"I said, in fact I don't really care, a gentleman does things but not what he does. You will not regret what I have done. He told me that he had been making choices all his life, but this was the best time for him to make a decision. From the day he met you, he understood one thing. There are many emotions in this world that are more important than your own life, and there are many bright things in this world that are worthy of being cherished and protected. "

Hearing his words, tears started to flow down his face. What virtue or ability did I have? It turned out that I just knew that after going through so many risks, I have become a copper tendon and iron bone. I just didn't expect that at the critical moment, I would still be so helpless. It was still difficult for my friends by my side to help me resist.

Seeing my dejected expression, Zhang Shaowu seemed to have understood my heart, "You don't have to be too sad. We have done this pretty well. The threat that the Demon City posed to the human world has been completely eliminated. Furthermore, we do not fight with bloodshed. "

I slowly nodded my head. "So what if I win?" I do not even dare to think about Li He Yue, Shuo Yue, and even Zhang Ziyuan. If any of them were to die without being cured, I am afraid that in this life, there will be an unerasable scar in my heart. "

Perhaps I was too tired, or perhaps I didn't dare to think about it anymore. I returned to my comfort and laid down on the bed, falling into a deep sleep.

He could not sleep peacefully, and dreamed all kinds of dreams, such as those that were afraid of hope, those that were in pain, or those that were happy. It was as if he had experienced the vicissitudes of life this night.

I even fell into a dream while I was still deeply exhausted, and didn't want to wake up … At least, in this dream, Zhang Ziyuan is really real. He stayed by my side and didn't abandon me …

When I opened my eyes, it was already early in the morning. I was worried about Shuo Yue's injuries as I quickly jumped off the bed and ran towards his room.

How is he? Seeing Fu Junqing coming out of his room, I asked anxiously.

His condition could be considered stable. His injuries were already slowly healing, but for some reason, he was still deep in sleep. Just when would he wake up? I don't know...

Seeing my depressed expression, he lightly patted on my shoulder and said, "Don't be sad, there's a piece of good news for you to hear. Just now, the hospital called and said that Li He Yue has escaped from life and has awoken."

"Really?" I do not dare to disturb Shuo Yue, so I plan to go and see Li He Yue.

There was nothing wrong with Li He Yue's wound, but she had lost a lot of blood. When she came back, she sent him to the hospital to recuperate. It was said that she had been unconscious all this time.

After being unconscious for such a long period of time, I should have eaten something light. Thus, I made myself a bowl of porridge. He caught a taxi and arrived at the hospital. As expected, he found that the kid was awake and in good spirits.

"Little girl Su Su, I didn't think that you would come to see me after I wake up. It seems that you care about me a lot!"

"Smooth talker, hurry up and finish the porridge. It will be cold in a moment. How can you only use the nutrient solution after not eating for such a long time?" You must be hungry, right? "

"You even brought me something to eat, you must have made it yourself, it really moved me. "Oh right, I heard that I've been unconscious for almost a week. How's it going?"

"It's over, everything is going smoothly …"

"That's great then. We did not leave for nothing this time. I did not get injured for nothing!" "Hmm, I really didn't see it. Your cooking skills are quite good!"

I am really speechless. I can even see the skill behind the boiled rice porridge, right? It's not bad that he didn't try to make a fool of himself?

Seeing that I was dejected and didn't say anything, he asked me doubtfully, "Your mood doesn't seem right. If everything goes well, you shouldn't be so dejected. Something must have gone wrong?" "It's okay. Just tell me and see if there's anything I can do to help."

"It was really successful, don't think too much, it's just that Shuo Yue was severely injured and she disappeared without a trace, I wonder where she went …"

I lowered my head and told him everything that had happened in the past few days. He frowned as he listened.

"Damn it. If I had not received serious injuries, I might not have reached such a state with regards to the Spirit Formation. It's all because I'm useless …"

"Why are you blaming yourself? This matter has nothing to do with you anyway."

"If I wasn't injured, I probably wouldn't have helped you guys. To be honest, I'm an expert in the enchantment, if I could find out about this, Shuo Yue might be fine."

"So that's how it is. You all seem to be world spiritists ah. Only I don't understand …"

"But you're proficient in mechanical technique and illusion techniques, no one can be decathlon."

"But if I had known a bit about the general knowledge of a barrier, perhaps the situation would have been different …"

"If you're really interested in me, I can teach you when I've recovered!"

