The two of them immediately got out of the control of the earthworm and came to meet me.

Yue Feng's expression right now was as if he had seen a ghost, and his face was full of shock and disbelief. He really didn't expect the outcome to turn out like this, one wasn't enough, but now, it had turned into two, two, which he reckoned was impossible to deal with …

"I'm really sorry, something went wrong with my idea …"

"No, this is not your fault. Actually, your idea is quite good, but I did not hit it accurately. It seems that if this thing does not strike at its vital parts, it will split into more and more pieces …" Forget it, I have decided to give up on the acute earthworm. Let's go somewhere else and check it out first to see if there is a chance of meeting the Blue Butterfly and that owl. "

"It's a good thing that the earthworm isn't planning to leave the swamp and is too far away. Otherwise, if he catches up to us, we would all be unable to escape death."

"Sister Su Su, your body smells so bad …"

"You also said that the earthworm sprayed a lot of mud on me. That swamp is dirty and smelly. I endured for a long time before being able to not vomit."

"Hey, Sister Su Su, to be honest, you paid too much of a price. In truth, if you did not care about these things, you would have ignored them. You are just an ordinary Spirit Master … "

Yue Feng sighed, "I wonder why he would tell me all these. Is it because he felt that it wasn't worth it?"

"Then why do you insist on following me to the grave?" I asked.

"A large part of the reason is because you are my savior, right? Just when my sister and I were at the end of our rope, you helped us find all the medicinal ingredients. It can be said that you saved our lives." At that time, I thought, how can there be such a good person in this world who can help others unconditionally? He had even put himself in danger. In a small part of the world, I am probably infected with your spirit and feel that a man should always, always, contribute to humanity. "

To tell the truth, my first half of my life was a mediocre and mediocre girl. Every day, I would go to and fro to earn a living. Because, a chance meeting, let my life have become different, met a lot of people, also experienced a lot of things, I finally understand, people in the world, all have their own responsibilities. If I had the ability but didn't do what I had to do, I would feel like I had a guilty conscience …

I had never discussed such a profound issue with anyone before. I felt that I was just a normal person, but I didn't expect that I would be surprised to be able to speak my mind.

"You also said that part of it was due to our infection. I feel that only by infecting these spirits with each other will there be more and more talented people in this world, and fewer and fewer bad people. "

After Zi Lang heard what we said, he also nodded his head: "I agree with what you said. Although I do not know what happened to you two before, but I feel that your friendship is very admirable."

He felt like he had ascended to a higher level as they discussed this topic. Although his body was still reeking of stench, he still felt a sense of pride.

Just when he thought that I was doing well, he suddenly heard a burst of singing coming from not too far away.

This song was very strange. Even though it was extremely pleasant to listen to, it was as if he wanted to attract people's souls to his voice, causing them to involuntarily want to do so.

In that instant, I felt like we had met those mysterious Blue Butterfly!

I knew that I should have immediately blocked my ears and not listen to the ecstasy of the song, but my body couldn't help it.

This was the song of a butterfly. It sounded like an aria, and it carried a deep sadness. It was as if the song had no lyrics, only a single syllable repeating. It was this simple song that caused the passersby to lose all ability to resist.

Get your ears blocked, we're in danger if this song is heard! "" No, please! Yue Feng was the first to react. Not only was his speed fast, his willpower seemed to be stronger than others.

When I heard this cry, I became more aware of it, but I couldn't control my body, so you couldn't move.

"I can't move, what should I do?"

Yue Feng rushed up and hurriedly shook his body a few times. Then, she took my hands and placed them in his ears.

Sure enough, the soul-stirring singing sound became a lot smaller, and did not have much of an impact on me anymore. Just as we were planning to look for a solution, when we turned around, we realised that Zi Lang had disappeared.

"This is bad! And the Purple General? " I asked quickly.

I hadn't noticed it before because the song was so tempting and I had been too busy resisting the temptation of the song to notice anything else.

Had he been drawn away by the song? He could only determine the direction of the song and determine that the source of the song should be the flower bush in front of him.

Both of us covered our ears tightly with our hands, and gradually approached the flower bush. Sure enough, it was a beautiful flower bush, it's no wonder that Blue Butterfly would dance here.

Walking into the flowers, I found that your singing grew louder and louder, covering your ears with your hands.

I quickly remembered that the phone in my pocket was for the headphones. I quickly took it out, turned on the loudest music, and plugged the headphones into my ears.

