was also the biggest bonus her daughter had earned for the family.

Exactly 100,000 yuan.

It was also from that day that men stopped forcing girls to drop out of school.

The daughter’s 100,000 yuan bonus is not too much to say that she saved the life of the family.

Men also know that their daughter’s academic performance is very good, even the legendary Wenqu Xingxia Fan is just like this.

The hemp rope is specially selected for the break, and the bad luck is specially found for the bitter people

But the family has long been poor can not open the pot, pharmacy, grain and oil store, relatives, debts, he had to think of forcing his daughter to drop out of school, go out to work to earn money to support the family.

The man remembered the scene where he forced his daughter to drop out of school, and the daughter cried and pleaded with herself, and the man was eager to slap himself a few times.

He remembered every word his daughter said when she pleaded with him

“Dad, please, let me go to the college entrance examination for another year, in a year it will be time for the college entrance examination, you see I have won the first place in the whole grade, and I will definitely be able to enter a good school in the college entrance examination.”

“And our teacher said, I can apply for student loans, living expenses, I can work and study.”

“After college, I can find a good job, and then I will definitely make a lot of money, I will give all the money to the family, and then my mother and brother will have money to treat their diseases.” 」

“Dad, please,….”

“Dad, I’m going to help my classmates with remedial courses tonight, and I can earn a hundred yuan a day, so you can let me go to school ,….


The man remembers nodding his head in agreement with his daughter going to school, and the daughter was happy like a five-year-old

It is the daughter who constantly cheers herself up and constantly tells the beauty of the future

He just went down step by step

Whenever I can’t stand being tired, just see my daughter’s bright smiling face

He felt that everything was worth it

He believed that his daughter was Wenqu Xingxiafan, because this was what her teacher and principal said.

He believed what his daughter said, and when her daughter was admitted to college, a good day would come.

Men remember that from the time they no longer forced their daughters to drop out of school

Every day at five o’clock in the morning, my daughter would get up and help the family clean up, cook, wash and cook.

Feed your old wife and young son.

After school in the evening, I went to help my classmates with their homework, earn tuition fees, and subsidize their families.

After returning home, he was helping his old wife scrub his body and wash his brother’s face and brush his teeth.

To save money for the family

His own daughter often grunted with hunger.

There are even nightmares at night.

He saw all this in his eyes now, and the pain was in his heart.

Every day when a man sees his daughter, she is smiling and giggling

And always comfort yourself.

The man thought about what had happened, and he didn’t know that he had already burst into tears.

The man, who could no longer hold back, came to his old wife’s bed and cried loudly.

“Baby mother, our family swallow, no ,…..”


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