"Let go!" "You bastard, let go of me!" At that time, I was like a shrew, cursing, while trying to pry open the tight grip on his right hand with all my might.

After tormenting myself for so long, I felt my stamina slowly drain from my body. After all, I was a girl whose stamina and physique were far inferior to that of any male student. I gradually lost all of my strength.

Looks like it's better to end the battle quickly. If we continue to interact like this, not only will the other side be exhausted, I think I will die from exhaustion.

I then took out a rune from my bosom. Although its power isn't as strong as the one before, it is still powerful enough to kill this ghost in front of me.

Without thinking, I chanted a few incantations at the beginning of the year and stuck the incantation on King Chu's right hand. This incantation had no effect on controlling the movement of Undeads, but it had an extremely vicious effect.

The sigil on King Chu's right hand was like a ball of fire, burning his right hand. It also seemed like a type of intense sulfuric acid was being poured on his body, burning his soul at all times.

His screams became more and more intense, and when he felt that his right hand was already uncontrollable, he immediately let go, and the Soldier Symbol also tumbled to the ground.

Seeing that I was about to get my hands on the Ghost Seal, I stopped caring about the King Chu and crawled over, intending to pick up the Ghost Seal.

At this time, the red figure floated in front of King Chu and gently bent down to caress his face.

"Linglong, you …" He was already tightly controlled by my two runes and was severely injured. Most likely, seeing how concerned Crown Princess was for him, he felt that there was still hope.

"Why do you have to go through so much trouble? In the past, we have always known things to be like smoke in the wind. If you stop being so persistent, perhaps we will all be able to relax a little."

Crown Princess hurriedly explained as she was afraid that her actions had caused a misunderstanding in King Chu.

I can't care less about the two of them, I just can't control my emotions. I quickly picked up the Soldier Symbol and planned to control the chaotic situation.

"Don't move. Soldiers, hurry up and go back to the underworld. Don't create any more trouble here!" I lifted the Ghost Seal and shouted loudly.

This thing is really useful, it really commands thousands of men and horses. When the thing said that, all of the yin soldier that rushed out obediently retreated, and the wall of the tomb that felt like it was about to collapse suddenly became normal.

He felt as if he had been through an illusory nightmare and nothing had happened.

The situation was finally under control. I hastily ran in front of Li He Yue to check on his injuries.

Actually, it was a lie for him to say that he wasn't moved just now. I am a woman who is more sensitive than rational. Although I am quite annoyed with him, he still saved my life, so I can't treat him poorly.

"Li He Yue! How do you feel! " I asked, concerned.

He was too lazy to wash half of his body. It seemed that the wound was quite big, but it shouldn't have any major injuries.

Li He Yue's lips had already turned white. She seemed to be suffering from the symptoms of excessive blood loss. She smiled at me without a care in the world. "Ah! So you actually cared about me. Since you were moved by me, did you have any feelings for me?"

"Even at such a crucial moment, you still dare to talk back? Don't tell me you really have to wait until you die to be able to shut your mouth?" Looking at his mischievous smile, I couldn't help but scold him a few more times.

"Little girl, I really don't feel good right now. I feel dizzy and my wound hurts. It's numb. Seriously, do you want to treat my wound first?"

I came back to my senses and took my medical supplies out of my backpack. After a few days of actual combat, I learned to be a good boy. When I left the house, I no longer had nothing in my hands. I would prepare some emergency supplies.

For example, bandages, gauze, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other things, as well as some food and drink, in case of need.

I didn't think that I would actually use it this time. I took out some hemostatic and poured it on the wound. I pulled out a piece of gauze and bandaged him first so he could stop the bleeding.

"The conditions are limited, so there's no need to be so particular. We can sew it up slowly when we get back. The first thing we need to do is stop the bleeding."

Li He Yue felt really uncomfortable. She tightly shut her eyes and allowed me to move freely. She didn't say anything further.

"Hey, are you alright?" Can you keep going? "

Li He Yue's tightly shut eyes slowly opened. "I am fine. I probably lost too much blood. I was just dizzy. I will be fine after a short rest."

I nodded and helped her down against the wall, intending to let him rest for a while.

At this time, I finally had time to pay attention to the movements of the King Chu.

The Crown Princess seemed to already have feelings for the King Chu, he only submitted to the pressure of fate and did not dare to resist. The two of them said something, and their expressions were both extremely dejected.

