"I'm going to look for my relatives in the Central Plains. My survival ability is still very strong, so don't worry. Oh right, what happened? Look at your faces." A Luo's observation skills were strong.

"En, that's right. During this time, Suburb of Suzhou was making a mess of the zombies, seemingly under the control of the puppet technique. Yesterday, I went there once, but I didn't catch the real culprit." I told A Luo what happened yesterday.

A Luo scratched his chin and thought: "atony, puppet technique, ah, isn't that something unique to our Southern Wilderness? How did it get to the Central Plains? "

"If even the Southern Goblin Tribe's venom has been teleported to the Central Plains, let alone the puppet technique."

"But from what you said, it seems to be the people controlled by the Puppeteer. The first step is to find some bones to use as puppets, and then with some poison from the Southern Wilderness, every zombie will be poisoned, and the humans they attack will probably be poisoned too, turning into other living puppets."

But A Luo, do you know what methods the Puppeteer has to deal with him? "

"Actually, in our Southern Wilderness, puppet technique is already very rare, because it's very strange, it's not really useful, after all it's an offensive spell, and it also has the ability to harm the human way and the heavens, so not many people learn it, and after a while it has been lost for a long time, it's something that was lost, how do you know how to deal with it?"

So it turned out that this strange technique was already extinct in the Southern Wilderness, then who would know of this technique? Or, perhaps this puppet technique had been passed down in the Central Plains?

I suddenly remembered a person, Xu Nuo who had sided with Li Sheng. It can't be that he wants to use Zhang Ziyuan as a living puppet to frequently find trouble with him, right?

"Oh right, Zhang Ziyuan, do you still remember Xu Nuo?"

"Remember that Southern Witch, I think she was previously at Li Sheng's place, and then disappeared without a trace."

"Yeah, isn't she from the Southern Wilderness? It's said that she took a fancy to you because you're the best material to become a puppet. I remember now, it's very possible that it's her!"

Yesterday's shadow, although I didn't see it clearly, but I vaguely felt that the figure was familiar. Later on, I felt that it was a person I recognized.

"If it's Xu Nuo, then if she's still going to rely on Li Sheng right now, then this matter definitely has nothing to do with the Ghost King. What exactly is Xu Nuo's goal, for her to cultivate her puppet technique?"

Thinking about the figure that ran away when I saw her yesterday, I felt that she might still be afraid of us. She trains in unorthodox techniques and isn't our match in a direct confrontation.

"Then I'll accompany you to have another look tonight?" "In any case, it's something from our Southern Wilderness, I should know a little about it. Moreover, I feel that it won't be as simple as just zombies this time."

Waiting until night, with the addition of A Luo, we'll still continue moving towards the direction of Suburb of Suzhou.

"I feel that if the situation is as it was yesterday, it would be very difficult for us to catch him. How about we come up with a plan to make it so that there is no place for the murderer to hide?"

After hearing my plan, everyone felt that it was a good idea, so they decided to do it.

Thus, before we arrived, Yue Feng was already moved to go alone. He was the fastest, so I felt more at ease.

"It's almost time." Generally, at midnight, the puppets would begin to move.

But I didn't expect the situation today to shock us, it wasn't just dozens of zombies, but hundreds, if not thousands, of them. The entire desolate mountain of Suburb of Suzhou was densely packed, and at that time, I was already stunned.

"What's going on? They're not even on the same level as yesterday!"

"Of course not, because I didn't show up yesterday, hahahahaha!" When I heard the laughter, I knew that the big BOSS had appeared.

"Crap, I think they were alerting us yesterday. Today, we have a big BOSS!" I have a kind of phobia, and I'm getting a little panicky looking at the zombies all over the place.

"It's good that you've all come in one fell swoop!" Zhang Ziyuan was rather open-minded.

At this time, Yue Feng returned, "Miss Su Su, something doesn't seem right today. Look over there. "

The direction that Yue Feng pointed towards was exactly where the laughter came from. There was a man in white clothes standing on top of a mountain, and although it was impossible to see him clearly from far away, one could be sure that the person standing beside him was the Xu Nuo that flashed past him yesterday.

Xu Nuo's voice travelled over, "Hmph, you didn't think that we would meet again, right? New and old grudges, it's time for us to settle them together!"

New and old? Honestly speaking, I almost forgot about this person. He was clearly a amity who had worked for many years, and didn't just flip the boat when he said that he had overturned the boat, he also told me that he came close to me for Zhang Ziyuan. At that time, my heart was on the verge of collapse.

"Xu Nuo, to be honest, we have been friends for so many years, yet I have never done anything to let you down. Tell me, why are you so insistent on not letting me go?" I'm still softhearted. I don't think Xu Nuo is that kind of evil person, only used by bad people and blinded by hatred.

