Shuo Yue explained in a low voice: "blue ear is really a scary thing. Normally, when people die and become ghosts, everyone would be scared of ghosts, but if a ghost dies by chance, it would become the blue ear and all ghosts would be scared of the blue ear. Although this relationship was simple, it was very rare to see blue ear, because most people would reincarnate after death, and a portion of the ghosts that were unwilling or unable to reincarnate would lose their souls after encountering an accident. Only a relatively small number of ghosts will become blue ear after dying under special conditions. His abilities are extremely strong, and very few living creatures can be his opponent. "

Hearing Shuo Yue's words, I have a rough understanding of the blue ear. Although the blue ear is powerful, it is still under the jurisdiction of the Underworld, how can they be so overbearing.

"Shuo Yue, why is it that no one in the Underworld has anything to do with him?"

"The reason the blue ear said that all ten thousand ghosts are afraid is of course because there is a certain reason. I reckon that once this place is out of the Lord of Hades, no one will be able to suppress him. It's a pity that the master isn't here, so naturally no one will be able to control him."

"Well, if we join hands, are we sure we can win?"

"I have no confidence at all …"

Damn, I met such a troublesome guy. I was wondering why Zhang Ziyuan didn't even dare to speak after hearing him call himself blue ear, so he really was the nemesis of ghosts.

"How is it, little girl? With my identity and appearance, how can I not be worthy? " blue ear was already getting impatient from waiting.

"Ah, you are too worthy of me. It is a pity that this little girl doesn't think she is worthy of you. You should find an even more outstanding girl for her!" "Hey, if you don't see me in the martial arts world, then I will take my leave!" As I said that, I pulled Zhang Ziyuan's hand and was about to run.

"Halt!" blue ear's sudden shout made us stop, but Zhang Ziyuan seemed to have frozen over and did not react at all.

"Zhang Ziyuan, Zhang Ziyuan, what's wrong with you?" I shook him.

"Because the blue ear is the nemesis of ghosts. Not to mention strength, he was probably the first to be defeated. From the looks of it, he is probably frightened." Shuo Yue said.

"Eh? No, the Zhang Ziyuan I know is someone who is not afraid of the heavens or the earth. After experiencing so many things, after defeating so many strong enemies, who cares about this whatever blue ear, I don't believe it! "

After shouting for a long time, Zhang Ziyuan still did not make a move.

"blue ear right? I'm right, I like strong people, but you have to prove that you are strong. Why don't you go swim around Wangchuan River. If you can get here safely, I promise to stay with you.

That blue ear was really arrogant, and immediately fell into the trap I had planned: "Alright! "No problem, it's just a trip around the underworld, what's there to be afraid of?"

Upon saying that, the real blue ear started to make preparations, took off the outer layer of fur, and with a "putong", jumped down.

Hehe, this person is still talking about how strong he is, how can he be fooled so quickly?

"Run!" I pulled Zhang Ziyuan up again, shouted to him, and ran.

Before she came here, Shuo Yue had already told me that the Wangchuan River's water was not an ordinary river, he had a very strong grievance. If a person fell in alive, they would generally be melted by the resentment, and immediately become one with the river.

Hmph hmph, letting this blue ear jump down, no matter how strong he is, even if he managed to survive, he would at least be severely injured.

Shuo Yue looked at me until her eyes were wide open, then immediately followed me and ran, "Miss Su Su, there's really a sea grass under the Wangchuan River's water that can wrap around one's ankle. He won't be able to come up for a while."

"Sigh, we shouldn't waste words with this kind of thing. Hurry up and settle the matter." Although I said that, thinking back to blue ear's pretty good face, I also felt that it was quite regretful. If he really went to Wangchuan and disfigured his face, that would really be a crime.

The three of us rushed to get out of Hades, but then we were stopped by a shout.

"Stop running!" blue ear stood in front of me, completely drenched, as if he wasn't injured at all.

Damn, this guy is really good, did he really swim around Wangchuan River?

"Little girl Su Su, where are you running to? "I did as you said. I was really in the middle of a full circle in the river, you can't be shameless!"

This blue ear is really quite sincere, I suddenly have a feeling of guilt of deceiving others.

"Ah, what? I've changed my mind. I didn't like you in the first place. I see that I already have a husband, so what's the point of pestering me?" "How about this. Let me introduce you to a few of the better ones. What do you think?"

blue ear really wanted to know that I was just fawning on him, and was immediately displeased. "little girl, I only tolerated you again and again because I saw how handsome you are, you simply don't take me seriously! Let me tell you, none of you will be able to leave today! "

I glanced at Zhang Ziyuan, who was at the side. He still looked the same as always, or was he extremely afraid of this blue ear, what should I do?

"Shuo Yue, help me take care of Zhang Ziyuan. It seems that I have no choice but to help you this time!"

"Miss Su Su, be careful!"

