In truth, Master Zhang had made this trip worthwhile, he thought that the seven-step lotus flower she was about to see, had finally gotten what he wanted.

Ever since he came back, he had trapped himself in his room. We all knew that he wanted to use his clever hands to make something that was exactly the same as the seven-step lotus flower.

Seeing how excited he was, I didn't have the nerve to dampen his enthusiasm. Actually, he could always turn a dead thing into a living one. However, after knowing the principles behind it, he could understand that it was actually just like magic. Everything was fake.

The so called living merely uses some mana and the principles of the mechanical technique to let the stationary things move. But in the end, he was unable to truly give those things life.

Just like the seven-step lotus flower, it was a type of plant that had life force, something that could never be copied. Just like a human's life, it could never be replicated or repeated.

Maybe, before the Master Zhang mastered this technique, he had many beautiful fantasies, but I hope that he would understand this principle in the future.

Big Brother Fu, I have already gotten the petal, I am afraid, it won't be long before he leaves the body, and he will slowly lose all his moisture and wither away. Should we make it into a scented sachet as soon as possible?

Fu Junqing nodded his head, that was what I thought too. However, I am afraid that this flower petal alone has a limited number of scented sachet to speak of. I can only try to make as many as I can without affecting the effect.

There is a limit to the number of people. That is to say, if we are to go to the Constellation Sea, we won't be able to send out all of our members. We won't even be able to send out a few.

Big Brother Fu, I will leave everything to you!

Asan was a vampire, and I didn't dare tell anyone else, for fear of causing unnecessary panic. Furthermore, from his observation, what he said was the truth. Normally, he didn't need to drink human blood, but when he had no other choice, he would use the blood of animals to replace it.

I feel a lot more at ease this way.

Actually, the two of them had a straightforward character, so it was actually very easy to get along with them. I am also a very soft-hearted person. If they need my help, I will not decline.

That night, Li Li indeed gave me the cosmetics, it was truly a very mystical technique. I had just learned it, and felt that I had already grasped many of the secrets, and with the outer court's deeper understanding, there was still the possibility of turning a woman into a man, and a child into an old man. All of these are possible.

On this day, I finally used the cosmetics I just learned, and prepared to give Zhang Ziyuan a pleasant surprise.

I'm dressed like a seventeen or eighteen year old girl. The skin on my face is white and tight, and my appearance is also much younger. If one didn't look carefully, one wouldn't be able to tell that this was me.

As a result, when I first entered the room, Zhang Siyuan was stunned for a moment. This girl, who are you? Why did you call me here?

It was only when I looked into those big, confused eyes that I realized he really didn't recognize me.

I felt a bit of regret in my heart. After all, I was the person who was the most familiar with me. Even though I had disguised myself, you should have remembered my eyes and actions.

However, looking at his blank face, I felt an urge to tease him.

This little brother is quite handsome. You don't need to worry about who I am. I just need to know who you are. Can you let me in first?

I really wanted to burst out laughing in my heart, I don't know how did I become so unruly. Could it be that I want to use this method to test Zhang Ziyuan's sincerity?

I'm sorry, girl, there's no friendship between us. My wife would have misunderstood if I invited you in. Sorry, if you have something to say, you can say it at the door.

Ah? Why was there such a righteous man in the Orange Garden when I was there? No, in my opinion, men are all the same, and the difference between a wife and a wife is very big.

Don't be so sentimental? In any case, your wife isn't here right now, so he won't be able to see what you're doing. I'm just going in to say a few words to you, don't think too much.

I tried to change my voice and manner so that I could not be seen.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Ziyuan is more cunning than I thought.

Well, if you're sure my wife won't be back now, come in.

I felt a surge of anger. Look! He was also acting this way, making sure that he wasn't here right now, then he would do whatever he wanted!

I pretended to be very happy as I quickly entered the door. I felt like a lunatic. I was struggling with myself and then eating my vinegar. Why bother?

At the beginning, I felt that this sort of thing was rather interesting. At least I could tease the other party a bit, but I didn't expect that your heart would become displeased.

The reason is, after I entered the room, Zhang Siyuan actually locked the door from the inside. What was his heart at ease with?

