I really cannot accept this matter. I feel that Zhang Ziyuan did not leave while being afraid of dragging me down. He was angry at me because I had chosen not to save him.

"Why didn't you stop him? Do you know where he went? " I was a little anxious and grabbed Zhang Shaowu's shoulder, shaking it left and right.

"Girl, listen to me. If he wants to leave, no one can stop him. "Furthermore, I really don't know where he went. This kind of person comes and goes like a shadow …"

Before Zhang Shaowu could finish his words, I ran out with tears streaming down my face.

I truly felt that I was a useless person. From the moment I met Zhang Ziyuan, he had contributed a lot to me.

However, at this moment, the method to save her is right in front of me. I chose to give up.

I don't know where he went, he was with me from the moment we met, never separated, I don't know where else he was.

So, I could only run to the side of West Lake and shout out his name, hoping that he could hear me.

After shouting for a long time, even though his tears had dried and his throat had turned hoarse, he still did not appear. I hugged my knees as I sat on the grass beside the West Lake, staring blankly at the lake ahead. I didn't know what I was feeling.

At this moment, I seem to be close behind a person, both hands forcefully patted my shoulder.

"So the world after a thousand years is still like this. It's still as beautiful as ever. However, there seems to be an additional barrier between everyone. It'll be difficult to befriend each other."

So it was Zi Lang. Ever since he arrived in Hangzhou and came into contact with modern people, he felt that his society was completely different from his own.

Although his society had become more democratic and his technology had greatly improved, he felt that there was a lack of mutual trust between people.

While sniffing with tears, I told him, "Actually, there are still people that we can interact with. However, there are very few people. You have to carefully observe them."

"Alright, your face is already crying like a kitten. Actually, you don't need to feel guilty at all. At that time, even if you risked your life, you still wanted to kill the acute earthworm. I already knew, that this person who is worth giving up everything for you, is also someone who is willing to give up everything for him. "

Zi Lang saw through my thoughts once again. Could it be that I am so easily seen through? Or rather, I'm not even faking it.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. Letting out my emotions here, you must be ridiculing me …"

"Since it's hard to bear, then let's go find him. I don't think we'll go too far."

I shook my head. "It's important now. Once the barrier has been set up and everything is settled, I'll immediately go and find him!"

Zi Lang nodded his head and said: "This is the first time I've seen such a unique woman like you. All of us women at that time had our first feelings towards you, and husband is one of his world. I don't know if all of you women right now are like you, but your actions and actions cannot help but cause me to admire you to the extreme. "

"Well, there's nothing to admire. I'm just an ordinary girl who did what she should." I feel a little embarrassed from Zi Lang's praise.

Although she said that she was going to find him, the world is so big that she can't even be seen. If he wanted to hide, I probably wouldn't be able to see him for the rest of my life.

I pulled myself together and returned to the rain house. I had already heard the discussion about the barrier from a bunch of people.

"Shuo Yue, what's the situation now, everything is ready, can we make our move?"

Logically speaking, since the four of them have been gathered, and we have obtained the agarwood, we should be able to take action now. However, there are some things that I wish to tell you right now.

Actually, I understand that Shuo Yue isn't confident at all. Although she's a Spirit Formation expert, the enormous Spirit Formation between the two spaces still requires a large amount of Fa Li to support it. No one can guarantee that it won't succeed this time.

"You just need to tell me the probability of success this time." When I asked him this, he probably understood that what I was considering right now wasn't the consequences, but the probability of success.

"Honestly Su Su, I feel that the current you is no longer the same as you were before …"

"What's different? Isn't it just a mouth, a nose, and two eyes? "

Shuo Yue laughed at my relaxed expression. "I don't mean what you look like, I just want to say that you have matured a lot."

Now that I think about it, I've been out of my normal life for more than a year and almost two years. In terms of maturity, he didn't feel that way at all. He was probably older than he was before, almost thirty years old.

"You probably don't understand what I mean? I mean, you weren't that rational before. What I want to say now is, even if everything is ready, our success rate is around 60. This is the maximum probability I can guarantee. If we fail, then we will all be in danger. "

I nodded. "That's enough, you should give it a try."

After a detailed analysis, he finally determined the direction and position of the enchantment.

