My wife, don't be afraid. I have everything.

It was only later that I understood what she meant when she told me to shuffle the cards. Over there, Big Brother Ah Sang only smiled and nodded his head, "That's right, you're not lying to me?" He was indeed not proficient in this way. If he couldn't feign anything like this, then it was true that he wouldn't reshuffle. Lass, let me teach you to play all the cards again. Then you can break up the order, fold it into three rows, and split it between the two of us.

It was actually quite easy to do what he asked, so I gave them two sets of cards.

Actually, I really hope that I can understand the profoundness behind this. When dividing the cards like this, it means that I have cheated for Zhang Ziyuan.

There were six cards in front of each of them. Both sides seemed to be deep in thought about how to open the bet, but neither side said a word.

The boss secretly opened his cards and revealed a sly smile. It seemed like he was confident of winning, and when he looked at Zhang Ziyuan, his brows were furrowed, as if the cards in his hands were not easy to guess.

The person who comes is a guest, I am the manager. You can start first, I will follow you!

Zhang Ziyuan hesitated for a moment, then I guess that the points in your hand must be bigger than mine, I bet my little!

I was surprised when he did this, although I had never placed a bet before, but I finally understood the rules of this episode. If it was said that he took out a deck of cards with very little points, he would naturally guess that the other party's points were definitely higher than his, and vice versa.

Is that so? That's really embarrassing. I also guess that since my points are small, your points are bigger than mine …

What's the situation? In this way, the match would be decided?

Zhang Ziyuan smiled, although I do not like to gamble, and am not a gambler, but this time, I am happy, go!

The two of them pulled out the first card and turned it over. Zhang Ziyuan said it was six, but the other party said it was two points …

At this moment, my heart really rose to my throat. So it turns out that Zhang Ziyuan's points was actually this huge, then why did he have to guess that his points were even smaller than the other party's? Or could it be that the first card was only a smoke bomb, and the next few were the killer's trump cards?

The boss had already started to relax. He understood that the other party was a newbie who couldn't gamble.

He already had an 80 chance of winning.

Sometimes, young people must know how to restrain themselves. If it was a desperate bet, it was very possible that they would fall in a small ditch.

Ah Sang could not help but become pleased with himself and started to teach Zhang Ziyuan, who looked much younger than him, a lesson.

Then do you believe that I am older than you?

I really can't see it. Actually, I always felt that being young was a form of capital. I think highly of you.

The two of them chatted nonchalantly, as if it had nothing to do with the bet. They only wanted to distract each other's attention.

The second card was flipped and coincidentally, Zhang Ziyuan still had six points in his hand, while the other party had three points.

I simply covered my eyes and didn't dare to look anymore. If this goes on, I will lose the first round.

Young man, what do you say?

Zhang Ziyuan still maintained his indifferent expression. I want to tell you something, unless it's the last moment, no one will know who will win, so don't be happy too early.

When he said these words, the other party would feel a great sense of guilt. After all, if an ordinary person was in this situation, they would have long since kowtowed and admitted defeat. As for him, although he saw that his points were at a disadvantage, he still had a bright smile on his face.

Right now, Zhang Ziyuan had a total of twelve points, while the other party only had five.

Continue? My heart is about to jump to my throat for Zhang Ziyuan's third card, four points.

Although it was a bit less than the previous two, it was still a big card.

The other person flipped open the third card, six points.

I nearly cheered out loud. When I reached Chapter 3, I finally managed to change the route. It seems that the final outcome is still unknown.

But in the current situation, Zhang Ziyuan was 18 points, Ah Sang was 12 points.

After careful calculation, he found that the gap between the two was still that wide. If the last three couldn't be turned around, then he would definitely lose the first round.

As he flipped through the cards one by one, he had already reached the fifth chapter. My math is not good, but is the number calculated accurate? I repeatedly calculated the number of points that the two had before deciding that Ah Sang was currently at 22 points while Zhang Ziyuan was at 23 points.

He was probably going to lose this time. If it weren't for the points on the last card, the difference would have been huge. This small gap seemed to have truly returned.

How about it, young man? How did he feel about betting with an experienced gambler?

He smiled at the last card separating them, one.

It's over. My mood has already dropped to its lowest point. I've completely lost …

However, I didn't complain at all to Zhang Ziyuan; after all, he did his best. Besides, there were still two more rounds to go. Perhaps the other party was more proficient in gambling, and it would be difficult for him to do so with something else in his place.