I pulled out the Space Abyssal Sword and confronted the blue ear: "Cough, cough, we are not easy to mess with either. Moreover, you are one person and we are three, who do you think has a higher chance of winning?"

I wanted to say something fierce to intimidate the other party, but blue ear didn't seem to be afraid at all.

There were already a bunch of brats and Underworld staff gathered around to watch the fun, and there were even a lot of people cheering for me.

It seemed that the actions that the blue ear had done in the underworld during this period of time were filled with heaven's wrath, and they hoped that someone would hurry up and take care of the blue ear.

"Haha? You want to fight me? With just you two? " blue ear doesn't seem to care about us at all, it makes me really angry. The good thing is that I am also the tower lord of rain house, although I am only the commander, I can't be ignored by others like this!

I set the Space Abyssal Sword aside and thrusted my sword towards blue ear.

Honestly speaking, if it was the original me, perhaps I wouldn't even be able to take a single move in front of blue ear. But after this period of training, coupled with the cultivation manual that Mr. Jin Ye and Mr. Jin Ye gave me, I feel like my body is as light as a swallow, and my attack power has greatly increased.

"Not bad, little lady. I've underestimated you. You're quite skilled." blue ear didn't forget to compliment me as he dodged left and right. It seems that he hasn't completely given up on me.

"It's useless even if you praise me. Today, let me show you how powerful I am!" I can't lose to him in terms of momentum and skill. I need to let myself seize the initiative and let Zhang Ziyuan see that this blue ear who is afraid of all the so-called ghosts is completely not as terrifying as he imagined.

When I made my move, I was still secretly watching Zhang Ziyuan's situation. I saw that his originally completely expressionless face moved a little when he saw the thing that blue ear and I were making our move, and he looked at me with a face full of disbelief.

This is exactly the effect I want. What natural enemy, what fear, there isn't anything in the Three Realms that we need to be afraid of. Please pull yourself together, Zhang Ziyuan.

However, I was not a match for the blue ear after all. Even though I had the help of the Space Abyssal Sword, I still successively lost.

The underworld kids, who were surrounded from all sides, actually came with Ox-Head and Horse-Face. They didn't expect the Yin Division to be so unreliable. It was the same order as the human world, why wasn't anyone taking care of it!

After being hit by blue ear's palm and falling to the ground, Zhang Ziyuan immediately recovered his wits. He ran over to help me up, and looked at blue ear with a strong fury in his eyes.

"You actually dared to touch her!?" I will make you pay for your actions today! " Zhang Ziyuan revealed his domineering side once again and attacked blue ear twice in a row.

"Eh? Didn't you just admit defeat? Why did you guys have to show off now? Can't you be a gentleman? " Cangyue was still unconvinced and unsatisfied.

At this time, Shuo Yue also stood out. "What about the battle, we even fought in groups. Against a shameless monster like you, what kind of vile and petty can we possibly do?"

Afterwards, when the three of us were fighting blue ear alone, a group of cheerleaders actually appeared to cheer for us.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" "We're so angry about the time we've spent with the birds!" ". The one who spoke was the little ghost.

Three against one, it would be difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.

"Everyone stop!" A young but dignified voice appeared. Who knew if anyone else in this underworld would have such boldness?

The few of us heard the sound and stopped.

The crowd parted and a handsome middle-aged man wearing a strange outfit walked in. 'Hey, what's going on today? There are always people who look good on the outside, which makes me fall in love with them from time to time.

However, when all of the spectators kneeled down and called him master, I finally understood that this is the Lord of the Underworld that they were referring to.

I thought that the owner of the underworld was an old and ugly Yama King, but this trip really refreshed my view of the world.

So this Yama King was actually a super handsome young man. Letting him manage this kind of thing was truly a pity …

"My Lord, they …"

"I already know that, so you don't need to say anymore. blue ear, it's fine if you are causing trouble in the mortal world, but now you are actually causing trouble in my Underworld, are you seeking death?"

compared to him, although the blue ear looked pretty good, but he did not have the same arrogant and despotic aura from before.

Ah, well, I've been bored recently, so I decided to stay in Hades. I thought I would leave after you came back.

"Arrogant disciple!" Do you think that this underworld is a place where you can come and go as you please? What audacity! And these days are really like what you said? You should be clear about what you have done to my Underworld! "

Sigh, if Hades got angry, the consequences would be severe!

"I, I really didn't do it on purpose. I was just for fun. Next time, I won't dare!"

When the blue ear saw Yama, he immediately became terrified, and even his tone was filled with fear.

"You want a next time? Someone! Take the blue ear that is disrupting the order of the Underworld and tie them to the Bridge of Helplessness to serve as an example! "

The little imps below were already dissatisfied with blue ear, but hearing his order, they became extremely happy, and quickly came up and tied him up with a Immortal Sealing Lock. blue ear drooped his head and could no longer be arrogant.

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