After Yue Feng heard this, his face also became pale white. "Um, if I really become a statue, can you guys carry me back as well? Don't leave me here, at least hand me over to Cui Yi, let him think about it …"

"Stop bullshitting, you definitely won't turn into a sculpture. Let's think of a way! Zi, since you know so much, there should be some records on it in the book. How can you break this kind of spell? "

Looking at the few statues beside me, I also felt uncomfortable. I didn't know if I could break it, but the spells of Magi, the statues that they spoke of, would they be able to revive?

"It is said in the book, but we can only try to see if this method is useful." Zi Lang said as he walked into the owl that was still laughing wildly.

"Don't laugh anymore. I know that you died miserably at that time, and you were unwilling. You had three questions in your heart, and if you want people to help you solve them, you can ask me. If I answer them, you must release my friend."

Zi Lang's words were effective, the owl suddenly stopped laughing, and its pair of eyes widened as it stared at me and asked. I had the illusion that the owl could see right through us and know what we were thinking.

Sure enough, the owl spoke up, "Ignorant mortal, since I know, I have three questions to answer, and since you have made this request, I will agree. But if you cannot answer, I will turn you two into statues, and stay by my side, forever accompanying me!"

When I heard the owl actually speak, I was horrified. Goosebumps sprouted all over my body. I have seen all kinds of monsters, and the shock in my heart when I hear that an animal can speak is obvious.

I asked Zi Lang in a low voice, "What if such a strange Magus asks a question that is definitely out of the ordinary and we are unable to answer it?"

Right now, this is the only method that can help Yue Feng, so we can only fight it out. With the intelligence of the three of us, I don't believe that we can't answer these three questions.

Zi Lang was a general who would not accept defeat. Although he would frequently weigh the pros and cons, he would also not hesitate to gamble when the time came.

I suddenly thought of Ancient Egypt's Sphinx, the Sphinx next to the pyramid. Every time someone passed by, he would ask a person a question. If the answer was wrong, he would turn that person into a statue.

I originally thought that such an absurd legend was only a legend, but now, I actually encountered it myself.

"We're ready, you can ask!" Zi Lang seemed to have already made his preparations. With him here, I even said in my heart that it would be safer. He has read a lot of poetry and knows a lot of things.

This made me wonder if the thousand years he had been sealed were a thousand years of reading.

The owl's voice was shrill and unpleasant to hear, exactly like the hoodlums in society who didn't want to get in the way of others harming themselves. Alright, listen clearly, I'm going to ask the first question.

My first question is, "Guess what I'm thinking right now?"

This owl is crazy. How do we know what you are thinking when you ask such a question? Even if I had answered, I wouldn't have been able to come up with a correct answer. If you deny it, then we would have lost.

However, since she had agreed to his request and now was not the time to go back on her words, how should she answer this question?

I turned to look at Zi Lang, he is considered to be a knowledgeable genius, although he was here a thousand years before us, but at that time his intelligence was still much stronger than us.

Zi Lang stroked his chin with his right hand and thought for a while, then said: "This question is too illogical, if we were to answer this question, if you sincerely want us to lose and yet deny it, wouldn't we have no chance of winning?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I have already cast the spell. If you all were to answer this question correctly, I cannot deny it. Otherwise, I will become a stone statue."

Zi Lang nodded his head: "That's good, then I'm relieved, then let me guess how you are going to change the three of us into three statues!"

The answer surprised me. It couldn't be that simple, but on second thought, the owl is forcing us to answer three questions, and that's what he's thinking. Maybe?

"Are you sure about that?"

He really hated him asking such questions. Just like those programs on TV, he had already given a definite answer. Now, after hearing his question, he began to hesitate again.

I have decided to leave all the authority I have on this question to Zi Lang. In the current situation, only by trusting the people around me can I overcome this obstacle.

Zi Lang was obviously not like the other people who answered the questions, he had a slight problem with his choice. He answered straightforwardly: "That's right, it's this answer, it's not going to change!"

The owl gave a strange cry, which frightened me so much that I thought I had answered the question wrongly. Some of us were about to turn into stone statues, but what I didn't expect was that the owl said in its shrill voice, Foolish human beings, so it turns out that you also have a chance to guess my thoughts!

