The First Affiliated Hospital of Mordor City, Emergency Department.

When Zhang Dawei was dying, he was finally sent to the first aid platform.

The next day, Zhang Dawei, who was rescued, was admitted to a luxurious ward

There are nurses here who accompany you twenty-four hours a day

And they are all nurses above the second level with sharp hands and feet and a strong sense of responsibility

When Zhang Dawei woke up, he found that his two legs were raised high and hit with steel plates

Only above the waist can move.

Looking at the handsome little nurse who was shuttling back and forth next to him, Zhang Dawei, who had just started a hint of color, moved it slightly, and grinned in pain.

At night, Zhang Dawei woke up violently, but he found that his hands could not move, and it was cold, as if he had been held down by someone.

Just as he was about to call for help, he found that his mouth was blocked, and there was no seam left behind

Zhang Dawei stared hard at his eyes, but he didn’t see anything

The room was dark, and the little nurse next to it was squinting and resting.

Slowly, Zhang Dawei felt a Ling Bingbing’s palm touch his throat

He could feel that the hand was not big, even small, but the strength was not small

Zhang Dawei gradually lost his breath, and his eyes widened

He felt the horror of death again.

Soon, Zhang Dawei fainted due to suffocation.

Early the next morning, Zhang Dawei covered his neck and shouted, “Help! Help me! Don’t kill me. ”

When the doctors and nurses gathered around to change the dressing, Zhang Dawei found that it was dawn.

“Mr. Zhang, are you having nightmares again?”


Is it really a nightmare?

At this moment, Zhang Dawei was a little confused about whether what happened last night was a dream or not.

That piercing cold touch, that suffocating feeling, is so real

The moment he was choked by someone’s neck, he really felt that he was going to die the next moment

Is it really a dream?

Zhang Dawei called Uncle Dawei and asked again:

“Uncle, there really are ghosts, you must help me!”

“Aren’t you in the hospital?” There are twenty-four hours of escort there, how can there be ghosts! ”

“Uncle, it’s true! I was almost strangled to death last night, with a small hand, coldly pinching my neck, I couldn’t breathe, and someone covered my mouth, not even calling for help. ”

“Rabbit cub, look for death, you still dare to scare me!”

“Uncle, it’s true! This time you must believe me, don’t you know a master named Xuanguang, you help me to ask for a few runes, I want today. ”

“I help you to ask, money I help you cushion, the old rules, nine out of thirteen returns.”

“Thank you uncle, money is not an issue.”

Zhang Dawei, who hung up the phone, suddenly saw that there was an inconspicuous bruise on his wrist holding the phone, and there was a small handprint that was not obvious.

Look again, there is also the right hand.

Zhang Dawei shouted, “Nurse, mirror, give me a mirror, hurry up!” ”

Take the mirror and look at your own neck

In an instant, Zhang Dawei’s eyes widened suddenly, and he saw that he also had an inconspicuous small handprint on his neck

It’s not a dream, it’s true, someone is going to kill themselves

Is it a ghost?

At the thought that it might be that kind of invisible thing wrapped around him, Zhang Dawei’s face brushed white

He felt so cold, and his cold body trembled.

“Xiao Li, look at him, full of cold sweat, his body is still trembling, is he suffering from a high fever?”

“No, when I checked the room this morning, the doctor also said that he had no problems and could slowly recuperate, and said that his physical fitness was very good.”

“Don’t guess, hurry up and call the doctor, I heard that this man has a big temper and just wanted to beat the doctor, fortunately he was not lightly injured, otherwise Dr. Wang would probably be injured.”

Soon the doctor came, and had to say that the luxury ward, five thousand a day bed fee, the treatment is really good.

“Mr. Zhang, what’s wrong with you?”


Zhang Dawei, who was awakened by the shock, suddenly returned to his senses

Zhang Dawei, who was in a cold sweat, immediately appealed to the doctor:

“There are ghosts, I want more people to accompany, add one, no, add three, I want four nurses to accompany you at night.”

“Sir, where are the ghosts in the world, besides, if the four nurses accompany you, this is not in line with the rules.”

“Yard, I said that there are ghosts and ghosts, the rules of bullshit, Lao Tzu adds money, plus money, you immediately go to the dean to say, otherwise Lao Tzu will kill you!”

The doctor didn’t argue with him either, he knew that this was a mentally ill patient, or a murderer who had killed people

It’s okay to have four nurses guard, just add money.

In the afternoon, Zhang Dawei’s uncle sent three yellow charms

Zhang Dawei looked at the three yellow charms in his hand than he looked at his father.

At night, the nurse just turned off the lights when Zhang Dawei stopped her

“Don’t turn off the lights!” On! ”

Zhang Dawei, who had been worried for a day, soon fell asleep

Soon, a bone-piercing cold feeling, countless cold little hands once again controlled Zhang Dawei’s whole body

I couldn’t move anywhere on my body

Only the eyeballs can turn up and down left and right.

Bright under the flickering lights, but he saw nothing

Four little nurses on the side were whispering

“Do you know who this patient is?”

“Of course, he knows, he is the murderer who has been broadcast on the news before.”

“No wonder it’s so fierce, some people say that his neurosis is fake, I think it’s real.”

Zhang Dawei, who wanted to ask for help, could not make any noise at the moment.

He could clearly feel his neck being pinched by Bingbing’s small hands again, this time with two small hands

He felt like his whole body was being pressed, very heavy and heavy.

And the feeling of the legendary ghost press, very similar,

Gradually, Zhang Dawei felt that his eyeballs were about to burst out, and he could no longer breathe

He felt like he was going to die, he wanted to ask for forgiveness, he wanted to live.

Zhang Dawei fainted on the hospital bed.

Zhang Hao commanded the little paper man, took out a USB stick, inserted it into Zhang Dawei’s mobile phone, and then took the unconscious Zhang Dawei’s finger and pressed the fingerprint on the screen to unlock it.

In the USB drive is the latest type of Trojan virus made by Zhang Hao

Soon the virus was successfully imported

Zhang Hao here began to remotely control Zhang Dawei’s mobile phone

In just a few seconds, he copied all the call records, short videos, photos, contacts in the address book, Internet records, etc. in Zhang Dawei’s mobile phone to his computer

He wants to find out who is behind Zhang Dawei and find out the secret behind Zhang Dawei.

Soon, a name came up.

Zhang Baozhu,

That is, Zhang Dawei’s uncle.

The call records show that before and after the incident, Zhang Dawei and this person contacted him most frequently, as many as ten times.

To know that Zhang Dawei is such a person, even his lover and wife can’t contact him so many times a month.

And from the deleted wx records, Zhang Hao called out something:

Zhang Baozhu once asked Zhang Dawei if he was short of money during this time……. There’s a big job to get him out of the way… After the fact, you have the money in this life, and so on.


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