Thanks bdwu: 588 tips again!


Zhang Baozhu Office.

Many black-clad bodyguards were herded aside by agents of the Public Security Bureau

Agent Xiao Li went forward to probe Zhang Baozhu’s sniffles, and there was no breath

He pinched open his pupils again and looked, and the pupils had dilated

The pulse also stopped beating

He shook his head gently at his captain

It means that the person has completely lost his breath and is not saved.

Sima Yu walked around the room

The room was found to be very clean and the murderer left no trace

Obviously, the other side’s anti-reconnaissance awareness is very strong

“Fingerprints are taken, hairs that appear on the spot, footprints, and compared.”

Although he knew that the other party would not leave obvious flaws for himself, Sima Yu still meticulously carried out every task.

She always believed that no crime was perfect.

Subsequently, the relevant personnel were taken to the Public Security Department for questioning and investigation.

What puzzled Sima Yu was that

“It can be seen from the surface of the corpse that there are a lot of goosebumps, which can only occur in the case of extreme cold and extreme fear, and now the weather, obviously excluding the former, then only the first kind is left….”

While analyzing, she opened the video again and saw the process of Zhang Baozhu’s being strangled

“What happened to him during his lifetime?”

Due to the angle problem, she couldn’t see what was behind Zhang Baozhu

If a person pulls a rope behind his back, there should be a shadow that can be seen

But she looked carefully and looked, and not only did she not see the shadow of the killer

Even how the rope floated in the air, she did not see the slightest flaw.

It was like a piece of glass holding a rope slowly rising into the air and then putting it on Zhang Baozhu’s neck.

No wonder many people say that ghosts and gods are at work.

It was Sima Yu himself who felt his scalp tingle.


Miss Nana was a brief scene in the live broadcast room

It was also recorded by netizens with hearts and posted to the short video platform.

Such a strange and terrifying video, once uploaded, caused countless netizens to scream

Messages were raised: “It’s horrible, kneel down and beg for the movie name!” ”

“Send a video, leave no movie name,….!”

One of the netizens left a message: “This is not a movie clip, the person who was kidnapped in the video, called Zhang Baozhu, is the big demon behind the demon.” ”

“I rub, this is to eliminate harm for the people, who is this hero?” Why didn’t I get a picture of the hero, I still want to worship it! ”

“Upstairs, aren’t you stupid!”

At this moment, a netizen whose screen name is called Carpenter’s Shame left a message:

“The tiger stool in the video is that I received Zhang Baozhu’s 100,000 yuan five years ago, according to ancient records, five years ago, when I heard that a girl died on the tiger stool, I knew that the murderer was Zhang Baozhu, but I did not dare to say, I donated my savings for many years to the victim’s family, but my heart is still full of regret.”

“I am a disgrace to the carpenters!”

“This is called treating his body in the way of a human being, and Zhang Baozhu must have tasted the taste of the tiger stool before he died.”

“I said why there was a tiger stool on the scene, it turned out to be so!”

“There are so many instruments of torture at the scene!” Can it be? ”

Subsequently, blacksmiths jumped out to leave messages

“I hit that chain, such a thick chain, I also hit such a chain, I didn’t expect to be used by Zhang Baozhu, a beast, to harm people!”

“I’m ashamed!”

“Zhang Baozhu, this demon, looked at the human-like dog-like and did not expect to be a well-dressed beast!”

“Good to die!”

“This man is not dead, and the demons are uneasy!”

“Half man, half ghost has released a new video on the Douyin platform again, let’s go and see it!”

Douyin platform,

A book called “Sin on the Tiger Stool” was uploaded for just half an hour and was reprinted millions of times

Countless netizens left messages: Who tama invented the tiger stool, so perverted!

The abused girl on the video is a girl, and the murderer is Zhang Baozhu, who was strangled today

In the video, Zhang Baozhu is dressed as a white-collar worker and is responsible for the renovation project of the old house for the first time

He desperately wanted to show his ability to his boss

In order to achieve their own ends, do whatever it takes.

