Speaking of which, it was already a public disagreement.

The two were the bosses of one side, so they should be on par with each other, but if they really fought, what would happen? Obviously, no one else was around, could it be that the First Lady was going to do it herself?

If they really did attack, which side should I help? This question has been on my mind for a long time. Perhaps watching them struggle against each other is the most sensible thing for me to do. That is to say, the biggest winner in the end should be me.

He didn't know why he had become so tactful. Or perhaps the dispute between them had nothing to do with me.

Sure enough, neither of them had a good temper. Since they had already fallen out, why not make a move earlier?

I finally understood that his strength isn't just based on his brain and intelligence. If they were to fight, none of them would be willing to give up.

In the back room that day, the First Lady told me about her past.

He was a noble to begin with, and was born with a noble bloodline. It was no wonder that he was so elegant and noble here, not inferior to others at all.

Unfortunately, because of a dispute, his family had fallen into a dispute with the underworld. When he was still young, his family had already fallen into a trap, and she had been adopted by the underworld boss.

Although the boss treated her quite well, but as he grew older, the boss only used it as a trading tool.

He kept using her, wanting to maximize the benefits of the chess piece he had cultivated.

In the end, she couldn't bear it any longer. The feeling of living in darkness, he was a person who aimed for the light, so he secretly planned a rebellion.

He was someone who dared to take responsibility for his actions. If he won, he would be able to stand up for himself for the rest of his life. However, if he lost, he would die a graveless death.

In the end, he still did not think about his light. He only thought that fate was playing a joke on him, and just when he thought that his life was at stake, he felt like a person was brought to Netherworld Valley.

The First Lady still hadn't figured out who that person was. She only knew that the man was deeply attracted to her and wanted to save his life.

It was the same man who, before dying, had poured all his blood into the First Lady. From then on, the First Lady was no longer a normal person.

There was no other way. Without power, it was impossible to gain a foothold in this place. From that moment on, the First Lady became someone who lived for herself.

He felt that he was younger and prettier, with fairer skin, but he would never be able to see the light of day again.

The price of reaching the top was too high. Perhaps people like me would never understand the sadness behind her smile.

But the blood of the dead did make the First Lady a peerless expert.

Ah Sang's kung fu skills seemed to be quite good as well. With every move he made, he revealed the kind of fighting style that risked his life in the underworld.

However, the only thing he did not have an advantage over was that he was surrounded by the First Lady's guards. If he was alerted, he might not be able to escape.

I was watching two people, both of whom had trusted me and wanted to work with me on important matters.

At this time, there was already a ruckus outside, as if the night meeting had reached its climax with colorful fireworks in the sky.

When he saw the fireworks outside the window, a proud smile appeared on his face.

There are some things you'll never be able to imagine, First Lady. You've been in this position for too long.

Hearing him say that, I understood that the fireworks he would release at the peak of the tide were the signals he gave to his subordinates.

After all, I've asked around before. There are quite a few items in the noble district which were transported from the other two places. Especially downtown, where there is a special fireworks workshop, I think it must be the work of Zan.

The First Lady also seemed to have guessed that the fireworks were strange and that you should know about these things. I didn't only rely on luck and that lotus flower to climb from nowhere to where I am now.

What you're relying on doesn't matter anymore. The only thing you have to worry about now is how you will end up. Perhaps at that time, you will regret not dying but instead flee to Netherworld Valley.

At this time, there were some odd sounds coming from outside. In fact, there were even some shouts of battle faintly sounding out.

The nobles, who were in the midst of a drunken stupor, seemed to have noticed the approaching danger. The noisy banquet immediately came to a halt.

Noticing the change in the situation outside, the fighting in the reception hall suddenly stopped. It was as if the fight between them was just a spin-off for the whole situation. It didn't matter who won or lost.

Just as the big boss was feeling pleased with himself, Li Li rushed in. Boss, we were ambushed! Hurry up and leave with me. If we don't run now, all of us will die here!

The boss was stunned. What happened? Wasn't everything going according to plan?

