"At night, there will be strange sounds in the manor. It seems like women are crying, or men are beating and cursing. The shouts of the children can't be heard clearly, but it seems to be real."

Why does this sound like a family scene?

"What else?"

"Also, it's said that someone saw a couple arguing in the villa at night. Someone went up to persuade them and then they disappeared. When the day came, it's impossible to find a couple fighting in the villa."

"Later on, those who heard the sound didn't even dare to leave their rooms and became scared. I don't know what kind of strange things will happen at night, but during the day, nothing happened. It's extremely peaceful!"

I blinked and looked at Zhang Ziyuan. He also shook his head, indicating that he did not know what was going on.

"Don't worry, tonight we will see what exactly is causing this disturbance. No matter if it's a human or a ghost, they will give you an explanation."

When the words were said, Manor Owner snot and tears flowed as he expressed his thanks. It seemed like it would be impolite not to work properly for others.

While it was still light, I decided to familiarize myself with the terrain.

Initially, Manor Owner and Monk Yuan Tong wanted to accompany us, but they were rejected by me. "You guys can all go back to work, since it's a vacation, I don't want anyone to follow us. It's very uncomfortable, don't worry, we won't get lost."

After getting rid of the others, he would be able to slowly enjoy the leisure time before dusk.

"This place is pretty good. I feel really relaxed to be able to stay here for free."

"It can't be, Sister Su Su. You are such a big shot of a Spirit Master, what kind of Hearing Rain Tower Master are you talking about? Why would you care about this free opportunity?"

What is Big Curry? Why do you think I have become Big Curry? I am still a poor ordinary girl.

"Must Big Curry have money?"

"Eh? Do you usually do these supernatural things free of charge? "

, who hadn't said a word since the start, suddenly started laughing non-stop.

So it's the matter of fees. I think so too, didn't the Yin Yang Master family of that island start out by settling matters.

Why is it that every time I come here, I feel like I'm solving a problem for free? I wondered how did I manage to get past poverty and not have the time to work anymore. So the crux of the problem is here!

"Yes, ah? I seem to have always been free and have never charged money before. I feel that this kind of thing, the fees are a little shameful right? "

"It can't be! How can eating with skill be shameful? If not, what will you eat and what will you wear?"

Liang Tianxiao finally could not hold it in anymore: "Master, honestly, if you had continued to solve people's problems free of charge, your subordinates would probably starve to death too …"

As the only disciple of the rain house, Liang Tianxiao should be speechless towards me, so he decided! In the future, when I encounter such things, I will openly charge a fee! It's an economic society now anyway, so what's shameful about the fees, right? I'm not some ancient chivalrous woman. I don't know where I got a lot of silver from, but I really don't have any money now.

Remembering that he was going to be rich soon, his mood immediately improved a lot. He felt that the sunset was even better.

After strolling around farmhouse, he had a certain understanding of the terrain. The entire villa was rectangular and the guest rooms were all concentrated in the middle.

The typical countryside was surrounded by the same terrain as a city. It didn't seem that complicated. As soon as they had an idea of what it was, they would feel hungry and then return to eat.

The Manor Owner had already prepared a sumptuous feast, no matter where we go, it's always against the wall and at our own expense. This is the first time we've encountered such a situation, so we were a little excited.

"What's the matter tonight? Don't drink so much?" Yue Feng whispered to me.

I nodded, feeling a little dizzy.

"Ahh, my villa really hasn't been completed for long, and I haven't even returned the money yet. If there's really no one who's coming this time, then I'll lose everything. I did quite a bit of work to get this land back then."

The Manor Owner seemed to have drank too much and started to talk about his own family history. Of course, I wasn't interested, he talked about his own.

"At that time, there were still a few families living here. When I wanted to develop this place, I had already taken down the paperwork. Those families just refused to leave, so I had no choice but to use extreme methods."

"General Manager, you drank too much!" The secretary, on the other hand, heard his boss's words and felt grateful that he could stop him.

"Ah?" "I didn't drink too much. These days, I've also been feeling very depressed. This is a rare opportunity, let's drink again!"

However, I seemed to have grasped the main point of his words: "Wait a moment, boss!" You said that you met an unlucky person and used an extreme method to deal with him? "What extreme method? How on earth did those families move away?"

"Ah, that, that's me …"

Manor Owner wanted to continue speaking, but just as he reached the important part, he was interrupted by the secretary, "Our General Manager really drank too much. I will help him rest, you guys continue, we will leave tonight's matters to you guys!"

