They didn't expect that the moment we entered the great hall of the Fengdu Ghost City, we would see a shocking scene. Princess of Fengdu Xia Mingtianji was hung from the ceiling of the great hall.

"Mother!" Hearing Shuo Yue's shocked exclamation, her heart tore apart.

Who exactly was this? The next time he was able to harm the Princess of Fengdu, it was likely that the Princess of Fengdu was not a good person either. To be able to persecute her to such an extent, only the Ghost King would be able to do so.

And from the looks of it, Xia Mingtianji had already been imprisoned for more than a day or two. Otherwise, he would not be in such a sorry state, and had lost so much weight.

"Shuo Yue, I think this is a trap, let's not panic!" I reminded him.

"Even if this is a trap, but it's my mother over there, I can't sit still and do nothing. I'll go over first, you guys stay here and watch. If we're both in danger, please don't do anything!"

Sigh, Shuo Yue is always like this. You take care of everything by yourself, and then go and face it by yourself. Even if the one on top is your mother, although she is a princess of a Fengdu, aren't we friends? Can I let you face the danger alone?

Seriously, after knowing each other for so long, I still don't know who we are.

"Shuo Yue, you stop, come back! I'll go over! " I immediately called out to Shuo Yue and decided to go up and check it out myself.

Shuo Yue seemed to be shocked as she turned around and stared at me blankly: "You guys don't need to meddle in this trivial matter, okay? This is clearly a family matter within our Ghosts, do what you have to do, quickly go! "

"Shuo Yue, what are you saying! You are a Eldest Brother of my rain house, let's not talk about being in the same sect as me, or are we friends who have experienced hardships in the past. What do you mean by "your Ghosts's family matters", I'll tell you this: you two have no family matters at all! You are my junior and brother, and I am responsible for protecting you! "

Before removing the seal, I can't solemnly swear the word "protect". After all, I have a high status in terms of my ability, so how can I protect others? But today, I can tell Shuo Yue that you can protect you. Watching you suffer so many hardships as the successor of the rain house, I can now protect you as the OP.

Shuo Yue seemed to be shocked by these words, and was stunned looking at Xia Mingtianji who was standing above.

"Mother! How are you, Mother! Open your eyes and take a look! " Shuo Yue called out, but the Princess of Fengdu did not make a move, Shuo Yue was already crying from anxiety, from the looks of it, she did not even know if the princess was alive or dead.

After I poured the Spiritual Energy into my hands, it immediately flew up into the air and became huge. No one present had ever seen such a flamboyant spirit beast, so they all opened their eyes wide and looked at me, especially Daoist Three Purities.

"Shuo Yue, follow me ~!" I pulled Shuo Yue along and climbed onto the pyretic lustre together, preparing to fly over to rescue Princess of Fengdu.

Shuo Yue nodded, and followed me up the pyretic lustre, and after the pyretic lustre grows big, it's more than enough to ride on two people.

The pyretic lustre shook its wings and flew up, bringing Shuo Yue and I up into the sky.

The people below were still dumbstruck. Although they knew that there were spirit beasts in this world, this was still the first time they had seen something so cool.

The pyretic lustre's entire body released a fiery red glow, as if it was burning. After spreading its wings, it spiraled in the air, leaving behind a beautiful fiery red tail.

As she flew in front of the Princess of Fengdu, Shuo Yue shouted for her mother with all her might. The Princess of Fengdu finally opened her eyes.

"Sou, Shuo Yue?" The Princess of Fengdu moved a little and slowly turned his head. Looking at Shuo Yue and I, he seemed to be extremely weak.

But when Xia Mingtianji opened his eyes, I felt that the atmosphere had become weird. I didn't know what had happened, but I felt that something was going to happen.

Shuo Yue, on the other hand, was more concerned with chaos. She simply did not have the mood to bother with other matters, and extended her hand to untie the bindings of the Princess of Fengdu.

"Mother, how did you get here? I'll put you down right now." Shuo Yue deeply called out, her hand stretched out to undo the Princess of Fengdu's binding, and the princess fell into Shuo Yue's embrace.

"Shuo Yue, Shuo Yue, leave quickly! It's not safe here! " Princess of Fengdu repeated these words. It was as if she had received some sort of shock, and her consciousness was no longer clear.

After saving him, we sat on the pyretic lustre and flew down, it was rather smooth. The problem is, since the other party used Xia Mingtianji as a method to threaten Shuo Yue, why did they allow us to save him?

Could it be that they were simply imprisoning the Princess of Fengdu, and didn't expect that we would coincidentally come to the great hall of the Fengdu from the Middle Yuan Section s? That's why we were able to surprise the princess?

No, that's not right. If it's like this, they can imprison the princess anywhere, but why do they have to do it on the beams of the central hall of the Fengdu.

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed wrong, but by the time I realized there was something wrong, it was too late.