The first lady saw Li Li rushing in and was surprised. So you are that spy, you have done a good job of hiding yourself, I have been investigating for a long time, but you did not let me catch you at all.

Li Li seemed to understand as well. The whole thing had already been exposed, her only thought now was to escape. He picked up her boss' hand and liked to rush over. She had time to explain it to you, but the people who came in were already controlled by an invisible force and surrounded!

Asan was a man who refused to admit defeat. Why? Did something go wrong with the plan?

The only thing I can be sure of is that the seven-step lotus flower is still in their hands and is currently in bloom. It is probably the Lotus' power that allowed the people here to be fearless and gain protection.

Just why was this happening … He had been planning for so long, and he had been waiting for an opportunity for so many years. He had finally found a partner that was suitable for him, but who would have thought that he would fall into someone else's trap?

Li Li thought about it, the only possibility left was that those people had betrayed him!

You mean those four people? I've never missed anyone in my life. Those four are on the First Lady's side.

First Lady, he said, shaking his head gently, you have not been betrayed by anyone.

He didn't know what to feel for Ah Sang, but he would probably feel like he was carried up into the clouds and then thrown down heavily onto the ground.

Even if I die, I will drag you down with me! Smelly woman, come with me to hell today!

Boss! Li Li probably never thought that her boss would actually give up on running away, and wholeheartedly wanted to kill the First Lady.

She had suppressed this tone for too long. If he failed this time, then he would never be able to say another word or two. If that was the case, he would truly be suffering a fate worse than death.

Li Li knew that she could not dissuade her boss, she could only hope to end this quickly. He also pulled out her own weapon and attacked towards the First Lady.

When two people fought against one person, the First Lady was at a disadvantage. After all, he had just recently given birth, so his stamina might not have fully recovered yet.

With two fists unable to contend against four hands, he gradually fell into a disadvantageous position and was kicked out.

At this moment, I was still conflicted. However, when I saw the situation unfold, I rushed out without the slightest hesitation. When these two people wanted to continue their attack.

It's you? You have indeed betrayed us. Forget it, if I lose, I will believe you foreigners!

You're wrong. You didn't lose because you trusted us, but because you were no match for the First Lady. His intellect is beyond your imagination. You always feel that you are no worse than anyone else, and why you are only a middle-class person. But don't forget, there is always someone more powerful than you.

What do you mean? I have plotted for so many years, and I don't think that they have input. If it wasn't for you revealing our plan, they would have guessed it!

Not only did he not accept his defeat, he even pushed the blame for it onto me. It was truly lamentable.

Forget it, he didn't understand it even if he was told. After all, he was a vulgar person, and he always felt that the rules of this world were like him being a hoodlum. There were many truths that he did not understand. Even if you just ignore it, I won't say anything about it. But what I didn't expect is that you would actually protect me.

The First Lady patted the dirt off her body in a graceful gesture, as if she were born with it. No matter where she went, she always made herself look like a very upper-class aristocrat.

Li Li seemed to be a rational person here. He pulled her boss and ran out, but no matter what, there was still a mountain to be seen.

You're letting them go like this? I asked doubtfully.

Of course not, I had already expected that he would come looking for me ahead of time. Moreover, his obsession with me had already surpassed everyone's imagination, he was hoping for me to come to Huzhou, but what they did not expect was that their own actions would be exposed.

I suddenly shivered. All along, I had underestimated this woman. Perhaps fate was unfair to her, but she used her wisdom and wits to achieve a breakthrough. This was an unfair fate.

It was already chaotic outside. The First Lady tidied up her appearance and gracefully left. There were some things that had to be done by him.

We stayed in the reception room, and I didn't want to go out. The conflict outside had nothing to do with me, and I didn't want to know what the First Lady did with the prisoners. I sat quietly in the reception room, waiting for the First Lady to wake up and tell me that things had been settled and we could leave Netherworld Valley.

I didn't expect that we would encounter such a huge problem this time … Master Zhang was actually a coward. Although he had the spirit of adventure, when facing a real threat, he was still terrified.

Big Brother Fu teased him. How about it? The last time you came, it wasn't so exciting. With the rest of us, your life will never be boring.

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