In the hospital room, the younger sister Zhang Ya is wearing a loose hospital gown at the moment, with moon eyebrows and starry eyes, and a small nose

It is the most beautiful age of a girl

Zhang Ya, who had turned around a few times in place, was as if he had been reborn.

When he saw the dense needle holes on his sister’s two arms, Zhang Hao twitched in pain

Daily blood tests and drips made the needle holes on both of my sister’s arms denser than the holes in the honeycomb

He could think of his sister’s pain when she was pricked every day, but she couldn’t cry out for pain as an adult, so she had to endure it

Although each stitch is not very painful, but two stitches a day, the pain of each stitch will accumulate to the next stitch, and then accumulate to the next stitch, and finally the inconspicuous pain will directly act on the human soul

Zhang Hao could imagine that every time her sister saw the needle hole on her arm, the pain of being pricked with the needle was almost a geometric multiple applied to her body and mind.

It was a kind of pain that could make people shudder, comparable to torture.

Zhang Hao touched his sister’s little head melon

Now that it had been determined that life energy could cure liver cancer, he decided to make his sister happy and no longer let her suffer that inhuman torture.

Right now,

A large number of doctors poured in from the ward, Zhang Hao knew, all of whom were top doctors in hepatobiliary and oncology.

At this moment, they saw Zhang Ya, who was dancing in the hospital room

Suddenly, it was as if they had been cast into a fixation technique, and their mouths were wide open

After a long time, Wang Yiguo murmured, “It’s true, you can really get out of bed and walk!” ”

Dr. Zhao, who was caught on the side, did not know it, and mechanically said: “Yes, I can really get out of bed and walk!” ”

“If we can find the key to Zhang Ya’s recovery, then 100% of the projects that our hospital applied to The Lancet will be selected.”


“Liu Fang, quickly arrange a blood test to check the serum alpha-fetoprotein, take liver enhancement CT, do liver MRI and liver PET-CT examination, B ultrasound examination, ultrasonography liver mass.”

Zhang Hao saw that his sister heard the four words of blood drawing and testing, and her body shook a few times, and her heart hurt for a second

Immediately shouted, “Wait a minute! ”

“Dr. Wang, borrow a step to speak.”

After Zhang Hao gave Zhang Ya a reassuring look, he took Wang Yiguo’s arm again, and almost dragged him out of the hospital room with a confused face.

There were still a bunch of people outside the ward, looking at Zhang Hao who walked out of the ward as if he had suffered a heavy blow of ten thousand points.

Watching a group of people with their mouths wide open in surprise

Zhang Hao was startled

The head nurse saw the needle and asked, “Zhang Hao, how is your sister?” ”

“With a great improvement, I believe it will be possible to recover soon.”

Zhang Hao’s voice just dropped

I heard a cry of surprise all around

“Oh my God, it’s incredible


“Is this Zhang Ya’s illness really getting better?”

Zhang Hao dragged Wang Yiguo to the side

“Dr. Wang, I am preparing to go to you, and you have also seen that my sister has basically seen her, so I want to take her out of the hospital and go home for recuperation.”

Wang Yiguo, like a rabbit whose tail had been trampled, almost jumped up and directly refused loudly:


Perhaps realizing that there was something wrong with his attitude, Wang Yiguo immediately softened

“Xiao Zhang, you young man, don’t you know anything, how can you draw conclusions so easily when you are discharged from the hospital?”

“Listen to me, continue to be hospitalized, if you don’t have money, I’ll lend it to you, don’t worry about paying it back…”

Zhang Hao looked at Wang Yiguo and said calmly: “Dr. Wang, it is not a matter of money, it is that the little sister’s condition has stabilized and there is no need to be hospitalized, so discharge is to be discharged.” ”

Looking at Zhang Hao, who had a calm face but an unusually firm look, Wang Yiguo changed his tone and pleaded:

“Xiao Zhang, when you just went out, you also saw that so many patients’ families have taken Zhang Ya as their hope for survival, as long as they see Zhang Ya eating quietly and laughing happily, they believe that sooner or later they will gradually recover like Zhang Ya, can you bear to watch so many cancer patients die silently?”

