Chapter Eighty-One Ghost Face Is About to Surface? Blood debt blood repayment!!

Sima Yu looked at everyone’s surprised expressions, she knew that everyone was frightened, and she also knew that everyone had misunderstood the unknown creature.

She was the most familiar with the scene, and had personally probed the traces left by the little hand.

The first time he saw the small hand that appeared on the big screen, he felt unusually familiar In the surveillance video of the last victim, Zhao Bowen’s home, Sima Yu caught the traces of a small hand.

So he said softly, “Master, that unknown creature is controlled by the ghost face.” ”

“In the surveillance video of the last victim, a small hand also appeared.”

So Sima Yu personally operated and called up the surveillance screen of the last small hand.

Although the clarity of the picture is not the same, the shape, size, and material of the small hand look exactly the same.

Even the lines on the hands are exactly the same.

At this time, the bald man suddenly said, “I see that the blurred lines on the small hands on the face look very much like the meridians on the bones of human hands.” ”

“You say it will be manpower?”

“Even the baby’s little hands are bigger than the little hands on this picture.”

The most important thing is that the hand on this video always gives people a sense of unreality, just like the hand on a painting, only the shape has no texture.

It was their biggest doubt, never of which creature’s hand was like this.

“What Master Sister means is that this time Zhou Tiancheng also did it with a ghost face, and he shot it.”

Sima Yu nodded.

At this time, the bald man stood up violently, startling everyone.

He asked Sima Yu, “What you mentioned in your previous case analysis report is the strange paper. ”

“Just during the autopsy, I found that the main components of plant fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and other components were found in the wound, as well as other components with a lower content, such as resin, ash, etc., in addition to ingredients such as sodium sulfate, which are the components of paper.”

“That is, that sharp knife or hand, is it paper?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned!



This is an outrageous result, right?

At this moment, the technician sent another report of the test results, which was the DNA report of the blood on the window and the analysis report of the components contained outside the blood.

Zhuge Fang glanced at the report sheet, at the first glance, Zhuge Fang directly widened his eyes, and then looked at Zhuge Fang with a shocked look on his face.

Then he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Zhuge Fang did not speak and directly handed the report sheet to the others.

After reading the report sheet, the crowd fell silent again, and for a while the needle could be heard in the conference room, and everyone was shocked by the conclusion in front of them to the point of disbelief.

The appearance of the assailant has the composition of paper, or the appearance of the assailant is paper.

“Killer Ghost Face!”

“The murder weapon is paper?!”


Zhuge Fang asked colleagues in the technical department to take the location where the safe was cut and the glass cut by the small hand at the scene to the laboratory for extraction and testing.

If the components of the paper are also extracted, then they can conclude that the first clue that the perpetrator can detect appears, the paper.

“This is the letter left by Li Minqing’s mother, Qin Haiyan, and I also analyzed the ingredients in it, and then looked at which one was producing and selling.”

Next, you can check the composition of the paper and the manufacturer, the sales channel one by one, and soon, the results of the investigation come,

“Boss, that kind of paper, one of which can only be produced by a few paper mills in the north of the Modu River,”

“Well, check the sales manufacturers of Modu again and narrow the scope further!”

With the news of an exciting news, the long-haired man in the Eight King Kong also received a message, he projected the computer screen onto the big screen, on which there were Chen Kuishan case, Li Zhendong case, Zhang Dawei case, Zhang Baozhu case, Li Yuanzheng case, Zhang Zhiyuan case, and Zhao Bowen case The process of the case, the law before and after the crime, and the screen name of the video posted.

Finally, there are short videos that appeared on the Internet before Zhou Tiancheng’s case, and Zhou Tiancheng’s call records and call recordings.

After watching everything on the big screen, everyone also understands the meaning of the long-haired man.

Then the long-haired man threw out another heavy message,

“A new bounty mission has appeared on the dark web, someone has offered a reward of one hundred million, killing the ghost face, the bounty person revealed that the ghost face is in the magic capital, so the future of the demon capital is going to be chaotic, a group of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods will sniff the smell of fishy and swarm to come.”


Everyone was surprised, but their eyes were full of energy.

This means that the killer of the ghost face is about to surface.