So the answer was really that simple. Later on, I realized that the questions he asked were just psychological tactics. He wanted you to think about them as complicated as possible, so that you would never be able to guess the answer.

So it's like having a sharp brain. The answer is not difficult, it's just that you have to think about them in a simple way.

I, who had just lost my confidence, had now rekindled hope. As it turns out, this was his plan. The two questions from then on wouldn't be hard to answer.

Since we've answered the right question, can you release my friend as agreed? I took this opportunity to save Yue Feng.

Unexpectedly, the owl kept its word, he flapped his wings lightly, and Yue Feng resumed his actions. Later on, I realized that this Magus who transformed into an owl actually had to abide by the effects of his spell. The spell he chanted was to count his opponent's eyebrows, then turn them into a statue. If the person answered his question correctly before turning into a statue, then the person's imprisonment would be released.

"Zi Lang, it's yours, look at how refined you are. I never thought that there would be so many things in your head!" The freedom Yue Feng obtained was naturally very happy.

"The second question, listen carefully. Guess who I like the most in my heart?"

This owl is really a lunatic. It is asking a lunatic question. Who do you like in your heart? What does it have to do with us? Besides, we didn't know you before.

I kept complaining in my heart, but then I thought back to that question. It was so simple, so it shouldn't be that complicated.

Could it be that this was also a quick thinking?

Zi Lang seemed to be confident as he answered: "The person you like the most is you, right?"

At this moment, I really broke down. So the answer to this question was that simple? Aren't the several statues beside them all completely stupid?

Thinking about it later, if it wasn't for Zi Lang today, I probably wouldn't have been able to answer him.

"You, you, you can actually answer two of my questions in a row?" The owl's eyes widened as it looked at us in disbelief, as if it had not expected us to be able to answer the two questions correctly.

Zi Lang told me later that, in truth, this owl had existed for far longer than he did. At that time, a human being's intelligence was not high, such questions like these could not even be answered. People of your generation have much more complicated thoughts and refused to think in simple terms.

"Alright, you two have answered two questions correctly. Actually, I only counted the eyebrows of you two. Like this, you two have answered two questions correctly. You can leave now!"

So we only needed to answer two questions correctly. It seems that he really didn't have the time to count the eyebrows of the three of us.

Zi Lang stood there unhappily. He had just finished answering the three questions, and now he had to quickly answer the third one, only leaving after we had finished answering.

I understand Zi Lang's thoughts. He was hoping that if he could answer three questions correctly, then the owl would become a statue. This way, we would be able to obtain another treasure.

The problem was that the owl refused. It knew that its intelligence was inferior to the man in front of it. If the owl were to answer the last question and turn itself into a sculpture, it would not be worth it.

"If you don't have the rules, I won't give you the last question. Don't answer it. Let's go, let's go!"

My friend has already started to chase us away. She's not stupid, she can't do business with a loss.

If we insist on answering your third question, if you don't, it is against the rules of the spell.

The owl suddenly became restless, "You foolish humans have given you a way out, but you won't leave!"

Zi Lang nodded his head: "I have been on the battlefield for dozens of years, and have never walked any path of survival, I only know that I came back from death's door. How about this, I will bet my last bit of money on myself, if I can't answer your question, then I would rather turn into a statue myself."

When the young general said these words, he was extremely handsome. He didn't expect that the young general was a man of steel. Indeed, a man who had killed his way into the battlefield was different from what he was now, someone who dared to take responsibility for his actions.

"Alright, then I'll ask you one last question. Guess, what is the girl beside you thinking right now?"

I didn't expect that the last question would be asked. At this moment, I realised that I couldn't speak anymore to remind him. It was probably due to the effects of the incantation.

I felt that although this question was something between us, it was incomparably difficult. How could the man opposite me understand my thoughts and know what I was thinking right now?

I was still thinking that no matter what answer he gave me, I wouldn't deny it. I would just nod my head. In that case, wouldn't we be in an invincible position?

But then I realized that since my movements could be controlled by spells, I probably wouldn't be able to lie for a while.

Zi Lang also frowned, he was afraid that the last question would really be difficult for him.

"How is it? Is it because I can't answer him? " The owl let out that strange cry again, and it shook me so hard that my eardrums seemed to break.

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