Seeing Wang Yiguo, who had kidnapped himself with morality, although Zhang Hao understood that the other party was telling the truth, his heart was still unmoved

He still did not change his face, and said calmly: “Director Wang, my sister is almost over, and I can slowly recuperate in the future, and please ask the director to understand.” ”

Now that the young people are so determined, Wang Yiguo sighed and continued to change the method of persuasion: “Xiao Zhang, you are also a medical student, you should know that as long as cancer cells do not kill and kill at once, kill clean, he will grow and spread, hospitalization is the most responsible method for her!” You hurt your sister so much, you don’t want her to have any accidents. ”

Zhang Hao was a little annoyed in his heart, but he still said calmly, “If Dr. Wang can’t decide, I can only go to the dean.” ”

Wang Yiguo once again lamented Zhang Hao’s soft and hard not to eat, and said helplessly: “Zhang Hao, Zhang Ya’s disease research has risen to the most important research topic in the whole hospital, and once this topic makes a breakthrough in the future, we are hopeful to be included in the Lancet Medical Journal, at that time, the medical research level of our entire Dragon Kingdom will rise to a big level.” ”

Zhang Hao still shook his head

“This is not good, I apply to the dean, medical expenses, examination fees, food fees, all expenses are free, I will apply for your sister a better suitable courtyard for recuperation, I guarantee that you will be satisfied when you see it, I am arranging a few clever little nurses to take care of you 24 hours a day, which is better than the conditions in your home.”

After listening to these words, Zhang Hao raised his spirit and looked at Wang Yiguo, who was nervously waiting for a reply: “In this case, you can also consider it, I still have a request, blood tests, drips and other things that need needles, you don’t have to get them every day, I see that it hurts, once a month blood test can be, other tests can be as usual.” ”

“This is not good, if you do not draw blood for testing, you can not find the content of alpha-fetoprotein, alpha-fetoprotein heteroplasmos, abnormal prothrombin, Golgi body protein, and some tumor-specific growth factors, α-L-fucosidase content exceeds the standard, these can be unique tumor markers of liver cancer.”

“You can check once a month, you don’t need to check every day, don’t agree, other free talk.”

“Half a month, half a month to check once is not OK, Zhang Hao, a month is too long, in case there is any omission, what consequences have occurred, it is not good for everyone, is not it?”

“Okay, just half a month.”

When the two returned to the ward, Wang Yiguo’s face was full of pain and helplessness, and everyone who watched became a monk

“Liu Fang, take Zhang Ya to check, no need to draw blood for testing, the rest is the same.”

“Zhang Ya, go, when you come back, your brother will take you shopping.”

“Wow! It’s finally time to get out! Zhang Ya shouted excitedly


Sima Yu also came to the First Affiliated Hospital of the Magic Capital at this moment

She saw that many patients were pointing at Zhang Hao and Zhang Ya’s backs and excitedly saying something.

She was very impressed with Zhang Hao

Although the young man did nothing and said nothing, his calm face and calm eyes made a senior agent who had faced countless criminals feel a kind of subconscious defense.

Although Zhang Hao had her back to her, she still felt the illusion that she was being watched by the other party.

Sima Yu asked the nurse next to him:

“Who is that man?” Why are many family members on this floor pointing at him behind his back, and what are they saying? ”

“His sister is now a legend in the oncology department, and when her sister was brought to the hospital, she was in the advanced stage of liver cancer and was given a death notice, but now she can walk on the ground.”

“Huh? Liver cancer is known as the king of cancer, but there is no precedent for being cured, are you sure you heard it wrong? ”

“The doctors and nurses of the whole hospital know this, as you can see, a living example, in the past half a month, countless liver cancer patients across the country are crowded in our hospital.”

Sima Yu looked at the other party’s disappearing back and thought about it.

Until the deputy Xiao Zhang ran over and whispered in her ear:

“Captain, there is a major breakthrough in the case!”

“The information network group recently seized a dark web, on which Chen Kuishan and Li Zhendong’s bounty information was found!”


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