The "Princess of Fengdu" in Shuo Yue's embrace pulled out a dagger and stabbed deeply into Shuo Yue's chest!

"AHH!" I cried out in alarm, immediately holding on to the pyretic lustre firmly. Then, I struck Kyle's shoulder with my palm, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Shuo Yue was most likely injured, as she heavily threw Princess of Fengdu out. On the other hand, she knelt on one leg, as if she was severely injured.

Yue Feng and Xiao Cui rushed over to check on Shuo Yue's injuries.

"Who the hell are you? I felt that something was amiss just now. Since the other party captured you to threaten us, why was it that no one stopped you for so long? Shuo Yue was worried, but I never thought that it would be me.

The other "Princess of Fengdu" actually stood up in a relaxed manner. After looking at his sorry state just now, he chuckled.

"Hehehehehe, you mortals are truly inexperienced. What do you mean by 'strong or not strong'? You don't even know who I am, do you?"

The woman's voice also seemed to have changed, it wasn't as weak and weak as the Princess of Fengdu's. She had completely changed into a beautiful woman.

"Who the hell are you? Where is the real Princess of Fengdu? Don't let me use any tricks to force you! " At that time, I was also furious. Facing the culprits that hurt my own friends, I had always shown no mercy.

"Come on, you little girl, it's okay to tell you who I am!"

When the "Princess of Fengdu" used a ghost power, when he changed his appearance, he immediately changed from an extremely miserable face to an enchanting and beautiful woman. Looking at his age, he was also much younger than Xia Mingtianji.

"Aiya, staying under such a stinky skin is really suffocating me. This old lady, just how old is she? Her son is already so old, and she's still stirring up trouble. What a misfortune for Ghosts."

The girl was getting more and more arrogant as she talked, as if she didn't put us in her eyes at all.

I turned my head and shouted to the people behind me, "I'll solve the problem here. There's not much time left, you guys go and place the illuminating lamp first!"

Zhang Shaowu seemed to have been stunned, and now he called for Daoist Three Purities and Yue Feng to leave.

I heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that what had to be left was gone. I could slowly solve the problem in front of me.

"Wife, be careful of her! It's the Thousand Faces Ghosts! " Zhang Ziyuan said in a serious tone.

Thousand Faces Ghosts? Who was it that he could change into anyone's face at any time? This is indeed a top-notch technique, even Shuo Yue and I were deceived by it.

"What about it? "Is it easy to deal with them?"

"This Thousand Faces Ghosts is Skeleton Lady's big sister. The two of them are like a small marten on the same hill, they probably want to take revenge today."

"Humph, it won't be that easy even if you all want to escape. None of you will be able to escape while I am here!"

Seeing that Zhang Shaowu and the others were about to leave, he immediately rushed forward to intercept them. At this time, Shuo Yue who was already heavily injured seemed to be unable to endure it any longer, charging over and striking Thousand Faces Ghosts on his back with his palm.

Xiao Cui was supporting Shuo Yue right now, and before she could even react, Shuo Yue had already rushed out.

"Shuo Yue! Your body is injured, so don't put too much strength into it! " I shouted.

But Shuo Yue completely ignored her own injuries, and called out to the Thousand Faces Ghosts, as if she had already entered a deranged state.

"Tell me! "Where is my mother!?" After experiencing so many things, he already didn't look like he had lost any of his relatives anymore. Even if Princess of Fengdu was a disqualified mother who had never raised him, since when did he become so concerned about his mother? He himself probably wasn't very clear about this.

"Actually, if you look carefully, it turns out that you are a handsome young man?" Your mother is already dead, and died by my hands. I then carefully studied his appearance to make himself look like him. How about it, do you like him? "

Thousand Faces Ghosts twisted her body, as though she wanted to seduce Shuo Yue, but with such malicious words coming from her mouth, Shuo Yue completely crumbled down.

"Nonsense! My mother would not die so easily. She is a Princess of Fengdu, how can a lowly ghost like you touch her! "

Shuo Yue was still conscious enough to think about it; it truly wasn't easy. In any case, Xia Mingtianji's position in the Fengdu Ghost City was extraordinary, and a mere female ghost couldn't even compare to him.

But Thousand Faces Ghosts sighed: "Then there's nothing I can do about it, if you don't believe me, I'll just tell you the truth, I'm obviously not Xia Mingtianji's opponent, but it's really too easy for Ghost King to deal with her, it's so easy, if what I say is true, you'll know eventually!"

"Shuo Yue, she said those words that would sever the heart, you can't count her out right? If they say that they're for you to listen to, they definitely cannot be trusted! "

Although this comforted Shuo Yue, I actually didn't feel any reassurance in my heart at all. In the current situation, even if Princess of Fengdu didn't die, she would probably be imprisoned and would be in danger.

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