He chose a place not too far away from the Demon City in a wilderness. There was no one around and there weren't any buildings blocking the way. This should be a great place to set up a barrier, and the distance between him and the Demon City was also within the agreed range.

Although he did not tell anyone, during this period of time, he had been thinking about where Zhang Ziyuan had gone to.

In the past, he would always encounter danger like this and things happened right in front of me. If I was seriously injured, in order to not let me feel sad, he would disappear and hide by himself.

This time, I don't know what's wrong with him. Did something really happen to his body or did he get angry at me?

"Little girl, everything is ready. What are you thinking about?" Zhang Shaowu is my childhood friend, he knows many things to think about for my sake. At this moment, I don't want her to worry, so I gently shook my head.

"I'm just afraid that if anything goes wrong, the rest of you will be in danger."

Li He Yue was still lying in bed. It was unknown whether she was dead or alive. If there were any more accidents, I would feel very guilty.

Aside from me, Zhang Shaowu, Shuo Yue, and Fu Junqing, Li Hanyi, who had the protection of mana, suddenly suffered serious injuries. Zhang Ziyuan also underwent many changes and no one else was suitable for the job.

At this moment, the other three people gathered around. "Don't worry, no matter what the result is, we will put aside everything and work hard. Even if there is an accident, we will try our best to save it." Big Brother Fu is indeed a good person. Originally, he did not have a good relationship with me, but in times of crisis, he was always able to stand out and help us. "

Suddenly, the sky was filled with dark clouds. Shuo Yue suddenly said: "It seems that the time is ripe, the clouds are dense and dark now, and before long it will even rain heavily. Without the sunlight, it can be said that the success rate of not setting up a barrier has greatly increased."

"So setting up a barrier has something to do with sunlight?"

"That's right. Spirit Formations are already considered to be dark so it would be more appropriate to set them up at night. But in the current circumstances, the matters cannot be delayed any longer. Right now, dark clouds cover the sky and the sun is blocked." I have already set up the formation array, and it is divided into East, South, West, White Tiger, South Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise, each of you take a spot, sit cross-legged, and pour all of your mana into this formation, everything will be fine, the rest is up to me. "

So, it wasn't that hard to guard. I sat cross-legged in my seat, which was the Vermillion Bird's seat in the south. Since I had the Fire Phoenix's protection, it should be safe to come to this place.

Zhang Shaowu was on the Eastern Azure Dragon's seat. I later on found out that there was an Azure Dragon tattoo on his body that was protected by the Azure Dragon, so he was also in a safe position.

The Big Brother Fu was seated in the northern seat, while Shuo Yue was in the White Tiger's seat. It was only later on that I found out that the two of them were not protected by the corresponding Divine Beasts, so if there was any danger, the two of them would be tricked first.

Sitting on my own array, I gathered all of the Spiritual Energy in my body. I didn't expect that activating this huge array would have the same effect as sending sand and stones flying.

When the formation was activated, it was as if we had entered another space. In this space, all of the items were floating in midair. The thunderstorm in the sky was raging, completely unable to penetrate this space. We have already entered a very tightly wrapped barrier.

As expected of the only disciple I have in my previous life, I know that some people don't care about their family background when they take in disciples. There is a big reason, that is, some people indeed have excellent foundations.

Shuo Yue was undoubtedly such a prodigy, and maybe she had a strong connection with his physique that was half human and half ghost.

When I opened my eyes, I felt that the barrier that I was in was getting bigger and bigger. He could already become a spatial existence.

As far as I'm concerned, a barrier is just another dimension's world. In the memories of my past life, the thing that I have the most deeply impression of is that during that great battle, a great enchanter set up a huge barrier, allowing all of the flames of war and smoke to enter the barrier. As for the people outside the barrier, they are still peaceful and safe, without any threat.

However, the memories that I recalled were incomplete. I was still unable to recall who the great World Spiritist was.

I felt that the barrier that I was in was getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure that was being imperceptibly generated was getting bigger and bigger. In an instant, I felt as though I was being pressured by the air currents around me.

Shuo Yue's voice sounded at this time, "You must not be disturbed in any way. Otherwise, a loophole will appear in the barrier that has been disturbed and all of our efforts will be for naught."

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