"They should all be ghosts that have been pushed to death or starved to death in this world. There are even some chefs who are obsessed with delicious food." Zhang Ziyuan said.

"The question is, what they're fighting over isn't food at all?"

Now that he had become a ghost, how could he still be a vegetarian? I'm guessing that they are ignoring us because they still have something to eat. If all of our food is stolen, I guess we would become their target. Thinking that we might be treated as dinner by these bunch of ghosts, my appetite worsens.

"It seems that we still need to hurry up and find the exit. If we don't get out of here within a long time, it's very likely that we'll be treated as delicacies by them."

That is true, but the task of finding the exit still rests with me. I look around the hall, and like the first floor, there is no door or mechanism to enter or leave.

Not long later, after the ghosts stole all the food at the banquet, they discovered us and rushed towards us as if they were hungry for a long time.

"They seem to have discovered us …"

"They are probably planning to eat us up …"

Without a choice, he grabbed the Space Abyssal Sword and started to deal with the evil spirits in front of him.

"Miss Su Su, quickly find a mechanism!?"

I am really trying to find the mechanism, but the mechanism in this hall is not very obvious. Other than the walls on the sides of the evil ghost, there is nothing else that can be activated.

The walls and furnishings were no longer considered, and I began to study the cutlery in the center of the hall.

Originally, these tableware were dripping with blood. I didn't want to look at them at all, but since I couldn't do anything about it, I felt that there was a high chance that the mechanism was in these tableware.

The people who designed this hall really have a strong taste, I think that he already wanted to place the dead and hungry Hermit here, and let them fight over the food here, which was why he made this place look like a banquet. Although the decorations are pretty good, but looking at the evil spirits eating raw food, I really almost found the food I ate the day before yesterday.

I couldn't help but take a look at the tableware I had just used to eat. Even though it had already changed beyond recognition, I still found that they were arranged in a certain order.

Bronze cauldron, porcelain rice bowl, cutlery made from stone … All sorts of strange tableware were arranged in a row, as though they weren't from the same era. I reorganized the style and craftsmanship of the tableware, and even the materials, and finally discovered the pattern.

But at this time, a huge Hermit raised his kitchen knife and slashed over. Because he was thinking about the mechanism, he guessed that I was distracted, and by the time he realised it, I couldn't avoid the knife anymore.

When Zhang Ziyuan saw that I was in danger, he immediately rushed over, and used his hand to grab onto Hermit's kitchen knife. Although the other party's kitchen knife had fallen onto the ground, Zhang Ziyuan's hand was injured by the kitchen knife, blood flowing out.

"Zhang Ziyuan! Are you okay? " Because my negligence caused him to be injured, I felt extremely sorry. Every time I met with danger, he would always be the one protecting me, and every time it was also him who had injured me. I suddenly felt that I was useless.

Clearly, the seal has already been undone, and by opening the illuminating lamp, it also proved that my Spiritual Energy is no longer inferior to anyone else. But why do I feel that there isn't any huge advantage when using my Spiritual Energy?

Could it be that even though the seal of the Spiritual Energy has been activated, I have not truly learned how to use it?

It's too late to ask Shuo Yue now, I looked at the other party's Hermit filled with fire.

He waved the Space Abyssal Sword's sword and slashed at its fat waist.

In fact, I also know that it would be better to chop off his head, but Hermit is extremely tall and my height would only reach his chest, unable to reach his neck.

Well, if I was strong enough, I could cut my waist, even though it was almost as thick as two water tanks.

However, I never expected that the sword strike I used with all my might actually struck. It was as though the Space Abyssal Sword had formed an incomparably strong sword qi and instantly split the beast into two.

"Wife, when did you become so powerful …"

Looking at the strength in my hands, even I was scared silly. The waist of two water vats was cut off in an instant. Am I not a monster?

Seeing that Zhang Ziyuan's hands were still bleeding, I suddenly understood that this person could probably turn grief and indignation into strength.

Without thinking about anything else, I raise my sword and start slaughtering everyone in my surroundings. All of the evil spirits present looked at me with astonished expressions, as though they were no longer as arrogant as they were before.

There weren't many wraiths in this place. It was probably because they had treated some weak and evil spirits as food and slowly ate them all up. Besides the few powerful Hermit s, the rest were nothing to be afraid of.

I quickly dealt with the few Hermit s, leaving some of the evil spirits no longer dared to go forward, and some of them even scattered and ran, hiding in different directions.

"Miss Su Su, did my power explode?"

"I think it's probably because you've already found a suitable method to use the Spiritual Energy. My wife, your magic power is even stronger than mine now."

Zhang Ziyuan was also dumbstruck, but he still understood why I was so desperate. He looked at me with a pair of eyes.