Actually, we really didn't mean to disturb your rest, we really had something urgent to do. We wanted to pass through the Xishan's tomb and reach the place opposite of the Xishan to retrieve some things. I can only blame you for your grave being too remote. If I don't pass through, I won't be able to get there.

It seems that my two talismans have already extinguished all of my spirit and will, making me sound weak and dispirited. I no longer care about the reason for your intrusion into my Xishan's tomb, but instead wanted to thank you all and let me clearly see the sorrow in my life. Although I won the world in the end, I lost the most important thing.

Listening to him, the Crown Princess had made sense of the situation. He finally understood that once her feelings were lost, she would never be able to recover.

"Linglong, to be able to see her again before I disappear from this world, I feel that this is already a gift from the heavens. Nothing can last long, I, but please no longer hate me, my heart can... "Put it down …"

King Chu's aura became weaker and weaker. When he finished speaking, he was already silent, and her almost transparent body slowly scattered, turning into specks of light in the air, never to be seen again.

Crown Princess's body also became transparent, as though she had reached her limit. She said faintly, "I really don't know if I will help you or hurt you if I do this to you. Even though you won't pester me anymore, but you have broken the last bit of your will, causing your soul to dissipate between heaven and earth, cutting off the chance for your reincarnation.

At the beginning, I thought that my two talismans were too strong and hurt him. But now, it seems that I have touched a net and my soul is only willing to dissipate.

There seemed to be nothing left to linger for, Princess Feng Yue's fluttering figure once again entered the heavenly sound.

Purple General let out a soft sigh. "I witnessed the relationship between the two of them with my own eyes.

"What about you? So what if you and that Korean Prime Minister have a daughter? I wonder why? " I asked.

"To him, my guilt is greater than my love, right? After all, I destroyed his country, destroyed his family, and I hated him for my country. It was enough to destroy all hope she had for me."

"In this world, I can no longer find a trace of her. Being alone for the rest of my life can also be considered a form of punishment."

It looked like the Purple General was rather free and easy to handle, as if he could see through everything.

I don't know if it's my luck or my misfortune, so that I can personally experience the feelings of undying love from a thousand years ago. I don't know what will happen to the people I love and where their souls will return after a thousand years.

"Purple General, I am very sorry to have disturbed you."

"No, don't say it like that. Just like the King Chu, I do want to thank you all for saving my sealed sister and me. I think you've been hurt quite badly by your friend. How about this, I'll go with you guys.

Zi Lang is different from the other Undead Sacred Souls in the tomb. He was sealed in a statue in the past, and now that the seal has been removed, he will be like us normal people, living in broad daylight.

"Then, I'll have to thank Purple General!" Although they had met with many difficulties and dangers in Xishan's tomb, they still made friends with this most affectionate of ancient character, and it was truly a blessing in disguise.

Because Li He Yue had lost a lot of blood, Zi Lang carried her on his shoulder, looking like she had a lot of work to do.

Back then, it was built by my overseer. Follow my footsteps, and don't go wrong.

So this general is actually a mechanical technique Ranker, then I can spar with him in the future.

"Since that's the case, we still have to work together. I'm Su Su, and the person beside is Li He Yue. Our occupation is Spirit Master."

"Just call me Zi Lang, this is my nickname."

Seeing that Zi Lang was still wearing his white middle clothes, I whispered to Li He Yue, "Did you bring a change of clothes? "Give him a set of clothes first. I think the two of you should have the same figure."

Li He Yue rubbed her nose. "You've already given me my clothes, I still haven't agreed to it!"

"Looks like he really did it. Don't talk so much nonsense, are you going to give it or not?"

Seeing my expression, Li He Yue seemed to be angry, and without saying anything further, she obediently took out a set of clothes from her backpack and handed it over to Zi Lang.

"This set of clothes is clean. Don't mind it. Put it on first. After all, you can't walk around in your underwear."

Zi Lang thanked his, took the clothes and put them on, it was obvious that he still could not get used to the clothes of modern people, even I felt that it was a little awkward.

"Oh right, what should we do about your handsome warhorse? "We can't possibly take them out together, can we?"

"This horse is called 'Red in the Snow' and it is a pure Ferghana Horse. Traveling a thousand times in a day and eight hundred times in a night, it would be a great pity to leave it behind …"

"You may not know this, but horses are no longer a form of transportation. Other than using the most advanced transportation, there is no place for horses to run to."

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