Even though I really want to agree, but thinking about the man before me, I have some expectations for her. What if she takes advantage of this opportunity? Confess to me again? Then should I agree or not?

"Let's talk about it after your injuries have fully recovered. I'll come see you tomorrow and go back first. Oh right, you can call me if you want something to eat. I'll make it for you."

"I don't think there's anything serious wrong with it now. Even if it's all disassembled, I'll just have to get the discharge office so that you don't have to run around."

"The medical conditions here are good, we can't send Shuo Yue to the hospital to treat her wounds, if not we wouldn't be in such a hurry. "You can stay for two more days. You can go back when everything is completely fine."

In the end, Li He Yue still went through the discharge procedures herself and returned to my rain house. He had never seen anyone as reckless as her, who did not care about his body at all. He wanted to send her back, but seeing his pitiful eyes, he felt embarrassed to speak again.

In this period of time, the only thing that I couldn't let go of was that Demon Lord had said that once the barrier was formed, he would come back to me to explain the situation, allowing me to be relieved. But after a few days, there wasn't any information at all.

Strange, could it be that the inside of the Demon City was also in chaos because of this barrier? When I thought about how I met a few of them leaving behind the Xishan's tomb, I felt that things weren't that simple.

I'll probably have to make a trip. Other than the mixed bloodlines of the two races, the people who constructed the barrier could also pass through the agarwood Gate.

"You can go alone, no, it's too dangerous!"

"Then let Big Brother Fu come with me, it's not good to bring too many people, after all, the two of us have already reached a peaceful solution, if possible, don't make a move."

When I arrived at the place where the door was, I discovered that the exterior of the barrier had been perfectly covered. The door was built in the shape of a house, and after entering the house with the door, I entered the Demon World.

When the people of the Demon City saw that we had arrived, they were initially on alert. "What are you guys doing here after concluding the peace treaty between us?"

Don't worry, only the four of us are able to enter this door. Since we are the people who constructed the enchantment, we will not do anything bad to you, but I am worried about the Demon Lord, he had promised me before that he would meet me once we were done here, but even after all these days, we have not been able to find a trace of it.

The Demon General sighed and said, "It's not that he's not willing to see you all, it's because he's heavily injured and doesn't have much time left to live …"

I was surprised. "What are you seriously injured about? Could it be that something happened to him? "

My mind is spinning fast, Demon Lord is heavily injured, it is just like injuring humans, could it be? At the beginning of the construction of the barrier, what sort of danger did he encounter?

"Did you not know that on the day of the Spirit Formation construction, because the few of you had limited mana and could not endure such huge pressure, the Spirit Formation was going to collapse. Our Demon Lord bravely stepped forward and exhausted all of our magical power in our lifetime, helping you to support the entire barrier which had already relaxed, so that it would not collapse. However, even though he is a Demon Lord, with his identity as a hybrid of the human and demon races, his body is extremely weak. This time, he used up all of his energy, and now, his life is coming to an end … "

After hearing this, I felt so stunned that I couldn't speak anymore. It turns out that what I saw that day wasn't an illusion. He really came to help us.

Furthermore, he had used his entire life's worth of Fa Li. Perhaps what he was thinking was that his Demons was living and working happily, that's why he would do such a thing.

After all, he was there to help me back then. If it weren't for him, not only would the Spirit Formation fail to work, the four of us would not have been able to escape.

"This friend of mine is a very powerful genius doctor. Let him see, there might be hope!" I suddenly remembered that Fu Junqing came with me today.

"Really? Then let's give it a try. Please come in with me! Hearing that there is still a glimmer of hope left in our master, that Demon General quickly let us in. "

It was still lying in the same coffin as before. The look on Yi Xiao Han's face was very familiar to me. In this period of time, I have experienced too much pain and suffering. Now, there is an extra person who sacrificed himself for the whole affair. Even though I haven't known him for long, I know that everything he has done for his own people is worth more than a thousand pounds.

"Demon Lord is me, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Maybe because he heard my voice, Demon Lord slowly opened his eyes. He didn't seem to think that I would personally come to see him.

"That voice was very weak. I placed my ear next to his mouth and barely heard it. I didn't expect you to really come. I thought I wouldn't be able to see you one last time …"

"What are you talking about? I've brought the best doctor with me, you won't have a problem! "

"He shook his head weakly. It's no use, I'm not sick. Doctors can't cure me …"

I don't believe it. How can he say that? I looked up at him questioningly, hoping he would give me a definite answer.

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