"Look at my injured mouth. Does it hurt?" For a moment, I forgot about the competition. I directly used some emergency medicine and bandages to bandage Zhang Ziyuan.

Zhang Ziyuan stared at me blankly, as if he had never seen such a gentle side of me before. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Actually, my wife, these wounds can heal themselves. You don't need to spend time bandaging them for me …"

"Cut the crap!" "Shut up!"

Being yelled at by me, Zhang Ziyuan immediately shut his mouth and obediently let me bandage him. The way he looked at me was also very gentle.

Originally, I was a diaosi. Initially, I didn't expect that there would be a prince charming me, so when Zhang Ziyuan was courting me, I rejected him in every way.

Even though he's married to me, he's a ghost servant. No matter how foolish I am, I know that I won't be able to stay together with him for long.

However, Zhang Ziyuan seemed to never care about the distance between him and me. He had always said that if he couldn't live by himself, then it would be better to cultivate to a higher level. That way, he could at least be together with me.

I knew then that everything he did was for me, so what reason could I have to reject this good man and this relationship?

"It's bandaged!"

Yue Feng also did not speak at the side, he guessed that he had also been infected by something, and reckoned that this sister had never tried to find a girlfriend in his entire life, since he had to take care of his sister who did not have a good body or spirit, it would be hard for him.

"Hmm, the bandaging technique is pretty good. It seems like my entire hand can't even move …" I took a look and sure enough, it looked like a dumpling.

"Miss Su Su, is there still no mechanism to get out? The people who came in earlier have all closed their doors. If we can't find the other entrances, even if we aren't eaten by the ghosts, we would probably be trapped to death. "

I looked at it. Sure enough, the entrance was closed. The master who built this mechanism really hoped that he wouldn't go out when he came in.

"Don't worry, I seemed to have some ideas just now. Wait a moment, let me think about it carefully …"

Yue Feng immediately shut his mouth.

I started to think again about the tableware in front of me. Why on earth would such an ornate and meticulously decorated banquet be used in such an irregular manner? Bronze artifacts were usually used during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and stone artifacts were even earlier.

Although I don't know much about history, I still understand the problems of these years. Therefore, I tried moving the tableware, and sure enough, it was fixed at the bottom and could only be moved parallel to one another. As expected, the tableware stopped at one spot and the mechanism was opened.

"Good job, Miss Su Su!"

"All the tableware here is arranged according to the age of the material and craftsmanship. I also discovered this rule in the end."

Halfway through his sentence, Yue Feng opened his eyes wide and pointed at the door that was opened. I turned my head to look and also sucked in a breath of cold air.

The moment the door opened, a huge Hermit came out from it, holding a kitchen knife as big as a table.

Hermit bared his teeth as though it's been a long time since he ate and felt very hungry. He casually grabbed a few nearby monsters and threw them into his mouth. I started to feel nauseous again …

"Why did the trap open and let the Boss out?" I asked.

"I think this giant Hermit was originally trapped inside. If he was with other level monsters, he would have probably eaten up the rest, which is why he was left alone." Zhang Ziyuan explained, but now he had to think of a way to deal with the Hermit who looked extremely ferocious.

Otherwise, even the thin and weak three of us probably wouldn't be enough for him to eat in one bite.

"Wife, the two of us will hold out for a while. Go and check if there are any other entrances."

I nodded my head and ran towards the door that Hermit came out of. It turned out to be the only corridor on the second and third floor, this Hermit was probably trapped inside the corridor. As long as we opened the door, he would naturally search for the fragrance of food to save him.

I entered the second floor's long hall and looked around. There didn't seem to be anything special about it, if I were to find a button to rent the hall and the long hall, it would be possible to lock the gigantic Hermit in the hall and keep them there.

Looking left and right, I finally realized that the wall wasn't smooth after all. There were carvings on it, and one of them was extremely huge. I recognized that flower, it was the mangifera that blossomed in underworld.

I touched it and found that every layer of the flower petals could be moved. If I understood the actual sequence of movement of the petals, I could probably close the doors to the two spaces.

Looking at Zhang Ziyuan who only had one hand left to fight against the Hermit, I became more and more anxious.

Suddenly, a thought struck me and I seemed to have understood something. I started to move the flower petals from the outside to the inside. When I reached the innermost layer, a loud rumbling sound could be heard.

"The door is about to close, hurry and come out!" I shouted inside.

But when I realized that both of them were trapped by the giant tree, I didn't think of anything else as I ran back and jumped up, raising my sword to slash at the gigantic Hermit.

When I cut him, he turned his head to deal with me, and the kitchen knife in his hand seemed to want to chop me into a meat patty.

"Let's go!" The door will close soon! "

When I looked back, I saw that the door was already about to close. Although it was a bit slow, if I didn't go over now, it would be too late.

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