Dark web, when millions of killers around the world refresh the bounty task, a 100 million bounty task appears in two different bounty areas at the same time, the general killer and the world’s top 100 glory killers have seen the new bounty task.

Ghost Face!

An unknown killer is worth a reward of 100 million.

The dark web public channel communication area, the originally quiet communication area suddenly became lively,

“Someone offered a reward of 100 million yuan to kill a killer in the Demon City of the Dragon Kingdom, Ghost Face, and the Dark Web Connection Mission saw the situation of queuing for the first time, which was really outrageous.”

“Isn’t the rich man of the Dragon Kingdom a little stupid, this hatred seems a little deep!”

“In the past, more than 100 million bounties were given to glory killers, and this is the first time that it is our turn to pick up the cheap, and everyone has seized the time!” Hands fast, hands slow! ”

“You guys, are you all going to the Dragon Kingdom to find death?” Have you forgotten the legend of the Dragon Kingdom? ”

“Dragon Kingdom is the graveyard of global dark web killers and mercenaries, go on a mission there, do you want to die?”

“The reward of the Dragon Kingdom can only be hunted and killed by my own killers in the Dragon Kingdom, and others, those who commit crimes against our Dragon Kingdom, will be killed without mercy!”

“Sleeper, too much money, forget this stubble!” I quit, Dragon Kingdom Eight King Kong, specializing in killing dark web killers, too fierce. ”

As the killer in the communication area gradually regained his composure, suddenly someone exploded a bombshell again.

“Dragon Kingdom Glory Killer Satan’s Heart, Crime Mentor, the strongest defensive Glory Killer, killed last night, Killer, Ghost Face, Today’s Killer Ghost Face, advanced to the top 100 and became a Glory Killer.”

“Rub! Then the teacher of the ox broke was actually dead, and the heaven of sin was henceforth without a biblical founder. ”

“Where are those instructional videos?” I buy for tens of millions. ”

“Dark web news, Satan’s heart cloud account has been hacked, and everything inside has been deleted. The hard drive was stolen. ”

“It must have been put away by the ghost face.”

“Those videos were once purchased by a criminal organization in Eagle Country for 100 million, and finally failed.”

“Our organization is willing to invest 200 million yuan to buy all the hard disk files this time.”

“Line up, a single top of the past ten orders, at this time do not kill more to stay when?”

“A bunch of stupid forks, are you so easy to kill as glory killers?” Have you forgotten the fate of those killers when you went to hunt down and kill Satan’s heart, and the video of the torture and killing plate is still hanging! ”

Another killer of the Dragon Kingdom left a message on it to intimidate.

“Do you know how Satan’s heart died? You might as well spend a million to buy intelligence and evaluate it first, are you qualified enough, do you really think that the glory killer of my Dragon Kingdom is so easy to kill? ”

“Whoever has intelligence, talk privately.”

Soon the first killer to buy intelligence from the dark web appeared, but after reading the information, he took a deep breath.

Satan’s heart died extremely strangely, even the dark web only gave a vague explanation, the ghost face did not personally go out on the horse, sent a pet under the close supervision of the Eight King Kong and the Demon City Public Security Bureau to easily kill the heart of Satan head-on, a knife sealed the throat, and finally retreated without leaving a trace.

Kill head-on, and retreat!

At this time, there is another person who is also paying attention to the dark web is Chen Kuishan’s father,


The teeth clenched, and an unquenchable anger flashed in his eyes, slapping the table like an enraged lion.


“Lao Tzu doubled this time, I don’t believe there are killers who can stop the magic of money!”

Chen Hansheng then revised the amount of the bounty, which suddenly increased to 200 million, and added shares in some of his companies as chips.

This news was also sent to the communication area of the public channel by the staff of the dark web for the first time.

The reward of 200 million yuan, as well as the shares of some of his companies, is a reward that has not been seen in the killer world for many years!

The dark web was completely boiling at this moment, and even some glory killers who had not been out of the mountains for many years had been blown up.

Seeing his bounty task and being lined up to receive it again, Chen Hansheng’s eyes narrowed into a line and he gritted his teeth and said, “No matter who you are, I will make you pay your blood debts and blood debts!” ”

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