Chapter Ninety-One The Pressure Gauge Approaches the Red Zone! Face purple!!


Wang Shuqin, who was wearing swimming goggles, suddenly widened her eyes at this time, watching the sudden appearance of cracks in the drainage port, and the cracks continued to expand, and she couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

But before she could react, a huge suction force put her entire body in place.

Like someone dragging her and frightening her, Wang Shuqin realized that something was wrong at this time and struggled to paddle out.

In a panic, her swimming cap fell off, and her hair was suddenly scattered and fluttered in the water.

“Grunt grunt…”

Struggling to paddle the water, she found that she could not leave half a minute, and only then did she find that her hair had been sucked in at this time.


Seeing such a scene, Wang Shuqin felt that there was a cold snake crawling behind her, and she was more and more frightened.

She wanted to call for help, but as soon as she opened her mouth, water poured in.

It became “Tick Woo Go.”

The sound of choking water.

The scalp was getting tighter and tighter, and Wang Shuqin, who was terrified to the extreme, struggled desperately, but at this time she was in the deep water area, and the waves of water swam around above were stacked layer by layer, plus the pool was too big, and no one noticed that there was another person under the water.

Although Wang Shuqin is fat, the only advantage, or that she usually likes the most is her long black hair, at this moment, she is more distressed about her hair, but soon, greater fear struck,

“Smack hee…”

Under the pull of the suction of the giant sky, her scalp was pulled out of the blood, and the red flowed down the hair, diluted in the pool!

It turned into a trace of blood, and Wang Shuqin’s frightened teeth trembled.

The struggle became more and more intense, his hands desperately swiped upwards, and the bubbles in his mouth “grunted…”

Don’t risk your life.

Now when people’s lives are at stake, she can no longer care about any hair, beautiful or not… If no one saves her, let alone her hair, even her scalp will have to be removed………

Simply clutching his hair and pulling it out hard,

“Smack hee-hee-hee-hee-he

Under the strength of her milking, her hair was pulled off one by one, and some even directly with the hair root was torn off, but the surprise was that she seemed to be able to move.

But as the hair was pulled open, the position of the drainage valve suddenly emptied, the water flowed out rapidly, and the suction suddenly intensified, making her fat figure difficult to balance, flipped over, and sucked in the direction of the drainage valve.

Immediately, the whole person was sucked to the bottom of the pool.

And until this point, no one had noticed that there was a person under the water who was being sucked up, even if someone swam over from above and saw this scene, and thought that the person was snorkeling…

A few minutes ago, no one noticed, Wang Shuqin did not think that there would be a small paper man on the edge of the pool, she did not pay attention to the fact that when she was carrying the ring, she was suddenly smashed, there was no one around her, but the paper man threw the ball over, even the location where the ring fell into the water, it was also carefully selected by the little paper man when Wang Shuqin swam to the position of the drainage valve, but also because another small paper man struck, the safety valve was broken, the huge suction, which led to all this.

The villain, on the other hand, was sucked out with the water flow at the beginning, and now the swimming pool is generally divided into two drainage systems: one is the smooth circulation, the drainage port is at the bottom of the pool, filtered, and then discharged back into the pool.

The other is reverse circulation, the inlet is at the bottom of the pool, the drain is arranged in the backwater ditch outside the pool, after the water overflows out of the pool, it is collected by the backwater ditch, enters the water circulation system, and then pushes out from the bottom of the pool.

In these two circulation methods, the reverse circulation drainage is slow but the safety factor is much higher, while the downstream circulation drainage is fast, but the risk factor is higher.

This principle is somewhat similar to the high-pressure water gun, the Shanshui swimming pool uses a smooth-circulating drainage system, it is reasonable to say that even if it is a smooth-circulation drainage system, in order to improve safety, it will also install a safety device in the position of the drainage valve.

Unfortunately, this security measure has been broken down by the paper man and turned into a decoration.

As for suction…

Someone has done an experiment, when the floating board is placed near the unprotected drainage valve, the floating board is firmly sucked in an instant, and the two big men can’t pull it open!

When the glass is used instead of the floating plate and the spring scale is used to measure the suction force, the real suction of the drain valve cannot be measured when the results are bursting.

Nowadays, Wang Shuqin faces a situation more terrible than this, because the Shanshui Swimming Pool originally installed a pressure pump in order to drain the water faster, which means that on the basis of the original, the pump can be pressurized, thereby improving the speed of drainage, and even if there is sludge or some clothes or something, it can also be sucked out, which can reduce the usual cleaning costs, but also reduce the maintenance costs in the later stage.