Yue Feng followed my actions and put on the earpiece on his phone. The music from the phone's rock and roll could be heard, and the sound of the surroundings gradually faded away.

As he walked into the flower bush, Zi Lang was already lying on the ground, unconscious. As for the butterflies that were emitting blue rays of light, they circled around him constantly, giving him a very strange feeling.

The butterfly was actually very beautiful. Its entire body was a deep blue, and its two wings were constantly fluttering. If it didn't hear his soul-stealing song, it would also be deeply attracted to her.

We immediately ran over and shook Zi Lang's body non-stop. Only after realising that his body was gradually turning ice-cold did I finally stop worrying as my heart was beating faster and faster. I checked his breathing and pulse until I was sure that he was still normal.

This won't do. Why are you still shaking and not waking up? Could it be that his soul was truly taken away by this blue butterfly?

Because both of them could not hear it, I used my hand to signal for Yue Feng to look favorably on him. I reached out to drive the blue butterfly away.

Unfortunately, the Blue Butterfly's speed was too fast. With the flap of its wings, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch it.

That won't do, we have already given up on going to the acute earthworm. If we can't even catch this butterfly, then how can we pass the test?

I suddenly remembered back to my hometown when I was a kid, often jumping butterflies with my friends. At that time, I used a net, where could I find a net under such circumstances?

Yue Feng gestured with his hand, probably saying that the butterfly was afraid of fire. If it was used, it would attack and it would have an effect.

I took out a lighter from my pocket. Although I don't smoke, I always carry it with me as a precaution. However, I hesitated. If I set it on fire in this kind of place, wouldn't it cause unnecessary trouble?

What's more, this blue butterfly was so beautiful. If he really burned it to death, it would be a sin.

Yue Feng continuously gestured to me, probably meaning to give it a try with the fire first. It would be best if he stopped singing, or at least wake the unconscious Purple General up first.

However, I suddenly realized that the Blue Butterfly's song wasn't actually sung from his mouth, but rather was produced from the vibrations of his wings.

Although there was no scientific basis for this, logically speaking, the sound produced by all the living AI's should be the vibration of their wings. They were too small, so they shouldn't be able to produce such a loud song.

If that Blue Butterfly was no longer able to flap its wings, would his singing stop?

As I thought about this, I took out a piece of Anchor s. This Anchor only works on ghosts, I don't know if this butterfly can work, let's try it first.

As I chanted my incantation, I waved the rune in front of my eyes, trying to find an opportunity to get close to the Blue Butterfly.

Yue Feng seemed to understand my intention, he immediately rushed over, picked up the talisman on the butterfly's body.

With that, the butterfly could no longer move, falling straight to the ground, its wings no longer moving, no one would have thought that the Anchor would really have an effect on the Blue Butterfly.

I quickly took off the earpiece that was inserted into my ear. Sure enough, the singing was gone, I signalled to Yue Feng and he took off his earpiece as well.

"Sister Su Su, we really don't have anymore songs!" So Anchor were useful to this thing. In other words, he was not a holy spirit but a demon?

I'm not sure what exactly this Blue Butterfly is, but what I'm sure of is that it is singing through the flap of its wings. We stopped it and he naturally stopped speaking.

After the singing stopped for a while, Purple General woke up. As expected, he had fallen asleep because of the singing.

My head hurts. What happened? Zi Lang massaged his temples with all his might, as if his head was splitting apart.

"You were lured here by the Blue Butterfly's song, and for some reason you fainted. We have already subdued the Blue Butterfly."

Yes, I seem to remember, the song, the song I heard so well, as if it were my sister's voice, and I followed it.

"Your sister, Crown Princess? "Is this song really that similar to her voice?"

Zi Lang nodded his head, yes, although he could not hear clearly what was being sung, but the voice was indeed my sister's. At that time, I was so captivated that I couldn't think of anything. I could only follow the direction of the voice, but I didn't expect that it was actually a Blue Butterfly doing something.

I touched my chin. So that's how it is. The voice of this butterfly should be able to imitate the voice that we desire the most in our hearts. That was why there were so many people trying to lure him.

Since that's the case, let's just consider it as having passed the test. Our luck is quite good, we encountered that butterfly as soon as we entered. Yue Feng picked up the butterfly that was nailed in place, and gently wrapped it up.

We were happy, because at the end of this experiment, the situation changed dramatically.

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