"In the following records, the King of Chu unified the Nine Prefectures and became the supreme Emperor. However, he suddenly died a few years later. The cause of his death is unknown. When he was alive, he oversaw an incomparably large tomb, which is the location where we are now, the Xishan's tomb. "

"Death from violent illness, why? Was he killed by someone? Or could it be that he met with an unimaginable situation? "

"The real history of this matter will not be written in detail. My guess is that there is an inseparable relationship between it and the wangfei who jumped down and died."

"Then things are more or less clear. Should we hurry up and see how we can open the correct mechanism and leave this place?"

"If that Purple General let us see history on purpose, he wouldn't kill us all. He hoped to spread this piece of history in a special way to the future generations."

At this moment, I carefully examined the structure of the secret chamber and discovered that it was also placed at the position of the Five Elements Eight Trigrams.

Originally, the things in the secret chamber were placed randomly and randomly. Following the directions of the Five Elemental Eight Trigrams, I rearranged it and the structure of the secret chamber changed in my eyes.

"Do you feel any difference?" I asked.

"Isn't this supposed to be a gossip? What does that have to do with unlocking this secret room? "

"However, if I am not wrong, this secret chamber does not remain unchanged. Rather, it is constantly changing. However, you are unable to see it." You look up at the ceiling.

Li He Yue raised her head and said, "I looked. Sigh, I really didn't notice it. There were actually some patterns on the ceiling, but it wasn't very clear. I forgot to look at it just now."

"The patterns on the ceiling are the trails of the sun, moon, and stars. You might not have noticed it, but the trails of the sun, moon, and stars are constantly changing."

"Really? Let me take a look! " Li He Yue seemed to have noticed this problem and became very excited. He observed carefully for a while and then said, "If you scream, it's indeed moving!" And it's moving according to a certain pattern! "

I nodded. "That's right. Above us are the changes of the 28 stars. It means that the method of unlocking this secret chamber is inextricably linked to the Five Appearances Eight Stars."

"This time, I have truly gained experience. I have no choice but to admire you. So it turns out that I have really underestimated you. I have seen countless tombs, but this is the first time that I've encountered such a profound mystery."

"That's not much. I didn't notice it just now, but I accidentally raised my head. Coincidentally, within the Secret Sect, I have a very deep understanding of the Celestial Phenomenon Art. I also learned some basics, but I didn't expect it to be useful here."

"Then what can you see from the picture above?"

"The sun, moon, and stars contain all the principles and mysteries of the human world. The moving method above can be combined with the Five Elements Eight Trigrams and everything in this secret room can be rearranged."

Li Jun and Yue Yue were already confused by my words. "Just tell me what I need to do. Don't explain it anymore. I don't understand it anyway."

Ye Zichen looked at the man in the side with a dejected expression and knew that he truly felt that there was something in this world that he didn't understand. It was as if he wasn't as proud and arrogant as before.

"The path of the sun, moon and stars on the ceiling, looking at everything in the secret room, the books and papers, they are made up of trees, among the five elements, they are trees, those scattered copper coins, they need metal to be cast, they are metal, those lighting instruments, they can ignite flames, they are fire of the five elements, do you see those two outlines, a copper vat and an iron steel rod, although you do not have water, but I think that these should be fireproof tools from ancient times, so they must be water mistakes?"

Li He Yue's eyes suddenly lit up. "Hearing you say this, it seems that you have a point. I don't understand the messy and unorganized things here, but you can see the nature of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth." The plants in the bonsai beside that one should be filled with dirt, right? "

I nodded, "This is what you call a child's worth of teaching. Thus, we have already successfully divided everything here into the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth." "Now, according to the changes in the sun, moon, and stars, everything in the secret chamber can be rearranged according to the five elements."

Li Jun and Yue Yue also seemed to be enlightened. They immediately started to fight, and the arrangement was really like that.

"It shouldn't be wrong, but I don't understand. It's just a tomb. If it's really to prevent tomb robbers from invading, we could have set up a few killing traps and created a secret chamber. What exactly is the meaning behind this?"

I shook my head. "I don't think that this secret chamber was built on the order of the tomb's owner. It has an inseparable relationship with that young general. When we get out, we can ask him. "

Although I didn't know the full story, I could feel that the young general was hiding a very deep sadness. In the war with the Nine Prefectures, he might have lost more than just his family members.