The secretary seemed to be afraid that his boss would say something else that he shouldn't, so he hurriedly supported Manor Owner to leave. Even if I drank a little too much, my mind was still clear. I understood that there was still a problem between the boss and the secretary.

"Hey, Zhang Ziyuan, don't you feel that the secretary is weird?"

The little secretary seemed to be around 10 years younger than the boss. She was a beauty with a type of temperament, but her eyes were flashing with a strange light.

"Hmm, it should be a relationship between a lover and a mistress."

Zhang Ziyuan said calmly.

"Hey, shouldn't you lower your voice when talking about this matter?" He looked around to make sure that there was no one else around before asking.

"This is the truth. Why should we be careful of the voice?" He really could not understand what kind of brain circuit Zhang Ziyuan was in, but the problem was …

"How do you know they're lovers?"

"Their watches are made by lovers, and during dinner time, the eye contact between the two betrayed their relationship. The boss got drunk and the person who helped him leave was actually his female secretary. Is there a problem with that?"

Needless to say, Zhang Ziyuan observed me carefully enough, even I didn't realize that they were wearing lovers' watches.

"I think the question is, why did the secretary stop his lover in the end?"

"Perhaps there are some things that are a secret between the two of them. When it comes to those hidden families, they might have used some disgraceful method to solve it. The female secretary might have prevented her lover from spouting the truth after drinking too much."

I don't know why, but I have always cared a lot about the words that the Villa's Boss Li did not finish. I don't know if this has anything to do with the Villa's supernatural event.

It was already dark, and the manor was quiet because there wasn't a single person around. We were prepared to look around us on a bridge in the middle of the manor. The terrain of the bridge was relatively high, so if there was any movement, we could clearly see everything.

When the wind blew, I felt rather cold, thinking that it would soon be autumn, and it seemed like I was going to buy a few pieces of clothing for the winter. Since I left home, I had been running all over the country, and I hadn't been able to calm down.

After shivering for a while, Zhang Ziyuan knew that I was cold, so he took off his jacket and put it on me. By his side, Yue Feng followed suit and took off his jacket and put it on Xiao Cui as well, and the result was that it was just like that.

"Big Brother Yue, I don't have the concept of hot and cold, so I don't feel any cold. My days are probably pretty cold, so don't freeze them."

As I spoke, I sent the clothes back to Yue Feng. I found it funny to see Yue Feng's dark expression.

Rather than saying that Xiao Cui did not understand the situation, it would be better to say that Yue Feng had always forgotten about Xiao Cui's identity.

"Ah, listen. What is that sound?"

Suddenly, I heard a few weird sounds. It seemed that they were harvested using a sickle, 'shua shua'.

"What? I didn't hear it."

Right now, my hearing is quite good, I can hear everything within a kilometer, and I can clearly distinguish the direction of the sound.

"There it is!" I pointed to it, and sure enough, there was a farmer with a sickle harvesting wheat.

It was too late to continue harvesting the scythe. The problem was that this place had already been developed into a Manor, and there was no wheat at all!

"Yue Feng!" I shouted, and signaled Yue Feng to go over.

Yue Feng nodded and immediately jumped out. His speed was so fast that I couldn't even see his figure clearly before he disappeared.

But not long later, Yue Feng returned in disappointment, "It's gone …."

Indeed, when we heard the sound of the scythe coming from that direction, it didn't take Yue Feng more than five seconds to escape. If it was really a living person playing tricks on us, he wouldn't have been able to dodge so quickly.

"Don't worry, we'll continue waiting!"

The farmer who used a sickle to cut the wheat seemed to be putting in a lot of effort, as if there really were crops in that place.

"Could it be …" He no longer dared to think about it. Not long later, he heard a voice again. It was the couple speaking again.

The two of them spoke in a clear voice that reached my ears. However, it was just a matter of family matters, so there was nothing strange about it.

After immediately locking on to the right direction, Yue Feng once again leaped over, but like before, he returned empty-handed.

"What a crappy thing!" It couldn't all be an illusion, right? Even if there really are ghosts, they can't be faster than me.

Illusion? Yue Feng's way of thinking was very bold, but it was possible for it to happen at the moment.

It repeated itself several times, but Yue Feng always came back empty-handed.

Yue Feng was so tired that he was about to curse, "Xiao Cui, who the hell are you?

Xiao Cui saw it in a new light, "If they are really of the same kind as me, then even I don't think I have the speed to avoid them. Even I can't compare to Big Brother Yue Feng's speed."

Since Xiao Cui said this, then I won't feel reassured anymore. Since it's not a ghost, then it's just a fantasy. But what principle does it take for such a strange silhouette to appear in every nook and cranny of this villa?

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