The high-pressure pump of the landscape swimming pool is computer-controlled, the moment the drainage valve is opened, the machine automatically begins to work, the upper pointer has three areas, the blue area, representing the normal pressure, the general sludge debris can be sucked out.

The yellow area represents that something is blocking the pipe, and at this time, the pressure pump increases the output power, even if there are some clothes, fibers and other things, it can still suck things out.

The red area represents the limit of the pressure pump, the maximum power to work, the suction force is so large, not to mention the clothes, even some civil materials can be sucked out, but if you work for a long time, the pump can not withstand it, it may explode!

At this moment, when the pressure pump is blocked by the hair, the pointer on the pressure pump is constantly pulsating in the basket-colored area and the yellow area, and the moment the hair is torn open, it returns to the blue area again.

As Wang Shuqin’s whole body was sucked into the position of the drainage valve, the pointer on the pressure pump began to rise again.

On the hands dial:【60】【70】【75】【80】【90】

Soon to enter the yellow area,……

At this moment, the fitness instructor who came with Wang Shuqin on the shore of the swimming pool had bought a drink and returned, and after he drank a few drinks, he did not find Wang Shuqin’s figure.

Can’t help but walk around the edge of the pool, what about people?

He still wants to talk to her about the right thing, next week he wants to hang out, he wants to borrow some money to spend money, why is he dating this woman, not for her money?

The purpose had not yet been achieved, and he could not just walk away.

After looking around, I still found no trace of the fat woman.

At the same time, outside the door of the Shanshui Swimming Pool, Zhuge Fang also arrived with people, and in the face of the interrogation of the security personnel at the door, the local public security bureau directly showed their own documents and asked for cooperation: “Help us turn on the monitoring at the door, the life is closed, help me check if there is a woman named Wang Shuqin here…”

After checking on the computer and not finding this person’s name, Zhuge Fang’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and then he called up the monitoring at the door, and soon locked the fat woman, and the registered name was actually called: “Wang Yina.” ”

“At Pool 2! There was another person who came with her.”

At the request of Zhuge Fang, the staff transferred all the information.

The process is quick, just a few minutes before and after.

When they arrived at Pool No. 2, they quickly found the fitness instructor who came with Wang Shuqin, without any nonsense, and directly asked: “We are from the Public Security Bureau, what about Wang Shuqin?” ”


The fitness instructor was a little flustered, but still said truthfully: “I am looking for her too, just now I am still here.” ”

“Still here?” A few minutes ago? ”

“Yes, the two of us were talking a few minutes ago, and now we don’t know where she went.”

Zhuge Fang squeezed his fingers, “Let’s look for them separately!” ”

“Sister Wang, you go to the women’s toilet to find out if anyone is there.”


Zhuge Fang pointed to the location of the doorway, allowing people to blockade,

“No one is allowed to go out until Wang Shuqin is found!”

An inexplicable scene plays out in the pool, and a group of people dressed begin to walk on the edge of the pool, making people look up, one by one, confirming.


At this time, the needle of the pressure pump is still up 690 liters,


【100】Has entered the yellow area,



Still rising, the hands shake violently and enter the red area,


On the surface of the pool, everyone is still swimming and playing… Zhuge Fang, Sima Yu and others anxiously inspected these people.

At this moment, Wang Shuqin, the whole person was sucked dead on the drainage valve, desperately twisting the fat body but to no avail.

At this time, the face has changed from red to purple, and the muscles on the face have also shown a strange distortion.

His body shook and his mouth uttered “Uh-uh…”

The noise, but no one could hear it.

The hands of the pressure pump are beating even harder at this time.

After Zhuge Fang and the others checked around, they didn’t find anyone, and couldn’t help but find the fitness instructor again, “You will tell me everything that happened just a few minutes ago in its original form, and don’t miss anything.” ”


Zhuge Fang emphasized in a solemn tone.

The fitness instructor wanted to hide his purchase of the ring, but looking at the posture, he swallowed a mouthful of spit, or chose to confess honestly: “I originally wanted to surprise her today…”

After Zhuge Fang listened, his eyes suddenly looked in the direction of the pool.

Eyes like electricity, rings?

At this point, the paper man under the pool who was ready to leave, Zhang Hao’s consciousness was also immersed in it, and he felt a gaze like a man’s back.

Control the paper man to leave the scene faster.

“There was no one in the bathroom!”

Sima Yu came back and said.

Zhuge Fang looked at the swimming pool and said to her with torch-like eyes: “Sister Shi, it is estimated that you have to go down and check it out!” ”


The captain of the Anshui City Public Security Bureau: “What do you mean?” Do you suspect people hiding underneath? ”

“Instead of hiding underneath, my gut feeling she might have had an accident!”

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