And what kind of deep sorrow, making him at the prime of his life choose to bury himself in this deep graveyard.

After arranging everything, there was still no movement during the office interview. I looked up at the sun, moon, and stars on the ceiling. It seemed that it was already past the hour, so the pattern of his movements also changed.

I lifted my hand to check my watch. As expected, the time is already close to 4 in the afternoon. I want to once again master the laws of how the sun, moon, and stars walk. As expected, there was some movement this time and the entire secret chamber started to shake violently, causing me to be unable to stand steadily.

Then the center of the chamber collapsed, and we ran in all directions.

"What's going on? "Does the young general really not want us to leave this place alive? Even if we unravel the traps, do he want us to bury me here?" Li He Yue asked in surprise.

I shook my head. "You see, we did trigger a mechanism. However, within this mechanism, there is a link."

After the secret room had caved in, a tall platform rose up, on top of it was a very exquisite wooden brocade box.

When the tremors had completely died down, we walked quietly to the central dais.

"Why does this thing look so familiar?" Li He Yue said.

Seeing the beauty of the wooden brocade box, it was definitely not some ordinary product, so he hurriedly opened it. I stretched out my hand to try, but the brocade box didn't budge at all.

"Let me do it, I'm good at this!"

Li He Yue's special ability finally found its use. She took out the small metal string from earlier, folded it a few times, and poked the wooden brocade box in its eye sockets. The brocade box opened up immediately.

After the wooden brocade box was opened, it gave birth to a five story tall tower. The entire tower was rotating, emitting beautiful music.

"It can't be. Thousands of years ago, there was this kind of craftsmanship. If this amazing music box was created, it would be worth a lot!"

"Don't even think about the worthless question from before. The problem now is how do I unlock the mechanism of this music box? Let's get out. "

"AHH!" I finally know what this is. No wonder it looked so familiar! " Li He Yue suddenly said.

"What is it? Have you seen this thing before? "

"I've seen it in the records, this thing is called heavenly sound, it is said that it was left behind from the Paleogene, a treasure passed down in the world. Although I have read about it before, but I felt that such an exquisite treasure cannot exist in this world, I never thought that I would actually see something real today!"

Li He Yue's eyes lit up. She felt that this trip was worth it.

"Did the literature say how to solve this treasure box's secret?"

Li He Yue shook her head: "No, this item is rare, and in the records, it only left a picture of a brocade box's hand drawing. It didn't have the state of being after opening the brocade box, which is why I couldn't see through it. It only said that this thing contained all the mysteries of ancient music. If anyone could understand this secret, it would be a shocking discovery. I don't know much about music, so I didn't study it. "

I took a closer look at the tower in front of me and discovered that in addition to a total of five levels, there were twelve small windows on each level. Each level was moving in a different direction at a different speed, and each of the small windows were opening and closing.

"Fifty stories high tower, twelve small windows. Could it be that this contains the Five Tones and Twelve Laws?" I blurted out.

"I really didn't notice. You actually know the five notes and the twelve moves? You've studied music?"

"Does everyone who has gone to school know a bit of music? Have you not learned it? "

Li He Yue shook her head. "I've never gone to school."

What? He actually never went to school? Then any knowledge he has is self-taught?

"Oh, so that's how it is. I said, your way of thinking seems like an illiterate person. I don't even have the nerve to ask." I took the opportunity to tease him. Unexpectedly, the other party's expression instantly turned extremely ugly.

"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."

As if I had poked the other party's sore spot, I was extremely regretful. I was only joking with you, don't mind me!

Li He Yue's complexion changed. She finally forced an ugly smile and said, "I don't understand music at all. Since you have studied it before, come and study it!"

I didn't expect him to have such a reaction. I never asked, how did his childhood come about? What I didn't expect was that he hadn't attended school at all. Was he an orphan?

"If you really want to understand it from a musical point of view, then it's very easy. Listen to this song, it's in a five tone style. We'll arrange the corresponding notes for this song, like the fifth floor of the tower and the twelve small windows, in order."

Even though it sounds simple, I only have a basic understanding of music and haven't reached the stage of proficiency. Thus, my control of music is extremely difficult.

In ancient times, people revered zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting. For modern people, these things were no longer able to keep up with the pace of social development. Very few people studied them.

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