Chapter 150 Hand Tearing Alloy Wall, Shocked, Buying Ghost Face!!

Blonde Linda stared wide-eyed, just when she thought that the death of this ghost face was going to become a joke, in the surveillance video, the white peony-like ghost face appeared in front of the door of the alloy house, Linda once again thought of another ghost face that looked exactly like herself, and her heart was once again full of muttering, is this ghost face the same person as the ghost face she saw last time?

Is it the same person as the black rose-like ghost face of the Modu City Park?

She saw the ghost face in the video stay on each wall for 0.1 seconds, repeating the same action, simple look, reach out and knock, bang!

The strange behavior of the ghost face has aroused the curiosity and wonder of countless people watching the surveillance camera, who can’t understand what the ghost face is doing, do you want to open the alloy house in this way?

Wasn’t the cost of the alloy house tens of millions in vain?

The next second, she watched the ghost face stretch out his fist and slam into the wall in front of her, bang!

With a loud noise, a fist-sized circular groove appeared on the wall, boom!

One punch, the hole is sunken inward by twenty centimeters, boom!

Snap! At a sound, the sound of something falling on the ground was heard outside, the alloy house had been blasted out of a fist-sized hole, the time at this moment was exactly 11:59:00 seconds, Linda saw the ghost face grab a round thing from her pocket and stuff it into the cracked hole, she was a little confused at the moment, tearing the alloy house with her hands, three fists smashed out a hole, crazy!

This is a half-meter-thick alloy house, which is said to be able to defend against bomb attacks, and after thinking about it carefully, Linda’s smooth forehead began to sweat, and her hair stood up, and her mouth couldn’t help but say: “The ghost face has such divine power?” ”

“Coupled with that terrifying shot speed, short-range explosive power beyond the limit,”

“Who else is the enemy in the world?”

Somewhere in Southeast Asia, Li Fuchun, watching the surveillance footage on the big screen, hissed when he saw the three fists of the ghost face punching a half-meter-deep hole in the outer wall of the alloy house!

Take a deep breath of cool air,

“Wo Cao!”

“How can that be?”

“The alloy house can’t prevent the ghost face, what should I do?”

Li Fuchun’s personal bodyguard frowned and said, “BOSS, there is something wrong with this alloy house, you shouldn’t be punched by someone.”

“, of course I know, impossible, but, you look at this surveillance,”

“I mean.”

The Public Security Department commanded the car, and the long-haired man looked at the surveillance screen on the big screen with a shocked face, his eyes were straight, and his mouth was wide open.

“Here I go! This is an alloy house! ”

“Captain, a woman’s punch punches such a groove in the alloy block, what kind of divine power must this be?”

Zhuge Fang looked at the most powerful one among them, “Monk, you have studied martial arts the most, what kind of divine power do you think might punch a hole in the alloy block?” ”

“If you think about it a lot, no matter how strong people’s divine power is, can it still be stronger than a cannonball, not a problem of divine power, but a problem of alloy walls.”

The long-haired man frowned and said, “I have checked his consumption records, and this batch of alloy blocks is the product of the largest alloy wall production company in Modu, and there is no problem,…”

Monk: “Didn’t you say he was also a master hacker?” So far you can not find the ID address, you can check, the ghost face can also be checked, then the ghost face must have taken the opportunity to do the tricks.”

“During transportation, during installation, it is possible to,…”

Zhuge Fang knocked on the table,

“The monk’s analysis makes sense, the ghost face has just started to keep knocking, that is, looking for an alloy brick that he has done with his hands and feet.”

“And the white peony in front of me is not the eagle country killer white peony, maybe he is not flesh and blood,”

“Can you see what the ghost face threw into the alloy house?”

“Ghost Face knew we could see him, so he specifically avoided it, and we saw,”

“The house is so small, throw in a poison gas bomb, or throw in a poisonous snake, you can poison Chen Hansheng inside, people must be dead,…”

“40 seconds left,……”

“Captain, Ghost Face is starting to approach the other killers, is he going to kill all the foreign killers?”

In the surveillance video picture, every time the ghost face walks by from a killer, they can see a killer pounce and fall to the ground, the killer can’t see anyone in the thick white smoke, he unconsciously falls, but the white smoke for Zhang Hao has no slightest obstruction, he can judge the location of those killers through a person’s slight breathing sound, heart beating, this is Zhang Hao’s current non-human hearing and induction force, Zhang Hao has not tested how strong his strength is now, One-handed 150 pounds should be no problem, as long as the later stage continues to wash the body with life energy, his strength, intelligence, vision, hearing, and induction ability will continue to improve.

Ten seconds time, all the dark web killers in the fireball were completely destroyed, the dead did not even have a sound, the black snake was still looking for ghost tracks before he died, in a vain attempt to become famous in the world, the alloy house, after coming in, the paper man first looked around, whether there was a camera, and then looked at the only table and chair in the room, as well as the laptop computer and mobile phone above, and finally looked at Chen Hansheng standing in the corner with a gun in both hands, seeing that there was no monitoring, the paper man began to stretch his body, When a fist-sized thing suddenly turned into a person standing in front of Chen Hansheng, Chen Hansheng’s eyes suddenly stared round, very large, like a big duck egg, the mouth was wide open, it could be stuffed into an apple, the dumb goose was on the spot, the jaw was about to fall, the throat knot was rolling, and he swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit, Chen Hansheng trembled his hands, pulled the trigger, and hissed!…

It wasn’t until the bullet was finished and the empty sound was heard that Chen Hansheng found that the person in front of him had long been gone, snapping! Snap!

Behind him came the sound of footsteps, strange people, just behind him, Chen Hansheng turned his head to see, the strange person was half a meter in front of him, within reach, he also clearly saw the person in front of him, not a person, not a flesh and blood body, but a paper man, a thin paper man, facial features, eyes are drawn, he even smelled the aroma of rice paper,


“Paper Man, Ghost Face,”

Chen Hansheng said with trembling teeth, at this moment the paper man’s eyes in front of him blinked, his mouth also skimmed a little, his nose also sniffed, Chen Hansheng saw that the paper man in front of him stretched out a hand, where his heart was placed, he wanted to hide, but at this moment his legs were trembling, his body was soft, he could not make a trace of strength, his forehead was already sweating like rain, at this moment he also understood how his son was killed, this inhuman means, that is, no matter how many bodyguards could not protect his son…

Chen Hansheng stammered, “Ghost face, let me go, I have money, I have real estate, I have women, whatever you want, I can give it to you…”

Zhang Hao did not reply to the words, but commanded the paper people under his command to begin to extract Chen Hansheng’s life energy to read his soul, and the flow of life energy and the stripping of his soul made Chen Hansheng’s body twist together at this moment, and a terrible cry of pain was transmitted through the small hole in the alloy wall.

In the command car of the Public Security Bureau, they heard Chen Hansheng’s screams, the cry of killing pigs, and then the door of the alloy door opened, and after seeing the people who came out, everyone stood up and their faces suddenly changed.

“Here I go! What’s the matter. ”

“Chen Hansheng is not dead!”

Zhuge Fang looked at his mobile phone, and there were still ten seconds before twelve o’clock in the night.

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