Outside the door of Zhang Baozhu’s office, ten black-clad bodyguards, one of whom asked in confusion:

“Boss, there is no sound inside, will something happen?” Do you want to rush in and have a look? ”

“I have asked Mr. Zhang’s secretary, Mr. Zhang’s afternoon tea, it is special, there is no sound, you know…”

“Remember, anyone who enters this office must have a strict body search, and when the woman just entered, was she searched?”

“Searched, strictly searched, that figure….”

After Zhang Baozhu in the room was awakened by the ice water again, he also faintly heard the voice outside the door

He tried to make a little movement out, but it was all in vain

He saw the red button on the table close at hand, but the distance of ten centimeters was like a graben in front of Zhang Baozhu.

When the third brick is placed on the foot,

Zhang Baozhu’s body was already sweating like rain, and he could even hear the creaking of his own legs

He heard the sound of his own kneecap cracking

He knew that four bricks was basically the limit of the human body, but three bricks was already his limit

Zhang Baozhu could feel his soul trembling

He felt himself hovering between fainting and not fainting every second

This second the pain fainted, the next second will wake up again in pain.

Three minutes,

It was as if he had spent three hundred years in purgatory

One second is like a year, the pain is deep in the bone marrow.

When a few small paper men tied Zhang Baozhu to another cross-shaped wooden stake, it was time

Zhang Baozhu even had a refreshing feeling of relief

Even if there was only a second of relaxation in between, he felt that this second was the happiest second of his life.

Zhang Baozhu, who was tied to the pillar, also clearly saw the tiger stool before him at this moment, which was the tiger stool that he entrusted to customize at a high price.

A few small paper men who had been waiting for a long time took out the prepared golden needles

Zhang Baozhu fixed his eyes on it, and sure enough, this golden needle was also the torture device he had used to torture others

He looked again at the stove on the ground, and the soldering iron on the side was so familiar

It’s all stuff in his execution chamber

Who is it?

He looked at the little paper man flying up and down in front of his eyes

I looked around at the instruments of torture again

He said again without hesitation: “I confess, all my possessions and all my secrets will be told to you


At this time, two small paper men, one red and one black, flew to his shoulders on either side

“The master said, if you want to explain something, you blink your eyes.”

Zhang Baozhu blinked his eyes without hesitation

Afraid that his own blinking would not be obvious, he blinked and blinked.

One of the little paper men said in a childlike voice, “Master said, if you dare to shout, you will die now.” ”

The next moment, a dagger was only 0.01 centimeter away from his temple

The dagger was a rare black color that Zhang Baozhu had purchased at a high price from the Miao tribe.

It is said that as long as you are scratched by this dagger, even if it is only a layer of skin, in an instant, you will be extremely itchy all over your body, you will make people can’t help but scratch it all the time, and when you fall asleep, you will scratch it, knowing that you will only scratch your bones, and you will stop.

The only way to stop itching is to scrape the bone to cure the poison.

The moment he saw this dagger, Zhang Baozhu no longer had any luck at all.

The paper man unwrapped the seal on Zhang Baozhu’s mouth and took out the rubber ball.

Zhang Baozhu, who had regained his ability to speak, glanced at the dagger across his face again

He whispered, “I confess, I confess everything, all my incriminating evidence is in the safe.”

“The safe is at the back of the bookshelf with a green button on it.”

As Zhang Baozhu’s voice landed on the ground, two small paper people quickly pounced on the bookshelf

Through the vision of the little paper man, Zhang Hao saw the green button

After a gentle press, the bookshelf cuts out to the sides, revealing the safe behind it.

“Take the initiative, don’t wait for the host to ask, how much is the password?”

“The password is 886698,”

Zhang Hao controlled the paper man to pack the USB drives, CDs, documents, cash and jewelry in the safe into a black plastic bag.

Zhang Baozhu was then sealed again.


At this time, under this stay, a young Internet celebrity Miss Nana, excitedly explained:

“This building is the tallest office building in our magic capital, and today we will use a drone to see the view of our tallest building…

The drone was taking off from her hand, slowly rising.

The third layer,

Fourth floor,

Fifth layer……


Her hands shook a little, her eyes widened suddenly, and she covered her mouth, and the whole person was like a thunderclap.

“Ah!” with a bang,

The drone also hovered there.

Through the gap in the window, a bound person appears in the painting.

Anchor Nana screamed.

With the scream of the anchor,

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened….. I rub!”

“Oh my God…”

Many netizens also saw the picture in the live broadcast, and a kidnapped person appeared

In the picture, it is an office

Because of the angle problem, I could only see the tiger stool in the house, next to a burning stove, and a very thick iron chain on the ground

“Which crew is making the movie?”

Some netizens sent a comment

“How can I not look like I’m making a movie? Do you see, a hemp rope floating in the air, how can there be only one person in the movie? ”

Then they saw a hemp rope slowly drifting into the air

Slowly put on the neck of the bound person

This scene made everyone feel the scalp tingling

Then they saw the rope being tightened inch by inch

The people in the office were strangled with their mouths wide open, their eyes congested, and their red tongs were covered with blood

“No, I’m a medical student, this particular cliff is not making movies, after people’s biological activities have stopped, there is no energy supply, all muscles will relax for a certain period of time, and the ciliary muscle is no exception. As a result, the pupil is dilated and fixed. ”

“You see that his pupils are really dilated, and the pupils are dominated by the brainstem, which means that he is not good, this is really an accident……. This man is really dying! ”

“I rub!”

“I’m Di Niangle!”

“Dilated pupils?”

Everyone was shocked!

Miss Nana was also frightened, and she hurried to inform her friend

“Report the crime, someone in that room is dying!”

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