Mordor Public Security Bureau,

Qin Dongcheng took the lawyer to meet the detained Qin Kang’an, Zhang Guangyuan, Zhao Wenbo, and Li Yuanzheng.

“Dad, are you here to save me, I know you’re not going to leave me alone.”

Qin Dongcheng’s face darkened, and he suddenly didn’t know how to explain this matter to his son.

He worries that his son will not accept such an outcome.

“Kang An, you guys got into a big trouble this time, you know?”

Qin Kang’an lowered his head

He knew early in the morning from the agents of the Public Security Department that he had caused a lot of trouble this time

They committed intentional homicide.

The lightest is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment.

“You remember, the truth of this matter is that you and Li Minqing beat each other, and if you say more about the fact that he beat you, you are the one who was beaten, remember?”

“You know, isn’t it to shirk responsibility, this trick I will.”

Here Qin Dongcheng was introducing the truth of the matter to Qin Kang’an, and what to say during the trial

The lawyer over there also said to Zhang Zhiyuan and the three people:

“You remember, this time it was Qin Kang’an and Li Minqing fighting, Li Minqing beating Qin Kang’an, you were persuading the fight, you didn’t move, you tried to save him, but in the end he didn’t succeed, and he fell to his death.”

“When so many people see the trial and say this, immediately someone will come forward and say what if we lie?”

“You can rest assured that there is no evidence and witnesses to prove that you lied and that you beat people, understand?”

Looking at the looks of several people who seemed to understand each other, the lawyer explained again: “The security guards you saw on the scene that day have already traveled abroad, and the students you met have also gone abroad to exchange and study. ”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“So can the three of us be acquitted?”

The lawyer looked at the three people with complicated eyes and then nodded.

Hearing the three people here, they finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to discuss, and when they arrived at the hall, how to play more realistically.

Their side happily discussed the matter of acting, and Qin Dongcheng’s side was trying to comfort his son, and he would soon save him.

And Qin Kang’an was really frightened this time, it was simply a soul, Qin Dongcheng asked him to remember a sentence and listen to the lawyer’s command.


After the trial begins.

Qin Kang’an and Li Yuanzheng all appeared in the audience’s field of vision with a look of deep regret and sadness.

Qin Kang’an was really remorseful, his eyes were blank, like the walking dead

The other three, who played really well, bowed their heads and covered their faces without expression.

The four men sided with the defendant.

The plaintiff was Li Minqing’s mother, a woman of about forty years of age with white sideburns, who looked like an old woman over sixty years old.

The prosecution lawyer asked: “What happened to the five of you on the roof at the time of the crime?” ”

Defense lawyer: “At the time of the incident, Li Minqing was beating my client Qin Kang’an, and the other three parties went to Qin Kang’an to borrow toilet paper, and then they tried to fight on the side, as a result, Li Minqing accidentally fell and fell down, and my four parties tried to save him, but in the end they failed. ”

“This is not an intentional homicide case, this is an accident, so my party Qin Kang’an is just a brawl and should be given a light sentence, while my party Zhang Zhiyuan Zhao Bowen and Li Yuanzheng are just trying to persuade each other to fight, did not participate in the fight, and should be acquitted.”

The prosecution’s lawyer: “This is a lie, my client is only one meter and five meters tall, weighing 52 kilograms, how can he take the initiative to beat Qin Kang’an, not to mention that Qin Kang’an has three helpers.”

“Based on the scars on Li Minqing’s body, we can judge that all four defendants present at the scene had participated in the beating of the victim.”

At this moment, the prosecution lawyer looked directly at Zhang Zhiyuan, who was trying to show his regret on the side, with a sad expression

“Zhang Zhiyuan, the wounds on the victim’s body were hit by you, how do you explain it?” You said you were persuaded, that’s how you persuaded? You said you were not involved in the beating of Li Minqing. ”

Zhang Zhiyuan’s heart trembled with the lawyer’s righteous face, and he forgot to perform.

The defense lawyer on the side saw that his client was frightened and confused, and quickly saved the scene:

“You are intimidating my client in court, my client just wanted to push Li Minqing away, the situation was urgent, the strength may have been a little bigger, but my party’s original intention was to persuade the fight, to push away the two sides of the fight.”

“Zhang Zhiyuan, you’re trying to persuade a fight, right?”

“Yes, I tried to persuade the fight, but in the end it caused a tragedy, I did not save him, I am guilty!” 」 After saying that, Zhang Zhiyuan whimpered and cried in the courtroom.

Prosecution lawyer: “The victim still has the fingerprints of the four of you, and there are countless of them, is it also caused by persuasion?” How do you explain this? ”

“Li Yuanzheng, you are not persuading the fight, you are beating the victim Li Minqing fiercely, and you still do not admit guilt?”

Li Yuanzheng, who was suddenly asked, was a little confused for a while, this question had not been practiced before

He could only look at his lawyer for help.

“My parties Zhang Zhiyuan, Zhao Bowen, and Li Yuanzheng left fingerprints on the victims precisely because of the persuasion, but they are the party to the persuasion fight, they are to maintain peace, they are innocent, and they should be released in court.”

Prosecution lawyer: “How did the scars on the victim’s body come from?” ”

Defense lawyer: “It was my other client, Qin Kang’an, who called him, and we admit that. ”

After saying that, he nodded towards Qin Kang’an

Qin Kang’an nodded his head miserably and said, “The injuries on Li Minqing’s body were all hit by me, I admit it, but I was forced to fight back.” ”

Prosecution lawyer: “Did someone force you to say it so much?” ”

Qin Kang’an: “No one forced Li Minqing’s injuries to him, I beat them, and the three of them were just persuading them to fight.” ”

After saying that, Qin Kang’an whimpered and cried, crying very sadly

The defense lawyer then gave full authority to Qin Kang’an’s speech in court

And Qin Kang’an has completed his mission today.

After two hours of debate, the court finally declared that the prosecution’s lawyers could not produce any valid personal and physical evidence

“In view of the seriousness of the case, the defendants Zhang Zhiyuan, Zhao Bowen, and Li Yuanzheng were persuaded to fight, did not participate in the fight, and were released in court, while the criminal suspect Qin Kang’an and the victim Li Minqing fell off the building because of the fight, causing indirect homicide, but because Qin Kang’an had reached the age of fourteen but was not yet sixteen years old, it was an incomplete age of criminal responsibility, so this seat pronounced a sentence and sentenced Qin Kang’an to six years and eight months of fixed-term imprisonment, which was immediately executed.”


Court doorway,

Zhang Zhiyuan, Zhao Bowen, and Li Yuanzheng could no longer hold back

Finally revealed his original face, laughing wildly:

“Huh~~ hold back Lao Tzu, how about my acting skills just now?” Ok?! ”

“And he said that your acting is not like anything at all, and you are all scared silly by others.”

“Li Yuanzheng, you still mean to say me, you are not also told by people that you still do not admit guilt, your legs are trembling with fear, when you don’t see me, your eyes look at the lawyer, it is not as good as me.”

“Neither of you acted like that!”

“Don’t talk about this, this matter is over, scared to death Lao Tzu, next I want to go to a good show.”

“I heard that Lina Club, there are new goods, let’s try it?”

After the three of them glanced at each other, they got into their luxury sports cars in front of the public and flew away.


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