I almost blurted it out. In order to expose him, I decided to put up with it for the time being.

Lil 'Bro, you're so annoying. Why did you lock the door? What do you want? I made my voice so coquettish that I felt a little sick.

Don't you know what I want? Are you thinking differently from me?

My heart seemed to miss a beat, my heart mixed feelings, I do not know what it was like.

He felt like his voice started to tremble. "Little brother, didn't you say that your wife is about to come back?" Aren't you afraid of him catching you?

Don't worry, my wife is very magnanimous. He wouldn't care about this sort of thing. But for you, I am becoming more and more interested. Say it, what's your name? Where are you from? How old are you?

I feel light on the top of my head now. I feel that life is meaningless from now on.

You, guess, guess right, I'll tell you! Already incoherent …

Alright, let me guess. If I'm right, what do you want me to do tonight?

Well, guess what, I'll say it was wrong! Humph! It turns out that on the surface, you look like a well-dressed person, but it was the same thought that went down your mind. Today, I will expose your true colors! I won't let you have the guts to betray me and go find another woman!

Alright, then I'll keep my word!

I guess you're twenty-eight this year, right?

Zhang Ziyuan, are you blind? My face right now is obviously only that of a teenager. You can even guess that I'm 28 years old.

Your birthplace is in Zhejiang, an unknown small mountain village, where the mountains and water, the environment quiet.

Ah? Could it be? He is the legendary divine rod? He knows how to judge a person's appearance? Why, look at my age and my hometown so accurate...

As for your name, I'm guessing you must be surnamed Su …

Alright, I admit that I wasn't the one who tricked him this time. Still, he tricked me …

You already knew it was me. Why didn't you say so earlier? So annoying. I've been raising this show for such a long time for nothing, and my heart has been in turmoil for a long time as well …

Zhang Ziyuan exposed my conspiracy in front of everyone, and laughed out loud, who would have thought, at this crucial point, you still want to make fun of me? However, in the beginning, I really did not see it. I did not expect your cosmetics to become so high.

I'm not happy. So when did you see me?

Don't you have too little confidence in our relationship? We've been together for such a long time, yet I still don't understand your every move and behavior! As time passes, you will naturally know that it was you who pretended to be it. When I let him in, I recognized him.

So, if you don't see that it's me, you won't let a strange woman into your room?

Zhang Ziyuan laughed and sighed. I think it's not that you don't trust me right now, it's just that you're a little childish, and that's true, too many things have happened recently, so the pressure on you is too great. It's understandable for you to be interested in things for a moment, but let me seriously tell you, other than you, I will not have any interest in other women in this world.

Alright, even though I was made a fool of by him this time, I am still rather happy in my heart. At least, it confirms his sincerity.

You haven't said it yet. What do you think of my new appearance?

I have a lot of thoughts. Since the sun has set over the Xishan and the sky is already dark, I will naturally do what I need to do. And don't forget, you've already promised me that if I can tell you your name, residence, and age, you'll have to listen to me tonight …

F * ck me! This was a trap, a trap! Actually, I should have reacted when he said that.

Forget it, I'm willing to accept the loss. If you really like it, then I'll keep my face hidden forever!

Wife, there are some things you might not understand. Love a person with your heart, and you won't care what she looks like. Perhaps your wool right now is indeed younger and prettier. However, this is only your false image and is not the real Su Su. No matter how you turn into, I like it from the bottom of my heart.

Oh, if you say so, then I'll go and take off my makeup. This thing's face is really quite itchy. If I'm not used to it, then it would be quite awkward …

Zhang Ziyuan laughed, and quickly went to take off his makeup, the human skin mask had been on his face for a long time, making it look like pimples.

Really? Stop talking, I need to get it off!

As a result, even though it was a Spring Festival Gala night, Zhang Ziyuan was originally a gentle and considerate lover.

I grumbled in my heart. I'm not made of paper.

Of course, I can't say that out loud. I'm still a shy girl.

But for some reason, every single one of his actions tonight made my heart move. Perhaps it was a confession of true love before going to bed, but I suddenly feel like the past, the so-called love, has finally been truly grasped in my hands …

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