The four of us are truly capable. We know a bit of all kinds of skills. I don't believe that I will lose to him in the final two matches!

But, something unexpected happened. Zhang Ziyuan smiled, boss, until the last moment of the matter, no one will know what the result is. As I said earlier, don't be happy too early, the outcome is still unknown.

As he spoke, he picked up the last card and held it tightly in his hand. Zassler looked at him with a strange expression, not knowing what to do.

Zhang Ziyuan firmly held onto the last card, and flipped it over before smashing it onto the table. Everyone opened their eyes wide, and looked at the two of them.

Although the end result was already expected, the tense atmosphere couldn't be relieved no matter what. This so-called mind reading map was like this. Until the last moment, it was always unwilling to admit that it had already lost and would never have the chance to make a comeback.

However, when everyone saw the last card on Zhang Ziyuan's hand, they were all stunned.

What was going on? His eyes were wide open as he looked at the last card in disbelief. He originally already had 24 points in his last situation, but Zhang Ziyuan, who already had 24 points, no matter what kind of card he used, had already lost.

However, he never expected that the card he turned over would have nothing on it.

In the next second, everyone reacted. Zhang Ziyuan was holding onto the card tightly, and used all his strength to smooth out the points on the card!

This move was truly amazing. Most likely, no one had expected him to do such a thing.

How's the boss? Let the number of people count these points. In the end, whose is more and whose is less?

The boss in front of him finally understood why Zhang Ziyuan was so adamant on betting on him after seeing his cards.

It seemed like he had planned this from the very beginning. In front of an old gambler, he was bold enough to play such tricks.

However, this boss was used to calling the wind and summoning the rain. Most likely, no one in the casino would dare to win it. At this time, their faces had already turned completely black.

Don't you think this is cheating? There is a rule for gambling. If you have your own way of doing things, I will lose uncomfortably.

As the boss of a casino, you should understand one thing. I don't believe it at all. When you were building the village, you didn't get into trouble?

Besides, our previous rules only bet who was the strongest and we didn't say that we would follow the rules. The current situation is that my points are smaller than yours, and I guessed right. Can't you afford to lose? If you insist on not admitting defeat, then I will rush to your casino right now. I want to see how you will use your cheating skills to deceive so many people. Let them lose everything, let them lose all their reputation!

He truly had an imposing manner! He's been around me too long, hiding all the light that belongs to him, and now, he's finally showing his face, showing off his domineering CEO side!

Don't say it, I still quite like this side of him.

My face has already completely turned into a infatuated state, with blood and saliva flowing from my nose. Thinking that this outstanding man in front of me is my husband, I couldn't help but laugh happily.

Ah Sang smiled. Well, young people have their own pride, I can understand that. But I can do what you can.

He picked up a card that had six points on it, extended his hand and wiped off all the points on it.

Oh, no, all your cards have been turned over. I couldn't help but shout. I couldn't let Bai Yi's victory come to me. He flew away just like that.

Ah Sang smiled and shook his head. Do I have a witness here? Is there a camera? If not, who can prove what time was my card? Now that he's a whiteboard, I can say, Him! No! Yes!

Furthermore, it was the overlord of a region. He was truly too shameless. Not only was he unable to afford to lose, he even acted in such a disdainful manner.

I wanted to explode, but Master Zhang stopped me, and told me in a low voice that he mustn't fall out with him at this moment, this is his world after all, we cannot differentiate between the wind and the waves, we must follow his footsteps, and make him convinced of his defeat, only then will we have a chance to go over.

Fine, I really want to fight with this rascal in front of me. However, the surroundings are filled with his men. Even if I say anything, he wouldn't listen to me.

Just as I was about to take over from him, where he had already lost, Zhang Ziyuan suddenly laughed and stood up.

That's right, there is already no one who can prove the number of points you have for that card. Since these people are my friends, they will naturally speak for me. So what?

Ah Sang was completely dumbfounded. Evidence? What a joke! How could there be such a thing?

Zhang Ziyuan smiled, he walked in front of Ah Sang and picked up the six cards in his right hand, the evidence was all on the table, what do you think?

At this time, I was also extremely curious. I rushed over to the table and saw that the six cards that belonged to Ah Sang were deeply branded on the table.

This time, the boss was really dumbfounded. What was this? Who did it? When did this happen!?

I think, boss, you have to admit it this time?

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