"Huh? You're talking about friends? Don't be like that, we are not on the same path at all. We already said that I approached you with a purpose back then, but you didn't believe me? He is the most suitable person to be the strongest puppet weapon I have ever seen. So, if you think it through and decide to give her to me, I can still consider letting you go. "

Xu Nuo also felt that she had the backing of an expert, her spoken words were so much that it felt like her tongue had been fanned, and my feelings towards her little amity was completely gone, "Xu Nuo, I advised you not to listen, and you actually gave me a condition. I'm telling you, Zhang Ziyuan's matter is now my matter, don't even think about touching him!"

Zhang Ziyuan, who was at the side, also seemed to be moved, and looked at me for a second: "My wife, hearing you say this, I am very happy."

"Alright, then don't blame me for not showing mercy today!" "Attack!" The white clothed man at the side didn't say a word. Xu Nuo's order for all the zombies to attack us.

This was indeed a brilliant puppet technique, she could make all the zombies listen to her commands with a single sentence.

"The real commander of these zombies definitely isn't Xu Nuo. She doesn't have the ability, I think she is the expert beside him. Who exactly is she?" I asked A Luo, guessing that he would know something.

"I don't know Su Su. I think I'm familiar with that girl called Xu Nuo, but that man in white is not someone from our seedling border. I can see that."

If he was not from the seedling border, then how did he train in such a profound puppet technique?

We don't have many people, so we can deal with the rest of the zombies. However, I can't handle the zombies that are everywhere in the mountains.

I pulled out the Space Abyssal Sword s, sword after sword, to prevent harming the living puppets. It was simply too much restraint.

"What should we do? We all have limited stamina. If we keep going like this, we'll all be exhausted."

Looking at Xu Nuo's wild and unbridled laughter on the hillside, I suddenly felt that I had truly intertwined with this friend of mine.

"Miss Su Su, the Space Abyssal Sword has a skill. He can be held back by a group. " Shuo Yue seemed to have suddenly recalled something.

"Group restraint? "What is it?"

"I don't know. I've seen Master use it once, but I don't know how exactly. After all, I've never used a Space Abyssal Sword." Shuo Yue blocked in front of me as she fought, meaning she wanted me to study it.

I saw that the Space Abyssal Sword's entire body had turned red. I carefully recalled my memories regarding his usage.

Suddenly, I felt a voice in my head telling me some incantations. I recited the incantations in my mind, as if the Space Abyssal Sword had already reacted.

A majestic Sword Qi gushed out and instantly enveloped the entire sky above Suburb of Suzhou. All the zombies that saw the Sword Qi couldn't help but stop, as if they were bound by some kind of force, and were unable to move.

"You, what technique is this!?" Attack all of them? Why aren't they moving, attack! " High above, Xu Nuo seemed to be rather angry. Seeing that I had controlled all the zombies, she was probably also flustered and exasperated.

"Miss Su Su, you can actually really control this sword with ease!" Shuo Yue's tone carried pleasant surprise.

"I, did not do anything? What exactly happened? " While I was still in shock, all of the zombies had already stopped.

"It's because you subconsciously recalled your past life, right? In your previous life, Jun Mingzhu was the master of this sword, so naturally, you would be able to control it so easily in times of danger, right?" Zhang Ziyuan looked at me and said.

"Master, take a look!" Xu Nuo anxiously shouted to the white clothed man.

So this person was actually Xu Nuo's master.

The man in white finally made a move. With a wave of his hand, all the zombies on the ground disappeared. He had returned to where he came from.

Damn, this man's skill seems to be extraordinary. If he stands against us, then this matter won't be easy to deal with.

"Who are you?" The man in white floated down and landed in front of us. It was only then that I could clearly see the man's face.

They seemed to be around forty years old, but they carried a domineering aura and majesty. As expected of experts who studied puppet technique, their auras were all different.

Even though I knew he was asking me, I still pointed at my nose and said, "Huh? Are you asking me? "

The man orders and waits for me to speak.

Thinking about what Zhang Shaowu had told me, that I must revive the rain house and make a name for myself in this declining sect, my tone became unyielding in an instant.

"Me? From Jiangnan rain house. And Su Su as well."

I know, he understood that I had already planned to accept the fate and responsibilities of Jun Mingzhu as his reincarnation. Since I had said out the name of the rain house, it means that my future actions will be linked to this organization. My honor will be the honor of the rain house, and my shame will be the shame of the rain house.

Seeing Shuo Yue's expression, I also smiled at him, telling him to be at ease.

"Jiangnan rain house? It's a very familiar name, but it's been a long time. I remember now, it's a declining sect? " The man in white looked at me haughtily, making me feel that he was rather annoying.

"Although he has already declined, as long as there are still people around, there will be a day when he will be revitalized."

"Hehe, the little girl is right, but, with just you?"

"Of course not, and me." Zhang Ziyuan suddenly said, and Shuo Yue and Yue Feng, who were behind, also responded. Even A Luo, who did not know what was going on, followed along.

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