In the video, he said strongly: “This tiger stool is Lao Tzu spent 100,000 pieces to find someone to customize, today first give you two bricks, go back and tell your village chief’s father, if you don’t cooperate, the consequences will be at your own risk.” ”

Then the girl brewed and left.

The second video is the video of the girl being tortured by the tiger again

In the end, the girl died tragically.

In the end, the Modu Qingquan Village was demolished, and the villagers only got one-tenth of the demolition money, and the rest fell into Zhang Baozhu’s pocket.

In the video, when Zhang Baozhu saw the girl being tortured, the excited look in his eyes made countless netizens angry

They all condemned: such a person can actually become an executive, and there is no heavenly reason.

“The Handong Group, before there was another Chen Kuishan, and now there is another Zhang Baozhu, is the Handong Group a demon’s lair?”

“Since it is Alcatraz, let’s eradicate Alcatraz.”

“Eradicate Alcatular Island and boycott all Handong Group products.”

“Resolutely do not buy the house of Handong Group.”

“I’m throwing out my own Handong Group stock right now, it’s too dirty.”

“I throw too!”

In just one hour, Handong Group’s stock fell to a halt, losing more than one billion yuan.

The villagers of Qingquan Village suddenly realized at this moment that they had wrongly blamed their old village chief

“Chief, if you watch this video again, I, Li Fatzi, on behalf of our Li family, are here to pay you compensation, I didn’t expect that everything was Zhang Baozhu’s bastard ghost, and it also caused your daughter to lose her life.”

“Chief, I Zhang Jing is not paying you compensation!”

“Daughter, there is a hero who has avenged you.”


And a lot of victims came out

These are the people who harmed Zhang Baozhu when he was demolished

Today with the video going public,

Only then did the victims know that the real murderer was Zhang Baozhu.

“Hero, thank you for killing Zhang Baozhu, the scumbag.”

“Kill well, you are the latest Demon City Light!”

“Whoever killed Zhang Baozhu is my idol.”

“The light of the magic capital, illuminating the magic capital.”


Li Yanfei’s mother, who has been guarding in front of the motor, saw Zhang Dawei’s tragic death

She was crying, crying like a child, and there was a big wet patch on the pillow.

And today he saw the video of Zhang Baozhu being killed

The knot in my heart opened at once

“Boy daddy, come and see, the girl’s revenge, repaid.”


“Our daughter can rest in peace.”

The old couple suddenly burst into tears, hugging their heads and crying.

“Baby his mother, our family has received a lot of donations, there are still good people in this world… We are short of money, but we can still move, and we can’t ask for other people’s money for free. ”

“Move, leave this sad place, and treat your child well.”

The man put away each of his daughter’s awards neatly

The family of three was ready to leave the place where they lived.

Public Security Department agents screen every victim’s family for information and call records.

After the death of the victim Li Yanfei, his father once received a strange phone call from the two sides for more than a minute, and it was clear that it was not like a harassing call.

So Agent Xiao Li called Li Yanfei’s father and asked:

“Hello, I am Li Yun of the Major Crimes Unit of the Public Security Bureau, my number is 321**88, and our conversation will be recorded next, please answer carefully.”

“We found out that after your daughter Li Yanfei died, you received a call from a phone number 137***8089 at 10 a.m., and the call time was one minute and 38 seconds.”

“May I ask, who is this person calling you?” What did you say? ”

A trace of anger and a trace of coldness flashed in the man’s eyes, and he said without thinking: “I don’t know! ”

“Every word you say has the potential to become testimony in court, so please answer carefully.”

“I don’t know!”

After saying that, the man hung up the phone directly.

Sima Yu, who was listening, clearly felt what the man was hiding

For Li Yanfei’s family situation, Sima Yu also has a lot of understanding

She also donated her one-month salary to the other party, but no matter what she said, the other party still insisted that she didn’t know anything.

Ask more, the other party will not say a word.

Seeing this, she also understood that if she forced the family to cooperate, it was estimated that there would be no effect.


Thank you, another big chapter to give!

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